Many people believe it’s an astounding $18 after a post on X of McDonald’s menu prices at a rest stop in Connecticut went viral and made national headlines. (Narrator voice: It’s not.)

Now, almost a year after the post, a top McDonald’s executive wants to set the record straight. In a recent letter, Joe Erlinger, president of McDonald’s USA, said $18 for a Big Mac combo was the “exception” and not the norm across all 13,700 restaurants in the country.

The average price of a Big Mac in the US was $4.39 in 2019,” Erlinger said in his recent letter. “Despite a global pandemic and historic rises in supply chain costs, wages and other inflationary pressures in the years that followed, the average cost is now $5.29. That’s an increase of 21% (not 100%),” he added.

  • @PenguinMage
    1368 months ago

    Until these assholes stop taking in record profits each year & their ceos get more money than some countries generate they can fuck off on saying wages are a problem. The working poor deserve every penny they can get.

    • @joekar1990
      458 months ago

      Agree. None of these CEOs have any groundbreaking ideas either. It’s all the same strategies for short term profits rather than longer sustainable growth.

      • @ArbiterXero
        98 months ago

        They’re paid in stock, so line must go up because MONEY.

    • @ArbiterXero
      178 months ago

      That’s just it, as a business owner, some years may be good, and some years may be bad.

      So some years your profit should be less.

      That doesn’t mean you’re going under. Less profit is still profit. That means everyone (including yourself) has been paid and you have money left over.

      But because CEOs are paid mostly in stock, the profits have to rise every year, for no necessary reason besides “I like money”

      And eventually that’ll break, and it’ll happen all at once.

  • @Jerkface
    748 months ago

    Did anyone else feel like this article just reads like an ad for their new value menu?

    • @[email protected]
      298 months ago

      Yes. There should probably be some sort of disclaimer about how much Rotten Rons paid for this incredibly in-depth reporting.

  • @[email protected]
    648 months ago

    They’re scared. Continue to avoid McDonald’s and they’ll keep lowering prices. We have the power because we have the money they want and can choose where to spend it.

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      we have the money

      With the way things are going for the lower and middle classes, that’s a bold statement…

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        I see what you’re saying but the fact is any money we have is the money these types of companies are after, they’re not expecting rich people to keep McDonald’s afloat. They’re relying on commuters in a hurry, busy moms with whiny toddlers, people too tired after a day of work to cook for themselves etc. Voting with those dollars, however limited they may be, is the most powerful form of influence the lower class has.

    • @NotMyOldRedditName
      28 months ago

      I’ve been doing my part for over 15 years now.

      I’ve only had to go 2 or 3 times on roadtrips when they were literally the only option, always late at night.

  • Chainweasel
    8 months ago

    I would admit I used to get McDonald’s quite a bit for lunch because it was pretty cheap. But, where I live a Big Mac meal is on average about $16 right now and I can get a burrito bowl from Chipotle with a drink for $13.
    I’m not saying Chipotle is high quality food but I don’t think anyone’s going to argue it’s not better quality than McDonald’s, so why on earth would I pay more for McDonald’s?
    They overreached on their price gouging and now they’re just trying to backpedal because they’re losing money.

    • @hamFoilHat
      148 months ago

      Started eating at Culver’s recently. Same price as McDonald’s but tastes like actual good quality hamburgers.

      • @Zron
        28 months ago

        Plus Culver’s always has ice cream

    • sunzu
      48 months ago

      Chiptle is real food… Mcshit ain’t.

      I don’t got to chiptle because customer service is shite tho

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      Pretty sure Chipotle is owned by McDonalds.

      Invest in real food. It is the foundation of your body.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        Pretty sure Chipotle is owned by McDonalds.

        It is not. McDonald’s was an early investor but hasn’t been for a long long time (almost 20 years now), but the idea has stuck around.

      • @KneeTitts
        -18 months ago

        I dunno… sugar is sugar, carbs are carbs, protein is protein, your body is not prejudiced as to where those components comes from

  • @RememberTheApollo_
    618 months ago

    consumers were willing to pay more as their paychecks rose and they were sitting on loads of savings accumulated during the pandemic.

    Wait, who got more money dumping into their savings?

    • @[email protected]
      -38 months ago

      I got 2 stimulus checks for $1200. I didn’t even have to ask, they just showed up. Did you not get those?

      • @RaoulDook
        38 months ago

        That’s not a lot in this context of savings, just about 2 months’ rent or less for a lot of people.

    • @Dkarma
      -248 months ago

      Um, everyone…1500 per kid and then like 3k on top of that then another 6500 check later

      • LeadersAtWork
        108 months ago

        Out of curiosity: How much do you make and what are your monthly expenses?

    • @samus12345
      38 months ago

      “Available for a limited time.” How magnanimous of them.

