• @[email protected]
    1347 months ago

    Fuck all imperialist and hierarchical power structures. Fuck colonialism and fuck the police. Fuck fascists and the libs that enable them.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        Xi’s also an imperialist and implemented a hierarchical government. Nothing I said was paradoxical. Fuck 'em all.

          • @[email protected]
            207 months ago

            Did I say that all authoritarians are enabled by liberals? What agenda are you trying to push by misconstruing my words? Like seriously what point are you trying to reach here?

            • @[email protected]
              27 months ago

              fuck fascists and the liberals who enable them.

              I think it was this part where you link fascists to liberal enablers.

              • @[email protected]
                87 months ago

                But that =/= “every fascist is and always has been enabled by liberals.”

                They’re saying that it’s very common for liberals to side with a rising fascist over the left in a misguided attempt to maintain the status quo. They’d typically rather move to the right instead of giving any quarter to the left, because the left wants to upend the structures of oppression, while the right wants to bolster them—while scapegoating an out-group.

                Look at what macron is doing in France right now. Moving to the right to build a coalition with them to go against the majority left coalition that won the election.

                • @[email protected]
                  57 months ago

                  Ah I see. Your point would have been clearer if it was “ fuck the fascists and the any liberals who enable them”

        • @[email protected]
          -77 months ago

          Do Arabs get to vote in the US?

          Or if you mean Arabs that chose to go live in the US, I don’t think they care too much about a country that, well, murdered all the natives

          • شاهد على إبادة
            7 months ago

            Yes, Arab Americans do and are enough to swing elections in Michigan and a few other states

            In Michigan, for example, Biden won in 2020 by 154,000 votes. Census estimates put the state’s Arab American population around at least 278,000.

            Biden won Arizona by 10,500 votes. The Arab American population in the Grand Canyon State is estimated to be 60,000.

            Biden took Georgia by 11,800 votes. The Arab American population there is at least 57,000.


    • @ImpressiveEssay
      -127 months ago

      ‘The Libs,’ LOL!!!

      From a anon American, it’s hilarious seeing the hick come out. ‘the Libs hur durrr.’

      Hahaha that shits always funny

    • Diplomjodler
      -427 months ago

      And by “liberal” you mean anyone who dares criticise Daddy Putin and Supreme Leader Xi, amirite?

      • @[email protected]
        617 months ago

        Dude my very first sentence was “Fuck all imperialist and hierarchical power structures.” How can you think that I support China or Russia?

        • @StupidBrotherInLaw
          7 months ago

          Uh oh, you’ve activated the libs. Now they’ll make wild assumptions and other fabrications instead of actually addressing anything you’ve said.

          • @[email protected]
            -47 months ago

            Uh oh, you’ve activated the libs tankies. Now they’ll make wild assumptions and other fabrications instead of actually addressing anything you’ve said.

            FTFY, lib

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          You seem to be under the impression that liberals have a logically and ethically consistent belief structure.

          The realization that liberals are unscratched fascists is a tough one, but you are one of the few intelligent folks able to recognize it… it’s a curse.

      • @jorp
        277 months ago

        you’re such an online edgelord that you’re fighting straw men of your own creation. sign off, your family probably misses you.

        • Diplomjodler
          7 months ago

          Oops. Posted on tankie news again. Always forget to check.

          Edit: actually, i retract that. I got mixed up with another thread.

          • @jorp
            257 months ago

            Your use of tankie is exactly like the conservative use of woke. You’re not even close to superior to those you mock. Hopefully one day you realize that and actually apply that human brain of yours.

          • @[email protected]
            127 months ago

            Just to be clear, you don’t think I should be against liberals enabling fascism? You don’t see anything wrong with the slow march to the far right that’s happening in so many parts of the world recently?

            • @jorp
              147 months ago

              The irony of a liberal calling an anarchist authoritarian… Liberals are simps for an authoritarian economic system

            • Diplomjodler
              -97 months ago

              I’m just really annoyed by “liberal” constantly being equated with “fascist enabler” round here. If anyone calls themselves a liberal while supporting fascists, they’re just fascists in disguise. While there are people like that, that’s not what liberalism means, in fact, it’s quite the opposite.

              • @StupidBrotherInLaw
                107 months ago

                It’s a language issue. You’re likely from the United States, where liberal is used to suggest an adherent to classical liberalism or progressivism. Most of the rest of the English speaking world means neoliberal, as in an advocate or supporter of free-market capitalism, deregulation, and the reduction of government spending.

