• @NegativeInf
    573 months ago

    Great. Worked so well the last time we did it. We recovered faster than any other nation and have a lower inflation rate than any other nation, so let’s crash the economy with austerity measures.

    I’ma need some help. My democracy is isn’t doing so hot.

    • Hubbubbub
      133 months ago

      Well, the GOP is the party of “fiscal responsibility” after all… .

      • @NegativeInf
        233 months ago

        Tax and spend is fiscal responsibility. Cutting taxes on the rich and then stating there’s not enough money for medicare is not a sound fiscal strategy for anything other than fomenting the demise of the current governmental system.

        Oh wait! That’s the point!

        Drown it in a bathtub my ass. I’ll drown a thousand fascists in bathtubs before I let this democracy die.

      • @[email protected]
        83 months ago

        Yep, the fiscally responsible party that balloons the fuck out of the national debt whenever they are in office and then fear mongers about it when they are not.

        By their own logic, Bill Clinton was the most fiscally responsible president in the last like 50 years, but oh well Republicans are extremely good at lying and Democrats are awful at countering said lies.

    • @Valmond
      83 months ago

      Isn’t your GOP always saying that though, but always spends more?

      • @NegativeInf
        133 months ago

        Yep! But spends it on contractors for the DoD! Not any of that filthy commie shit like education or clean water or… The list goes on and on.

    • @[email protected]
      33 months ago

      We are electing a King this November thanks to SCOTUS and the GOP.

      Is Biden a good King for us? That’s what we need to be asking.

      • @NegativeInf
        123 months ago

        I’m down for whoever is on the ticket that isn’t trump. If that’s Biden, so be it, if it’s Kamala, I’m for it. Whatever. Just whoever it is needs to articulate an actual argument against Trump and for themselves with a plan for the future. Freezing in the headlights to a mad man speaking only lies is not the way.

        • @[email protected]
          113 months ago

          At this point, I’m starting to get get really worried that Biden might go down as the most catastrophic example of the sunk cost fallacy in modern history. His Friday interview only intensified my concerns about him - that, I should add, are not centered around his age, but the fact that he appears to be largely out of touch with the core domestic issues that he must fight against in this election.

          This is a concern that I’ve had since 2016, and is one of the main reasons I didn’t like him in the primary back then. Like, he was saying a lot of the right things, but I frankly didn’t believe him… and that’s kinda panned out for pretty much his whole term as far as I’m concerned.

          Like, yeah, he’s had some policy wins, but none of them are actually addressing the root cause of the issues we’re facing recently: fascism is rising, and we need to build a firewall against it. That’s it. That’s the overriding concern. And it feels like he’s just done nothing meaningful to address anything close to the root cause. He’s so far up his own ass about his vaunted “ability to compromise” that he has failed to understand that a large swath of the right wing of American politics have effectively devolved into what I would describe as legislative and cultural terrorism. He doesn’t - and, perhaps, can’t - understand that we’re not playing poker anymore. He keeps bringing a deck of cards to the gunfight that American domestic politics have devolved into.

          If he had his head in the game with regard to how serious this needs to be taken, I could forgive a lot of other failings. But he clearly doesn’t have his head in the game. He thinks it’ll be fine if he “gives it his all”, ignoring that his “all” really doesn’t appear to be enough in this scenario - yes, somewhat due to age, endurance, and mental acuity, but much more importantly due to his frame of mind, ego, and hubris.

          TL;DR I am very fucking concerned that he just doesn’t understand how serious the consequences of failure are here, and his Friday interview kinda solidified my concerns on that front.

          • @NegativeInf
            73 months ago

            Yep. “Give it your all” means fuck all to me if the opposing view wins and I end up in a fucking camp for being gay!

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              I think we may not actually have any real legal recourse at this point. I was not banking on one of the critical elements of the coup being the fact that Biden is playing himself due to his own fucking hubris.

              Truly, the DNC is the absolute world champion of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          If voting is all you do, that will kick the can down the road and buy some time (I assume a Democrat will win), but will not change the dynamics at play.

          Buying time is good but insufficient to keep our democracy.

          • @NegativeInf
            73 months ago

            Umm, really not looking like a Democrat is gonna win to me at the moment.

            Mass civil unrest will be the only force for positive change long term. I’m just afraid that we won’t get that until trump is half way to king and back.