  • jprice
    348 months ago

    A Mac is worth $3.00. The ingredients cost them $1.60.

    • @EmpathicVagrant
      538 months ago

      Love how they compared the $18 combo to the average price of just the sandwich, it’s just insane to me.

  • @inclementimmigrant
    328 months ago

    Went on a trip recently and we always stop by a McDonald’s for breakfast and holy crap, a freaking hash brown was almost three bucks.

    I get having to pay workers more but that’s just some bullshit price gouging there because there’s no way in hell what workers are still there are getting paid that much better in order to justify a the dollar hash brown.

    • @[email protected]
      228 months ago

      They also have less workers per store now as they employ tablets for ordering, I believe, and some cooking processes have been simplified or removed.

  • Stopthatgirl7
    258 months ago

    They gauged a little too much and boasted about record profits a little too loudly, and now have to deal with backlash. Too bad, so sad. 🙄

  • 555
    218 months ago

    No they aren’t.

  • @Viking_Hippie
    208 months ago

    Imagine working for two hours to be able to afford a single fucking Big Mac meal!

    • @pikmeir
      218 months ago

      Now imagine working for two hours and then having to eat a Big Mac.

      • @[email protected]
        178 months ago

        But a $15 minimum wage will cause prices to skyrocket! …. Prices have skyrocketed, wages remain stagnant.

        • @Mostly_Gristle
          108 months ago

          It’s not that we can’t afford to pay you $15 an hour, or even $30 an hour, but if we did that then we couldn’t give that money to the shareholders. You see, they’ve purchased a certificate which entitles them to the wealth created by your labor. We assure you we can imagine it must be somewhat uncomfortable to live in constant grinding poverty, but you can understand how our hands are tied here. They have a certificate. What are we supposed to do, ask a rich person to be a teeny tiny bit less rich? That’s just crazy talk.

          • @ArbiterXero
            58 months ago

            We promised those shareholders that we’d pay you as little as we can…… you wouldn’t want to make us liars, would you?

      • @Gradually_Adjusting
        58 months ago

        I can make a hamburger and fries in like ten minutes active cooking time for £3, and it’ll have proper beef and be perfect.

        What is even happening at Burger King?

      • Diplomjodler
        -48 months ago

        Imagine not buying overpriced, unhealthy junk food.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          That’s crazy, i can’t comprehend. Americans told me that junk food is cheaper than actual food, so obviously i believe that.

    • @[email protected]
      168 months ago

      Ya can get away with a lot of shit but mess with peoples food and you will end up lashed to a cross. Ya dont fuck with the hierarchy of needs.

        • @[email protected]
          168 months ago

          My point is people get pissed when you mess with available food options, its the principle of the matter. Since food is so important any amount of fucking with food will anger folks due to instinctual reinforcement.

          • @KillerTofu
            -128 months ago

            Playing fast and loose with what constitutes food.

            • @[email protected]
              198 months ago

              You are focusing way too much on the fact that its McDonald’s. The point im making is largely seperate from the quality of said food, and is moreso focused on the fact that people dont generally like being cut off from different sources of food. We all catalog that shit either actively or passively, but if youre hungry and nothing else is available ya aint gonna care about quality.

              Also I have eaten the fucking egg MRE, McDonald’s is certainly closer to food than that abomination.

              • @[email protected]
                78 months ago

                Also I have eaten the fucking egg MRE, McDonald’s is certainly closer to food than that abomination.

                Fucking this. I once went on a week long “survivalist” camping trip. Your options for dinner were catching something yourself, or an MRE. Between the 5 of us that went, we caught exactly one rabbit the whole week.

                We got a mountain of McDoubles(this was back when they were $1) on the way home and it was heavenly in comparison to that shite.

                • @[email protected]
                  48 months ago

                  Oh you dont know the half of it. The egg MRE is one of the ones taken out of military rotation cause of how bad it is, for context Steve1989MRE gagged while eating one this is a man who ate Boar war proto ration and civil war hard tack.

                  I would rather eat a live rat than the egg MRE, no wonder the surplus place I got it from had a fucken warning on it and the dude at the counter made sure I wanted it three times.

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          Some people have it as their only choice due to living in a food desert. Imagine how fucked up is that.

          • @[email protected]
            58 months ago

            If I recall correctly, food deserts tend to be located in areas where poor and/or minorities are located.

            • @[email protected]
              48 months ago

              In either case, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy, since only the poor would remain in a food desert, if you have money, you have options.

  • sunzu
    78 months ago

    Peasants are not buying our over priced trash!

    Why would they do such a thing?

    No way to know, out some PR on it!

  • @[email protected]
    58 months ago

    For me, the most egregious example was huggies diapers increasing prices while production costs went down.