                • Diplomjodler
                  7 months ago

                  I’m fortunately not from the US. But you’re right. A lot of people equate liberal with neoliberal or libertarian. Which is a real bummer.

              • @[email protected]
                97 months ago

                Please, enlighten me about what you think liberalism means. In my view (as an anarchist) liberalism is at best ineffective at preventing fascism from taking over. It enables colonialism and imperialism, and offers no solution to the horrors of capitalism. Liberal ideology is one of state violence and compromise with literal fascists.

                • zitrone 🍋
                  7 months ago

                  Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law. Liberals espouse various and often mutually warring views depending on their understanding of these principles but generally support private property, market economies, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), liberal democracy, secularism, rule of law, economic and political freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion, Liberalism is frequently cited as the dominant ideology of modern history.

                  • Wikipedia
              • @jorp
                67 months ago

                focusing on voting as the only allowed political action, supporting capitalism, valuing order over justice…

                • @StupidBrotherInLaw
                  57 months ago

                  For anyone not familiar, that was in no small part thanks to Paul von Hindenburg. If only he had instead gone the way of the zeppelin named after him.

    • @[email protected]
      -437 months ago

      imperialism is the subjugation of one country for the benefit of the first. DPRK is not imperialist (how could it be under UN sanctions), PRC is not imperialist, USSR was not imperialist.

      Communists critically support the DPRK, the USSR, and the PCR, progressive liberals uncritically support Obama, Biden, conservative liberals uncritically support Trump, Bush, etc

      read lenin.


      Talking nonsense solves no problems, as everyone knows, so why is it unjust to deprive you of the right to speak? Quite a few comrades always keep their eyes shut and talk nonsense, and for a Communist that is disgraceful. How can a Communist keep his eyes shut and talk nonsense?

      It won’t do!

      It won’t do!

      You must investigate!

      You must not talk nonsense!


      The instance you use is named after an Ikea plush. I will not debate you.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        The South China Sea, Poland and most of eastern Europe would like a word…

        Edit: Oh, and Tibet, Taiwan, etc…

        • @[email protected]
          -57 months ago

          Poland and most of eastern Europe would like a word

          I’ve answered already to someone else making the example of Estonia, but I’ll answer you too so that you can see my take.

          After 30+ years of anti-communist propaganda, of course many countries in Eastern Europe may “disagree”. As a currently ongoing example, the other day there was an article ( paywalled, but you can read it pasting the link in 12ft.io ) in the Spanish newspaper “El País” about a new museum in Moldova dedicated to the forcibly relocated to other parts of the USSR during the late 30s. The article talks about the horrors of Stalinism and how 90k people from the region were forcibly relocated in 1937-1941, although the majority were allowed to return in the 50s. All that’s good, having a memory of our history is a good thing. But then, the article goes on with some conversation with the “Director of the National Agency of Archives in Moldova”, Igor Casu. I’ll translate to Spanish:

          Casu considers that the war in neighboring Ukraine started by Russia has made the [Moldovan] citizens begin to perceive the Soviet regime as one of occupation and colonisation

          So, basically, conflating the current imperialist capitalist Russia with communist USSR. But the funny part comes now, when they actually quote Casu:

          “We hope that if the deportations keep being exposed ni the following five years, we’ll achieve that a solid part of the population will be really informed, and, at the same time, that they’ll consolidate a national identity”

          So, they’re going FULL mask-off, and basically saying “we want to show this particular side of history not with the objective of remembrance of victims, but actually to create a new national identity based on the independence from supposedly oppressive Russia”. Fostering nationalism and anti-Russian sentiment as part of the new national identity. This is the recipe that’s been successfully applied to most of Eastern Europe for the past 30+ years, and you can see the results by asking any Polish person what they think of Russians. If this isn’t clear enough, the article reminds us:

          During the last years, under the rule of the pro-European government, this ex-Soviet republic has been making efforts to propagate knowledge of the suffering created by the phenomenon of “Russification” that took place […]

          Mind you, not a single reference in the article or the monument, to the 140.000 Jews deported by the Nazis during the 1940s invasion in Moldova, of whom 90.000+ were murdered in concentration camps. Let’s remember the victims of horrors of our history, but only those politically convenient to us now. Since we want to get closer to western Europe, including Germany, let’s put those killed by Nazis (many more than by Soviets) aside for now.

