• chingadera
        -792 months ago

        So we have 22 per hour upvoting OP and and 8 per hour upvoting logic, WHAT THE FUCK

          • chingadera
            2 months ago

            I was measuring at the time how many people up voted fucked, vs upvoted the proper term rape per hour. And I think my math stands.

            • @Iheartcheese
              322 months ago

              What a strange thing to scream what the fuck over

              • chingadera
                -32 months ago

                I’ve reached that conclusion. I had a good ol spin out earlier.

          • chingadera
            82 months ago

            I didn’t consider much, it was pretty reactionary.

        • Madrigal
          2 months ago

          Top-level comments always get more votes than replies.

          • chingadera
            2 months ago

            Might just even out actually, I was a shitter for my comment but that was at 22 and 7, were at 100/50

  • @Myxomatosis
    862 months ago

    So that’s why the Musk Rat has latched onto Pedophile Donald. Pedos of a feather flock together.

  • @[email protected]
    752 months ago

    [Ghislaine] Maxwell recruited Giuffre at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club in Florida in 2000

    Let’s return the focus to this sentence

  • @Fedizen
    722 months ago

    oh he’s trying to buy a pardon, lmao

  • @[email protected]
    602 months ago

    THAT explains why he all of a Sudden Endorsed Trump! Because Trump, who was BEST FRIENDS with Jeffrey Epstein until Epstein bought a Bigger Mansion, definitely would NOT Protect Elon Musk if it was found out Elon Musk was Raping Kids on Epstein Island!

  • @LEDZeppelin
    522 months ago

    Explains $48 million a month down payment for favorable outcomes in imminent court cases

  • @[email protected]
    492 months ago

    The right loves to talk about this global pedo ring they claim to hate so much, but they don’t realize its all their leaders and members who are the ones involved.

    • @jeffwOPM
      82 months ago

      Don’t have to accept reality if you just refuse to read the news

    • @Duamerthrax
      72 months ago

      Deflection. Accuse the opposition of what you’re guilty of so when they accuse you of the same, people will be fatigued of hearing about it.

  • @expatriado
    472 months ago

    those subpoenas feel nonconsensual Elon?

  • @notaviking
    322 months ago

    Even if he, hypothetically, was the sickest fuck to ever step foot on Epstein’s island, he is an American oligarch that will most likely never see any repercussions, since he has the money, like real money to actually make a difference, and influence politically and celebrity wise. So even the best funded Justice department has an annual budget that this guy can donate at a whim to ensure his freedom. His Starlink is being used by Ukraine during this war, so he even has leverage on an American ally. No he is safe as Rain

    • @SirDerpy
      2 months ago

      since he has the money, like real money to actually make a difference, and influence politically and celebrity wise

      I agree, but would replace specific category of celebrities with mass media in general.

      Starlink is being used by Ukraine during this war

      There’s no substitute for the low ping times of modern hardware in LEO. Elon is evil. But he’s not stupid. As a user myself I think Starlink is a fantastic product, though in a physical package designed by a teenager.

      If he’d not fucked around with Twitter he’d have been strongly positioned on either end of the communications industry, positioned to be even more powerful than he is. But, he’s gone for a shorter term play at an-cap fascism.

      No he is safe as Rain

      A perception of justice is prerequisite to a human life of dignity. When society’s systems of accountability are broken humans find another way. Sometimes a young man nearly assassinates an ex-President. Sometimes no one cares until researching for the history books.

      Have faith. One way or another we’ll get the bastard. Or, maybe we’ll get lucky: He’ll take some more psychedelics and turn into a humanitarian.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        But, he’s gone for a shorter term play at an-cap fascism.

        Lmfao, the idea that apartheid boy ever had any ideas for himself other than becoming white supremacist super king is as fucking laughable as the idea that he contributed anything to any company he has ever run other than money, or that any of the the work he exploits others for couldn’t have been achieved any other way…

      • @notaviking
        -82 months ago

        It is insane what Elon has achieved and what potential he has for the good or bad of humanity. I wonder how the pages of history will be written

        • @Nutteman
          142 months ago

          It’s amazing what his employees achieved. He didn’t do fuck all

          • @[email protected]
            92 months ago

            Right? The fact that people are still convinced he’s some genius mastermind that people only hate because of what he did to twitter is fucking mind blowing.

