• @Sanctus
    3 months ago

    We can print all these articles. But until these people start getting their ass kicked every time they open their mouths they will continue to convert this country into a theocratic ethnostate. It is an extremist takeover and they are threatening violence way too freely.

    • IninewCrow
      273 months ago

      The slippery slope is like a gradual descent or gentle move to a lower place and it takes a while … the further you go, the faster you go down … eventually at one point, you’re traveling so fast down the slope that there is no more turning back and you have no choice but to fall off the edge.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        That’s basically what happened in WW2. We’ve done what needed to be done then and we’ll do it now too.

        I was hoping this time around we didn’t need to go all the way to a world war, but if the servatives insist, fine, I will humor them.

    • GladiusB
      03 months ago

      They need to go to prison. Violence will just incite more violence. I understand the frustration, but it won’t end up as we want it if they think violence is the answer. It’s not only a high road. They will retaliate 3 fold. And they want the reason.

  • @[email protected]
    783 months ago

    TL;DR: we’re taking over control of the country, and as long as nobody tries to stop us, it won’t be violent.

    It’s like when a thief robs your house and claims it’s the homeowners fault for the violence, “if they didn’t try to stop us it would’ve been peaceful.”

    What a crock of crap.

    • @[email protected]
      223 months ago

      Not entirely. I would much rather have a thief in my house than a fashist.

      Because when he talks about “non-violence” he skips over the persecution of minorities and enemies of the state.

      And enemies of the state can include anyone they want. For example pregnant women.

      First they came …

      • @foggy
        53 months ago

        Yeah, the monster energy drinking bros don’t realize that if they’re not wealthy, their kids will be on the front lines.

        Only once their kids are sent home in coffins en masse will these tides turn, if we go that route.

  • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
    453 months ago

    I’m not so sure there are “quiet parts” anymore. They want to turn America into a Christian nation, banning same sex marriage, all abortions at any stage, gender transitions, and no-fault divorce. At this point very few on the right would deny this.

    • Drusas
      3 months ago

      Don’t forget IVF, sex education, (soon?) contraceptives, history education, any behavior not conforming to traditional European gender roles, medical care for the poor, social assistance for the poor, free meals for children, the arts…

      I could probably go on a while.

    433 months ago

    Jesus fucking Christ, why isn’t this shit front page news?

    “Roberts has previously said he sees his organization’s role as ‘institutionalizing Trumpism.’”

    “Institutionalizing”? It was bad enough for four years; imagine it being the new normal.

    • @foggy
      193 months ago

      This is why the punishment for treason is hanging.

      Takes the wind out of your sails a bit to see the leader of your violent ideology’s legs dangle and flail.

    • @rayyy
      143 months ago

      Fascism is alive and well in America, and it’s getting ready to seize power.

      They have already seized power. They just need to officially install their dictator.

    • @Fredselfish
      93 months ago

      If Trump wins then that exactly what we will need to do. I hate it but as a father of LGBTQ teens motherfuckers going die trying to take my kids away to some camp.

      I will fight when the time comes.

  • @just_another_person
    343 months ago

    This dude needs prison for treason, and nothing else. Anyone else who says different is also making a case for jail for themselves.

    • @AbidanYre
      93 months ago

      nothing else.

      A rope and a short fall would be ok too, and well within Biden’s power to protect the country.

  • @wildcardology
    13 months ago

    Isn’t that already inciting violence? Seal team six that bitch

  • @anticolonialist
    -13 months ago

    When fascism loses the communication war, which it has, they resort to the only other language they know which is violence