s7e4 “Take Me Out to the Holosuite”

    • @ummthatguyOP
      182 months ago

      Gorgeous, yes. Once their relationship is established, you start to see that she’s a hopeless romantic, fairly optimistic, headstrong, and yet silly. Derpy does not have any bearing on looks in my intended context, at least not beyond this wonderful frame I caught upon rewatch.

      • @ummthatguyOP
        2 months ago

        I’m partial to pixie Mirror Ezri, myself, but here’s both in frame for comparison.

        Edit: neglected to refer to Jadzia, but included mirror Leeta, so here’s her mirror self to stay in theme.

        • @aeronmelon
          42 months ago

          Mirror Jadzia and Mirror Bashir were chaos together. I wish the Prime versions had that much fun.

  • @FlatFootFox
    82 months ago

    Derpy power couples always end up being the first of your college friends to buy a house the reformers of your planet’s economic system.

    Leeta and Rom are some of the most earnest characters in Star Trek. I’m so glad Bashir’s beard didn’t fade into obscurity after their rite of separation.

  • @aeronmelon
    42 months ago

    I was at the right age that I was watching the latter half of DS9 waiting for Chase Masterson to appear on screen. For reasons.

    Rom, you lucky dog!