          If you look at historical evidence, you can’t possibly make the argument that Estonia was subjugated and exploited by the USSR. The local language was preserved and there was an abundance of written publications in Estonian, people were allowed to study in the local language, the salaries were similar to those in the rest of the USSR (or higher actually), industrialization rates were equal or higher to those of the rest of the USSR, number of doctors/teachers and hospital beds per capita were equal… really, none of the telltales of imperialism are there. If you want to see a discussion with actual data regarding this, I suggest you have a look at “Human Rights in the Soviet Union” by Albert Szymanski, a wonderful book filled to the brim with data and a rather nuanced discussion.

          So let’s not pretend that there hasn’t been a strong effort from pro-western authorities in all of Eastern Europe into pushing the narrative that this made-up historically continuous “Russia” has been exploiting and colonising Eastern Europe, and let’s not pretend that the opinion of most people in Eastern Europe who’ve been exposed to this campaign for the past 3 decades is unbiased and historically accurate (because public opinion never is).

          Oh, and Tibet, Taiwan

          Funny that you mention those two as well. Taiwan’s national identity, again, has been manufactured from the ground up over the past 30+ years. The data that western countries celebrate of Taiwanese people mostly declaring themselves to be “only Taiwanese”, is a fairly recent trend. From the link above:

          According to the latest survey by National Chengchi University in Taipei (June 2023), 62.8 percent of the inhabitants of the Republic of China perceive themselves as “Taiwanese only,” 30.5 percent “both Taiwanese and Chinese,” and 2.5 percent “Chinese only.” In 1992, when surveys began, 25.5 percent described themselves as “Chinese only” and 17.6 percent “Taiwanese only,” with the remaining 46.4 percent “both Taiwanese and Chinese.”

          So the country has gone from a 17.6% of “Taiwanese only” and a 25.5% of “both Taiwanese and Chinese” in 1992, to 63% of “Taiwanese only” and 2.5% of “Chinese only”. Funny how it’s the exact same process that I was describing above for Estonia and Moldova, in which 30+ years of propaganda can generate a new national identity and generate negative feelings towards previously friendly neighboring countries!

          Regarding Tibet, I don’t think I’ll find such polls about national identity. However, until the Sino-Tibetan war, Tibet was literally a feudal country in which an aristocracy owned the lands and serfs were legally bound to the land as workers. When you criticise the lack of Tibet’s autonomy after the Sino-Tibetan war, remember that you’re arguing in favor of a literal feudal regime with aristocrats and serfs.

      • Flying Squid
        137 months ago

        USSR was not imperialist.

        Countries like Estonia might disagree with you there, buddy.

        • @[email protected]
          -77 months ago

          After 30+ years of anti-communist propaganda, of course many countries in Eastern Europe may “disagree”. As a currently ongoing example, the other day there was an article ( paywalled, but you can read it pasting the link in 12ft.io ) in the Spanish newspaper “El País” about a new museum in Moldova dedicated to the forcibly relocated to other parts of the USSR during the late 30s. The article talks about the horrors of Stalinism and how 90k people from the region were forcibly relocated in 1937-1941, although the majority were allowed to return in the 50s. All that’s good, having a memory of our history is a good thing. But then, the article goes on with some conversation with the “Director of the National Agency of Archives in Moldova”, Igor Casu. I’ll translate to Spanish:

          Casu considers that the war in neighboring Ukraine started by Russia has made the [Moldovan] citizens begin to perceive the Soviet regime as one of occupation and colonisation

          So, basically, conflating the current imperialist capitalist Russia with communist USSR. But the funny part comes now, when they actually quote Casu:

          “We hope that if the deportations keep being exposed ni the following five years, we’ll achieve that a solid part of the population will be really informed, and, at the same time, that they’ll consolidate a national identity”

          So, they’re going FULL mask-off, and basically saying “we want to show this particular side of history not with the objective of remembrance of victims, but actually to create a new national identity based on the independence from supposedly oppressive Russia”. Fostering nationalism and anti-Russian sentiment as part of the new national identity. This is the recipe that’s been successfully applied to most of Eastern Europe for the past 30+ years, and you can see the results by asking any Polish person what they think of Russians. If this isn’t clear enough, the article reminds us:

          During the last years, under the rule of the pro-European government, this ex-Soviet republic has been making efforts to propagate knowledge of the suffering created by the phenomenon of “Russification” that took place […]

          Mind you, not a single reference in the article or the monument, to the 140.000 Jews deported by the Nazis during the 1940s invasion in Moldova, of whom 90.000+ were murdered in concentration camps. Let’s remember the victims of horrors of our history, but only those politically convenient to us now. Since we want to get closer to western Europe, including Germany, let’s put those killed by Nazis (many more than by Soviets) aside for now.