  • @paddirn
    373 months ago

    “Austerity” = Take money away from social programs so we can cut taxes for the rich

  • vortic
    3 months ago

    With much of the public’s attention on the looming presidential election and high-stakes jockeying over who will take on Donald Trump in November…

    What the fuck is with all of these articles suggesting that there is a real power battle over who will run against Trump at this point? That ship sailed at least six months ago. There isn’t nearly enough time to build up a new candidate. If you don’t want Trump to become king, get behind the onky other choice we truly have.

    Ugh, Trump is going to win because democrats can’t hold their fucking noses and vote for their onky other choice.

    • @[email protected]
      103 months ago

      There’s plenty of time to build up someone else. Plenty.

      I’d be a more excited to vote for Josh Shapiro or Michelle Obama or Gretchen Whitmer or Gavin Newsom or some other good candidate, but I’d vote for Joe Biden any day of the week.

      • vortic
        123 months ago

        I know nothing about Josh Shapiro, Michelle Obama has stated that she doesn’t want the job, I also know very little about Gretchen Whitmer, and Gavin Newsom is a shit head.

        I say this as someone who follows politics more than average. If I don’t know much more than the fact that three of the four people you mentioned are governors and the other is a former first lady with no political aspirations, what do you think the general public knows?

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          Given the fact that a large part of the American population is dumber than a bag of rocks, probably not much. But there’s plenty of time to teach.

          Then again, I don’t think it makes much of a difference. People made up their minds on Biden vs Trump a long time ago and they are in their trenches. The US is truly in a sad state, and it’s quite embarrassing when I talk to family members and friends overseas.

    • @foggy
      103 months ago

      Great Britain just had an entire election in 6 weeks. There is more than enough time.

      • Ænima
        83 months ago

        They aren’t the same country, though. Things like that are likely more common in the UK than in the US. It’s hard enough to vote here, yet alone if they pull the ol’ switcheroo on the candidate in just a month.

        • @foggy
          3 months ago

          A different name being on the ballot does not affect the difficulty associated with the voting process in any way. Your comment is less than a straw man, it’s a nothing-burger.

        • @foggy
          3 months ago

          orders of magnitude larger

          It is not even one order of magnitude larger.

          Great Britain population: ~67M

          1 order of magnitude larger = 670,000,000.

          USA population: ~336,000,000.

          USA also has much more than 6 weeks time to do it. And the US is quite a bit more adept than great Britain in the communications department. Kind of their strong suit, actually.

    • @systemglitch
      3 months ago

      I think the identity politics America has played is what has really earned you guys the Trump. It was a dangerous game to play and now the repercussions are becoming known.

      It drove such a solid and distinct line with being totally onboard with that shit or else, that now you are in real danger of getting that or else.

      It was the stupidest game to play. Canada is following suite, as are a lot of other western nations.

        • @systemglitch
          33 months ago

          I’m not defending anyone, just observing like I always do. I don’t think anything has created a bigger divide, and division leads to extremes.

          I saw this happening a long time ago and now it’s coming to fruition.

          • @[email protected]
            03 months ago

            Oh I agree it’s stupid to argue about. The world would be a better place if Idpol was ignored by both sides.

            • @systemglitch
              13 months ago

              Honestly, I thought the world was moving in a very progressive direction, in a healthy manner before social media blew up, then it got out of control trying to change everyone’s attitudes at a sprinting pace. Now we are polarized. Sigh.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      23 months ago

      I think Democrats (mostly) will; it’s all the independents, low info, checked-out, etc…the type that were already getting a constant drumbeat of #BidenSoOld and “genocide joe” types of things even before the debate.

    • Lexi Sneptaur
      -83 months ago

      It’s not the democrats. It’s the dipshit uneducated masses. They see a demented old man who can’t string a sentence together. Get with the program.

        • Lexi Sneptaur
          13 months ago

          I think it’s cute that you think Lemmy has bots on it.

          “Someone disagrees with me? Impossible! I’m always right! This must be a bot.”

            • Lexi Sneptaur
              13 months ago

              Well maybe don’t toss around such stupid accusations until you’ve at least checked someone’s profile. Sometimes people just disagree with you.

  • @Snapz
    133 months ago

    Good job headline… Helping out these ghouls by using the milquetoast “austerity” rather than, “grandma can fucking choke on cat food for all I care, my yacht needs a yacht, you fucking peasants!”