            If nothing else though, it goes to show just how well the propaganda is working…

        • @SirDerpy
          32 months ago

          Hopefully they’ll call allowing it a great folly of late stage capitalism.

  • @someguy3
    2 months ago

    X (the website formerly known as Twitter) is reportedly stonewalling subpoena requests related to a legal case involving dead financier and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Why? Nobody knows, but it sure is weird.

    According to Business Insider, the social media platform refuses to give up information about one of the accounts linked to an Epstein accuser, a woman named Rina Oh Amen. The legal case is otherwise unrelated to the platform itself, instead it involves a spat between Oh Amen and another Epstein accuser, the more well-known Virginia Giuffre.

    In court filings and public statements, each has accused the other of acting as one of Epstein’s recruiters rather than a true victim.

  • @halcyoncmdr
    62 months ago

    I’m always on the fence with these subpoena resistance cases.

    On the one hand, it’s Twitter, Elon, and Epstein related. Fuck all of them.

    On the other hand, I don’t think that businesses should just blindly turn over information because the DOJ managed to find a judge that would rubber stamp a subpoena. Obviously that’s not every subpoena, or even likely a large number of them in the grand scheme, but it happening even once is too much to take it at face value being justified.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      This subpoena has nothing to do with the DOJ. This subpoena was issued as part of discovery in the civil defamation case between the two women in the article

      Most likely what I think is happening here is X literally does not have the records that are being subpoenaed, because why keep records when you’re trying to destroy a business?

    • @njm1314
      232 months ago

      For the life of me I don’t understand your argument here. You’re basically advocating for the destruction of the justice system? So if I try to sue a company for say bodily injury or something they should be able to hide all the evidence? Good lord don’t corporations have enough power as is? Why give them more?

    • @mean_bean279
      -42 months ago

      100% agree. I do love the irony (hypocrisy?) of it all though.

    • chingadera
      -162 months ago

      Tell me you also fucked kids without telling me you also fucked kids.

      • @[email protected]
        132 months ago

        I think they’re saying Elon sucks and be wary of trusting the government.

        The fed’s anti-encryption stance comes to mind. “We need backdoors in your messaging apps but it’s just to protect the children!

        • chingadera
          -122 months ago

          Both of these have been true for a looong time. Any step to concede this point is complicit.

          • @[email protected]
            92 months ago

            Any step to concede this point is complicit.

            Hmm, I don’t take your point. What do you mean, please?

          • @halcyoncmdr
            52 months ago

            You seem to have a problem with reading comprehension buddy. Nothing in this entire thread is even remotely close to defending Epstein or his accomplices.

            The closest it gets is demanding that the Constitutional rights of US citizens actually be acknowledged and defended instead of just allowing the government to ignore them because of some bullshit “think of the kids” excuse which is never about the kids, it’s always been about giving the police more excuses to arrest anyone they want. Usually those in the way of the rich and powerful, or a group they can then point to and classify as a criminal to justify treating them as less worthy of respect or basic rights.

            • @[email protected]
              -52 months ago

              it’s always been about giving the police more excuses to arrest anyone they want. Usually those in the way of the rich and powerful, or a group they can then point to and classify as a criminal

              Can you point to any person or group of persons this has happened to?

              • @[email protected]
                -12 months ago

                Poor people, gay people, black people, Irish immigrants, Italian immigrants, Mexican immigrants, Catholics, Muslims

  • @[email protected]
    52 months ago

    Let’s see, we know they project and he called a guy “pedo guy” on twitshit. I wonder what this has to do with that.

    • Flying Squid
      122 months ago

      The article says they don’t know why there is this resistance. It’s just speculation. So it could be Elon.

    • @FelixCress
      92 months ago

      Are you naive enough to think it would have happened without Elon’s permission at least?

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        You may be right. But we don’t know that for sure. We can assume it because it makes throwing shit at Elon easier, and believe me I’m happy to throw shit at him, but I want it to be accurate. More importantly that wasn’t the context of most comments. They are the standard ‘call your opponent a pedophile’ tactic that the right wing lazy wankers use. Why? Because who would defend someone accused of being a pedophile? It takes out the person you’re against and their defenders. Unfortunately this tactic if throwing an accusations of pedophilia at the drop of a hat lessens the impact of legitimate accusations.