          If you look at historical evidence, you can’t possibly make the argument that Estonia was subjugated and exploited by the USSR. The local language was preserved and there was an abundance of written publications in Estonian, people were allowed to study in the local language, the salaries were similar to those in the rest of the USSR (or higher actually), industrialization rates were equal or higher to those of the rest of the USSR, number of doctors/teachers and hospital beds per capita were equal… really, none of the telltales of imperialism are there. If you want to see a discussion with actual data regarding this, I suggest you have a look at “Human Rights in the Soviet Union” by Albert Szymanski, a wonderful book filled to the brim with data and a rather nuanced discussion.

          So let’s not pretend that there hasn’t been a strong effort from pro-western authorities in all of Eastern Europe into pushing the narrative that this made-up historically continuous “Russia” has been exploiting and colonising Eastern Europe, and let’s not pretend that the opinion of most people in Eastern Europe who’ve been exposed to this campaign for the past 3 decades is unbiased and historically accurate (because public opinion never is).

          • Flying Squid
            7 months ago

            Cool. The USSR still invaded and annexed Estonia. And Lithuania. And Latvia. And Armenia. Shall I go on?

              • Flying Squid
                87 months ago

                Funny, invading multiple countries and making them part of your country sure sounds like it fits that definition to me.

                • @[email protected]
                  -47 months ago

                  Invading another country preventively in the wake of WW2 and the threat of Nazism =/= imperialism, I’m sorry buddy. Not defending the invasion of Estonia, but categorising it as imperialism is dumb and ahistorical.

      • @[email protected]
        137 months ago

        Look dude I’ve worked with many MLs and MLMs. I’ve read some of both Lenin and Mao’s works. I think the recent rhetoric of calling communists fascist is wholely harmful to the left and I don’t participate in it. I never called the DPRK imperialist for obvious reasons. I didn’t even call the PRC imperialist because I do recognize that western media is not a reliable source on the matter. I recognize my own ignorance in these matters and don’t take part in uncritically decrying post-revolution communist states.

        We disagree on the way a just society should be structured, or the methods of achieving that end. I consider authoritarianism and unjust hierarchies as a problem of both capitalism and state communism, but as long as my viewpoints can be heard and addressed, I personally don’t have issue with MLs and MLMs. The atrocities of capitalism far outweigh the failures of established communist states.

        • @Burn_The_Right
          7 months ago

          Communism is neither left nor right. It is just a construct of governance. While it was originally promoted by leftists, it can be either left or right. Some communists are conservative and/or fascist (ex. China).

          • Cowbee [he/they]
            107 months ago

            Communism is neither left nor right.

            The Left/Right divide is about property. Should it be collectivized, or individually owned and traded, ie Socialism vs Capitalism. Communism, therefore, must be left-wing.

            It is just a construct of governance.

            Yes and no. Communism is also economic in nature.

            While it was originally promoted by leftists, it can be either left or right.

            You cannot have Right-Wing Communists.

            Some communists are conservative and/or fascist (ex. China).

            The PRC is socially conservative, yes. Economically, it is Socialist, though certainly not yet Lower-Stage Communist. This does not make China “fascist” or right-wing. It is a socially reactionary, economicaly progressive state.

      • @untorquer
        107 months ago

        ‘The instance you use is named after an Ikea plush. I will not debate you.’

        This JK Rowling?

      • @[email protected]
        57 months ago

        I think you proved their point. Also, your ad hominem attack (or ad urbem attack) could be construed as transphobic.

  • @Burn_The_Right
    7 months ago

    These “tankies” are conservative right-wing shitbag trolls trying to convince the normal people that supporting oppression and dictators is somehow “left-wing”. Do not fall for their conservative bullshit.

    Just like any other conservative, every word they utter is deception or manipulation. Tankies are conservative trolls through and through.

  • @[email protected]
    817 months ago

    Lemmy was originally built by and for tankies, so this is completely unsurprising. The .ml TLD on the original instance isn’t a coincidence.

      • @mightyfoolish
        327 months ago

        They made it for themselves but let us set up instances outside of their control due to their morals that software should be open for all. Again proving the best open source software comes from scratching a personal itch.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            Of course it’s OUR SOFTWARE

            (cue soviet anthem)

            Which one? I choose The Internationale.

