I’m far from a trump supporter, but these feel like empty promises. Why next term and not this one?
Shit, it’s more like “why not last term” at this point.
He had two years with a Dem house and Senate, and “looked into” if he was able to fulfill the last round of campaign promises, many of which are on this same list
Like, he hasn’t even looked into this past someone telling him it would help his numbers.
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So in order to have a to do list to campaign on Biden (or any politician) damns the rest of us, metering out the bare minimum as a treat but stringing us along like an abuser. And all on the hope he wins and wont go back on his word. And if he fails, not only do we not get the progressive promises, but the other president takes more away. Maybe presidents only deserve a single term.
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This does not remotely comport with actual presidencies. Obama didn’t get more powerful and make bigger goals in his second term. There’s a word for a president who can’t be reelected: “lame duck”.
It’s wild to me that the term “lame duck” has been expanded to include an entire second term. When it was originally coined it was for the period of time between an election in November and the inauguration in January. It’s only in the last 20 years or so that we started calling a second-term president a lame duck, and acting like it’s over at the halfway point.
Any reason why the Dems didn’t deal with SS and Medicare when they controlled both houses?
Like “quick, change the entirety of the existing safety net while we have 18 months to do it instead of everything else”?
I dunno. Lazy?
It’s just weird that nothing was done when they knew that the elitists had targeted the entitlement programs. Now, the very lemmings who most rely upon them are going to vote for the evisceration of them.
I can only think they were targeting them too but we’re not as brazen as the republicans
And you think they have a better chance of doing it this time?
Give them the house and senate. You know why, right?