• @[email protected]
      308 months ago

      It’s not just lack of representation though. The UK is removing trans people’s access to the healthcare that allows them to live a tolerable life.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        And that is a very serious issue that I feel deeply for and want to help them overcome it.

        But it’s not a fucking genocide.

    • @lmaydev
      228 months ago

      The government literally covered up the massive leap in suicides since banning trans care for youths.

      Bit more than not being represented.

        • @lmaydev
          -48 months ago

          It pretty much is. If you ignore the culture / race part. Eugenics would be a more correct term.

            • @afraid_of_zombies
              08 months ago

              How magnanimous of you…

              Well now that we all agree on the exact proper word to describe it, can we maybe stop Terf island from “massacring” a population for the horrible crime of existing? I know that it was vital for us all to spend our finite energy and time to get the exact most perfect word for the evil they are causing.

    • @[email protected]
      208 months ago

      UN definition of genocide: https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml

      Although you can’t technically genocide trans people because they’re not one of the special groups outlined in the definition, you don’t actually need to kill people to commit a genocide. I would argue that there is “intent to destroy, in whole or in part” trans people by “Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group” and “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”. By taking away healthcare and other accommodations, serious harm is caused to trans people. Couple this with the high suicide rates of bullied and marginalised trans people, one could argue that the lawmakers are intending to kill trans people (although I personally wouldn’t go that far)

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        It’s not genocide for the same reason that straight-up euthanising, say, schizophrenics isn’t: Neither are a people, but a subset of every people.

        I’d lump it in with eugenics but genocide is catchy so I’ll permit it despite better semantic judgement.

        EDIT: What, y’all disagreeing with me about the use of “genocide” being politically opportune?

    • @Buffalox
      8 months ago

      How is lack of healthcare = Not being represented?
      You are making a strawman argument, there is much more to it than not being represented.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        By that logic, all US Citizens are victims of ongoing genocide.

        Genocides are a real thing that are really happening to people across the world, you can’t just make it mean something less than it is in good conscience.

        • @whoreticulture
          18 months ago

          Trans people are losing access to healthcare in disproportionate ways, and unless you’re literally the dumbest person alive or have never read a news headline… you know that they are. Your disingenuous denial contributes to the problem. You are contributing to genocide.

      • @whoreticulture
        28 months ago

        The comment was “okay cissy”.

        Why was this removed?

        • @EndlessApollo
          18 months ago

          Because denying genocide is cool and good, and being mean to the people denying your genocide is bad (:

          /s cissies will always be snowflakes who are more offended by an insult than an attempt to wipe out trans people

      -608 months ago

      Removed by mod

      • @[email protected]
        468 months ago

        That’s you indulging in your fears about cultural change through a straw man, obviously it will disgust you. Luckily it’s not real, so you can focus on other things.

      • MentalEdge
        328 months ago

        I mean, they keep killing themselves.

        If non-existence is preferable to the discomfort, I’d say the need to help them is pretty fucking immediate.

      • @[email protected]
        178 months ago

        This is my first time ever seeing anyone suggest this exists, let alone ever seeing anyone say that legitimately.

      • @[email protected]
        -38 months ago

        I wager 9 out of 10 people that get super offended by anything not like them have a 64% chance to be gay, themselves.

        • @saltesc
          28 months ago

          You should be less involved and concerned with other people’s sexual preferences. It’s creepy.

  • @[email protected]
    08 months ago

    What kind of trash tier journalism is this. Genocide is a real, serious issue. You can’t just call something a genocide metaphorically, that’s incredibly disrespectful.

    • @Buffalox
      78 months ago

      Lack of healthcare and lack of rights and protections that are common for other minorities, together with a huge deal of oppression, often violence and sometimes murder, is absolutely a kind of genocide, and in no way disrespectful to other forms of genocide.

        • @Buffalox
          8 months ago

          If a transsexual can’t have proper healthcare, it can in fact result in death, that is very real.
          Another thing that’s real is that they are treated so poorly in general that they have the highest suicide rate by far of any minority.
          Finally many choose not to live as the gender they wish they could, because it’s too problematic even dangerous. Even if this isn’t a physical death, it is killing the existence of people that can live their life as transgender.

          Much the same way as the Iranian president when he visited New York some years ago, claimed that Iran did not have homosexuals, so there was no oppression of them.
          A completely ridiculous claim we know is biologically impossible, and we know is false because they seek refuge in the west.
          And we know Iran executes people for being homosexual, which of course is the ultimate genocide of homosexuals.

          Or will you deny that too?

          Iranian president says country has no gays

            • @whoreticulture
              18 months ago

              There is ongoing genocide in Gaza, the number of people killed is nowhere near 6 million. It’s not about the numbers, it’s about the systemic attempt to make a group of people not exist.

  • @Zoldyck
    08 months ago

    ‘genocide’ lol

  • @Tattorack
    -28 months ago

    Hhhmmm… Not very genocide of people aren’t being rounded up and executed, and not very silent if there’s news articles talking about it.

    Sensationalist crap.

    • @lmaydev
      178 months ago

      That’s not what genocide means. You can’t come up with your own definition of a word then attack people for not using said made up definition.

      That said genocide doesn’t quite fit as it’s not based on race or culture. Eugenics would be a more correct term.

    • @[email protected]
      78 months ago

      UN definition of genocide: https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml

      Although you can’t technically genocide trans people because they’re not one of the special groups outlined in the definition, you don’t actually need to kill people to commit a genocide. I would argue that there is “intent to destroy, in whole or in part” trans people by “Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group” and “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”. By taking away healthcare and other accommodations, serious harm is caused to trans people. Couple this with the high suicide rates of bullied and marginalised trans people, one could argue that the lawmakers are intending to kill trans people (although I personally wouldn’t go that far)

      • @Tattorack
        -68 months ago

        If this broad definition of causing harm is used, then one can argue that the United States is committing genocide against its general population, considering how screwed up their healthcare system is. So I doubt the United Nations would see it as genocide unless someone is actively committing it.