            • @[email protected]
              27 months ago

              Off-topic, but the Starlight Glimmer art is on the point so well.

              Starlight is one of the best representations of the Tankie IMO.

              And the writers had the guts to pull it off in a show meant for a 5yo.

              That’s impressive honestly.

              • @[email protected]
                7 months ago

                Kinda. S5 GlimGlam? Yes. S6? Nah.

                The problem was childhood-trauma-induced fake-smiles-forcing cutiemark-taking with propaganda. Remove it and what remains isn’t bad. Doesn’t seem to be much different from ideology of other places.

                As an example from first season there is Winter Wrap-up, which is basically annual subbotnik.

                • @[email protected]
                  27 months ago

                  That’s true, now that I think about it. But I still think the writers nailed the mindset in S5.

                  The final battle between Starlight and Twilight was epic for the lack of a better word.

      • @Pilferjinx
        177 months ago

        I can see the decentralized platform as a communist parallel. I don’t, however, understand the fanaticism for the murdery shit show dictatorship that was Russia/China though.

        • @gmtom
          17 months ago

          And that’s okay. Most of them stay to their own instance and don’t come over and bother us normal people. Just ignore the crazies and move on

        • @Burn_The_Right
          7 months ago

          Communism and conservatism are not mutually exclusive. Conservative communism involves dictators and oppression. That’s how that weird nonsense happened.

        • @[email protected]
          -27 months ago

          It’s a pretty standard take on the commie side that stuff like colonialism and American slavery are pretty much the capitalist equivalent of the communist mass deaths, so I think their position is that everyone’s a hypocrite who has to support a government committing some kind of mass murder (in the modern day, America’s mass murder in this lens is its alliance with Israel). Since Americans won’t admit their government’s atrocities (even though a lot of them do call out the US, but that’s not how they see it), why should they admit the atrocities of the USSR?

          • sunzu
            27 months ago

            I mean… I see people around here presumably amarrican have zero issues discussing US atrocities. So at all Americans at least.

            Never seem a tankie admit Stalin did a genocide once

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        It was never closed to non-tankies, but it wasn’t very welcoming. I had an account on .ml early on and most of the time I got hammered with downvotes, despite having opinions that I’d describe as being on the left edge of liberalism.

        • @Crow_Thief
          -77 months ago

          To be clear, the left edge of liberalism is bernie sanders. Is that what youre saying?

          • @[email protected]
            27 months ago

            Meh, I’d say Bernie is either a social democrat or a reformist socialist who hides his power level.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            Some members of LDPR(e.g. Furgal) seem to be more left than Bernie. And LDPR is former LDPSU - first right-wing party of USSR. Or some members of Union of Right Forces.

            Not corporate neofeudalist is better than corporate neofeudalist, which is improvement for US. But I can’t say he is on edge even of liberalism.

      • @[email protected]
        77 months ago

        It’s almost like the dishonest nature is built into their every move.

        CTH has been eradicated from every platform it’s arisen on, then they built Lemmy.

  • @aesthelete
    607 months ago

    I had one of these fucks try to tell me that North Korea is very democratic.

      • Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼
        97 months ago

        I’m seeing more and more tankies migrate to lemmy.world, because they don’t do anything against them, but lemmy.world is also much less likely to get defederated by other instances. Fuck big, centralized instances. People should move to smaller, niche servers like db0, blahaj.zone, beehaw, etc.

        • @mecfsOP
          37 months ago

          my alt is on blahaj and I really enjoy the local stuff there but its so slow for me sometimes :/

        • Cowbee [he/they]
          37 months ago

          Beehaw has explicitly stated that they do not want more people to join, they want to maintain it as a micro-server, by the way.

          In general, I do think joining smaller servers is a good idea.

  • @DarkCloud
    7 months ago

    It’s weird that Mao, Sun Yat Sen, and Chiang Kai Shek, were all part of the same pro-democracy party early on in China’s civil war.

    Mao won the war, Sun Yat Sen got out of there, Chiang Kai Shek was pushed out and became dictator of Taiwan.

    China is weird.

    Also weird is that one guy caused most of the deaths from famine in both the USSR and China: A conman named Trofim Lysenko, who was lying about having a new science of agriculture… He was bury seeds way further than they could handle then faking his results to keep his job… Killed like, 30 million people who were ordered to take up his techniques.

    • @TankovayaDiviziya
      137 months ago

      About China, you know what they say, it’s easier to be the opposition than to actually govern. Many of those who govern end up being corrupt or incompetent or both.

