• @Donebrach
    413 hours ago

    If there is any discernible pattern to noise it keeps me awake (talking, music FUCKING STUPID MOTHER-FUCKING NIGHT BIRD). I use a noise machine with white noise or fan sounds running. Creates a lovely sound blanket from that mother-fucking night bird.

  • @ivanafterall
    215 hours ago

    Usually just a fan, but a few nights ago I left The Twilight Zone on in the background and it was very cozy to sleep to.

  • @RebekahWSD
    41 day ago

    I shared a bedroom with my twin, so no audio. I prefer the sound of the AC on over off though, lovely background sound of nothingness.

    • umulu
      119 hours ago

      Almost like white noise, right?

  • @[email protected]
    21 day ago

    As a kid I rarely listened to anything, these days I put on Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy radio show, just go bacl to the start I’ve heard up to the third phase often but not the further ones as much. In the more recent past it may have been a Harry Potter (UK) book or again Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy voiced by Stephen Fry. Guess that’s a lot of UK stuff considering I’m Canadian, but Fry has such a nice voice to drift off to.

  • slazer2au
    303 days ago

    As a kid in Australia a fan.
    As an adult, a fan plus tinnitus

        • @ivanafterall
          115 hours ago

          Assuming there are no power issues, sleeping with fans is much cooler than not sleeping with fans.

  • @Vandals_handle
    92 days ago

    Vin Scully(Dodgers), Dick Engberg(Angels, Rams), Chick Hearn (Lakers) and Jiggs McDonald(Kings) on my 9 volt transistor radio well hidden under the covers. So well hidden that it ended up switched off and in the drawer by morning.

    Breeze, rustle of leaves, sounds from birds and insects. Fan if no breeze.

  • @[email protected]
    15 hours ago

    As a kid I usually listened to CDs from the series “Was ist Was”. Originally it’s a science book series for about 10-15 year old with topics like weather, the sun, mathematics, pirates or vulcanos. The series usually goes pretty in depth for a series more or less aimed at kids.
    Apparently it’s a translation from the series “How and Why Wonder Books”.
    For anyone interested: https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Was_ist_was

    Anyway, I enjoyed listening to the audio versions of the books (they were moderated by characters).

    Later on I just listened to general music.

    Nowadays I do not listen to anything. Sometimes to self recorded sea noises from vacation.
    I uploaded them as well :)
    -> https://on.soundcloud.com/RD6PW

  • Toes♀
    92 days ago

    Hilary Duff CDs on loop. I felt like every song had something to relate too. Anytime I try to play them now and my friends tell be to turn it off.

    Mostly nostalgia for me now. Remembering a time I had dreams.

  • @[email protected]
    52 days ago

    I don’t fall asleep listening to anything but my fan, but reading knocks me the fuck out most nights. Sometimes I can’t make it through a paragraph before catching myself with my eyes completely closed.

  • BubbleMonkey
    103 days ago

    I was nearly always grounded from all electronics from 6-13 (autdhd, and authoritarian parents, bad mix), and had a bedroom with no exterior windows. My window went to a modified 3-season porch thing, in 2 of the 3 places (the third was an apartment for like 6mths, I barely remember it), and that’s where my mom slept, so… really quiet dead silence, mostly, else I was in trouble. Again. Or whatever garbage my mom had on tv, muffled through the wall.

    Now I have tinnitus, so silence is really loud. I have aquariums tho and the hum and bubble of the air pump helps a lot (plus really loud circulation fans).

    • @cheese_greaterOP
      32 days ago

      Gotta check that out. I really like the South Park Christmas album

  • @jimmy90
    22 days ago

    as a kid, current favorite music or radio

    as an adult, science podcasts, movie directors commentaries (ridley scott, francis coppola highly recommend), select rain sounds and currently the watergate senate hearings

  • Björn Tantau
    83 days ago

    As a kid varius radio play cassettes like Benjamin Blümchen, Bibi Blocksberg, later the Star Wars soundtrack.

    Nowadays various science shows on YouTube. Mainly astrophysics stuff. My favourites are Dr Becky, Harald Lesh and PBS Space Time.

  • Vanth
    52 days ago

    I listened to piano music from the Suzuki method. The Suzuki thing is to treat music like a language, so immerse young kids in it when their brains are young and mushy.

    Now I fall asleep to nothing most often, sometimes to a podcast or to an episode of a show I don’t really care about; something old and formulaic like Columbo.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    42 days ago

    Silence, it was usually my pose rather than the background noise that affected sleep. When I sleep, I often look like I was carried out of the chamber of secrets.