        And by actively, I mean directly ordering the destruction of trans people, by causing serious bodily and mental harm. That invokes more the image of concentration camps, or work camps, or displaced populations. Kinda what China is doing to the Uyghur people.

  • @kitnaht
    8 months ago

    Why do we call it “Gender” reassignment surgery, when it’s actually Sex-reassignment surgery? Gender isn’t sex, remember?

    • @MoonManKipper
      198 months ago

      Because it’s reassigning someone’s gender - e.g. making a female body look more like a man’s. We don’t have the technology to change someone’s biological sex, but we can help them by giving them a body that more closely resembles their gender identity.

      • @saltesc
        8 months ago

        People can do whatever they need for their identity, but they need to remember it’s just an identity. It exists for a reason that does not come from within a person. That’s the whole premise of an identity, pursuing a specific treatment from society based on how it identifies you. The happiest people in human history give few fucks about their identity.

        So I can see why some people find it sad. But I can see why other people just as caught up and trained by society would be mad, not really understanding it’s got nothing to do with them.

        • @lmaydev
          8 months ago

          Almost everyone cares deeply about their identity. People’s identities just pull from different things.

          An equivalent would be banning a certain sport or type of music or food type, etc. that people identify with.

          If they tried to ban football or rock music you can bet a lot of people would lose their minds.

          • @saltesc
            08 months ago

            Yeah, everyone’s got it to a degree. Some will be violent over those sports. Others simply make sure they look professional before going to work. I think people just need to remember what it all is at times though, before harming themselves or others in the process. I get upset at people hating who they are as much as people hating others for who they are, like anyone hada choice in it all lol.

            Can’t wait until we’ve passed it on by and socially evolved, but I will be long dead when that happens. Until then, don’t let people get ya down and just be you, y’all!

            • @lmaydev
              38 months ago

              I think the point is they don’t hate who they are. We don’t let them be themselves. They hate who they are forced to be.

    • dactylotheca
      8 months ago

      Because you can’t surgically change someone’s sex; or do you think that eg. trans women have wombs? Here’s how the Canadian Institutes of Health Research explains the difference:

      Sex refers to a set of biological attributes in humans and animals. It is primarily associated with physical and physiological features including chromosomes, gene expression, hormone levels and function, and reproductive/sexual anatomy. Sex is usually categorized as female or male but there is variation in the biological attributes that comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed.

      Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people. It influences how people perceive themselves and each other, how they act and interact, and the distribution of power and resources in society. Gender identity is not confined to a binary (girl/woman, boy/man) nor is it static; it exists along a continuum and can change over time. There is considerable diversity in how individuals and groups understand, experience and express gender through the roles they take on, the expectations placed on them, relations with others and the complex ways that gender is institutionalized in society.

      Yeah, sure, a pedant could argue that “gender correction surgery” is the wrong term since gender is a social construct and that’s not what’s literally done in the operation, because the operation is more about correcting (ie into accordance with whatever that person’s gender is) external “markers” of sex and/or genitals, but that doesn’t mean sex reassignment is therefore the correct term.

      • @kitnaht
        8 months ago

        Sex refers to 2 out of the 3 things you’ve mentioned there. Hormone Levels and Function, and Reproductive/Sexual anatomy.

        We can’t change chromosomes (and gene expression is essentially the same category here) - so it’s literally our closest attempt at altering sexually dimorphic characteristics. I’ve been told time and time again gender is fluid, can change on a day to day basis, is based on socially constructed roles, and the jury is still out on if it has nothing to do with sex, or has everything to do with sex. I’ve heard answers from both sides on that one.

        So it makes no sense to me why we allow it to be called Gender reassignment.

        • Sneezycat
          28 months ago

          Yeah I also think it’s dumb. I’m not gonna change my gender, I’m going to change my dick into a clit/pussy. That’s literally reassigning my primary sex characteristics. Hormones also changed my sex, do people think my boobs are a gender thing?

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      Because we don’t. The old name was “Sex Reassignment Surgery” (SRS), but the new names are “Gender Affirming Surgery” and “Gender Confirmation Surgery”.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      The whole situation is BS in the first place, back in the days the concept of gender was introduced to allow some flexibility in the social aspects while keeping sex (as in phenotype) a binary which science already knew it wasn’t. Bimodal distribution, yes, binary, no. Things get complicated fast once you go past egg cells and sperm, that’s the only actual binary that exists.

      English in particular uses transsexual because back in the days activists wanted to avoid associations with sexuality, to not get tangled up in people’s homophobic sentiments. Other language use precisely that term, transsexual. Hirschfeld coined “transvestite”, back then a catch-all term for behaviour not conforming to your sex assigned at birth (and you could get a transvestite pass in Imperial Germany to stop the police harassing you for “inciting public disorder”), Benjamin coined “transsexual”, in English, as a diagnosis separate to “just liking to dress up differently”, it got replaced later on don’t ask me for a source right now.

      • @jordanlundM
        08 months ago

        It’s in the modlog as a rule 5 removal.

        Your posts though keep getting removed for re-posting removed content. ;)

      • @EndlessApollo
        1 month ago

        I know a lot of cis people are transphobic cunts who want me dead. I know cis people just love to deny genocide when it’s happening right in front of them. Go fuck yourself, how fucking dare you try to downplay the genocide denial here? Cissies want trannies dead, no floofy koombaya bullshit is gonna change that. Fuck off and die cunt