      Who knows if mainland China under ROC would have been better. People say that will be the case when we look at Taiwan. But Taiwan suffered from thirty years of so-called White Terror and Taiwan eventually democratising is arguably pure luck due to a man whose name escapes me.

      The trajectory of history is never predictable. There are far too many factors to consider; factors which are themselves caused by chain reactions of previous factors and events, which themselves are influenced by other previous events.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        Chiang Kai Shek already oversaw a China beset with hyperinflation, pervasive corruption, and famine. That, too, is history.

        It’s why the Maoists were able to launch a popular revolution in the first place. Chinese people had literally nothing to lose but their chains.

        • @TankovayaDiviziya
          7 months ago

          Chiang had to work with various warlords and bore most of the fight against the Japanese, while Mao gathered strength and let ROC to bleed itself. Even if ROC won and the CCP got destroyed, we don’t know if factionalism and warlord-ism will emerge since ROC had been weakened severely. Or, in another alternative time, Chiang and KMT had somehow pulled a miracle, and somehow made the entirety of China industrialised as quickly as post-war Japan and never had to resort to dictatorship and hence had always been democratic after World War 2.

    • @Aceticon
      77 months ago

      If I remember it correctly, in China Mao ordered sparrow to be killed en masse because they supposedly ate the grain: turns out that what they ate were the pests that attacked the plants.

      • Cowbee [he/they]
        7 months ago

        95% correct, the sparrows were also eating the grain, but removing the natural predator to the far worse pests resulted in far worse famine due to an explosion in population of pests. This was one of the factors that resulted in Mao losing influence in the party over time.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      China is weird

      Is it? There are plenty of examples of smaller factions joining forces to overthrow a common enemy, who later battled it out amongst themselves.

  • HubertManne
    307 months ago

    heck you don’t even have to go that far. the second picture can be pretty much every republican president whos held office. When was the last ware we started happen while a dem president was in office?

        • @eskimofry
          -207 months ago

          It isn’t as much of a stretch as that created by Israel sticking their hands far up U.S. govt’s ass.

          • Cethin
            197 months ago

            Wait, so the US is the puppet? Is the US fighting Israel’s proxy war? Do you people even know what you’re saying when you say stuff like this?

        • @[email protected]
          -237 months ago

          It is a stretch, but it’s also a proxy war funded by the US that escalated several fold under Biden

      • Cethin
        117 months ago

        A proxy war implies they’re using another nation to fight an enemy. Which enemy are they fighting? Palestine is not an enemy or threat to the US.

        You could consider Ukraine as potentially a proxy war, but you’d have to be pretty stupid or pretty mislead to think Gaza is.

        • @[email protected]
          -157 months ago

          What do you mean “Source?” Are you asking for a source that Israel invaded Gaza? A source that the US funded it? A source that it escalated during Biden’s presidency?

          • mad_asshatter
            47 months ago

            They’re “stinkyonions”.
            They’re asking for sauce.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            Are you implying that on a quiet morning somewhere around last October, Biden gave Bibi a call and ordered him to escalate?

      • HubertManne
        47 months ago

        I don’t see how. you would need to consider any military action by any ally then as a proxy war for any nation. So it would be a proxy ware for most of europe to and asia and a good part of both africa and the americas.

      • @mecfsOP
        357 months ago

        More like a defense of merchant ships attacked by houthis.

        I wouldn’t call that a “war started by Joe Biden”.

        • @[email protected]
          -457 months ago

          Well Wikipedia considers it a war, I bet the poor mother fuckers that died think so too, but that list has 7 other conflicts that Obama started, weirdly there isn’t a single one by the ultimate mega hitler everyone is talking about.

          • Nightwatch Admin
            7 months ago

            Megahitler closed a “don’t shoot while I’m running away” deal with the Taliban that Biden had to mop up, now you can hate on Sleepy Joe as much as you want, but that is Drumpf’s doing.

          • @mecfsOP
            97 months ago

            Another day, another comment I’ll block for stupidity.

            The 10 people who died in the defense of merchant ship from houthis is totally comparable to the tens of thousands of homeless people, protestors, victims of police violence, inability to pay for medical care, resulting from Trump era policies, not to mention what banning abortion will do.

            • @[email protected]
              -27 months ago

              I’m not trying to defend Trump, I’m just saying that the proposition that all Democrats are bloodless pacifists is completely removed from reality.

          • @dariusj18
            77 months ago

            Megahitler is currently focused on the enemy within, after that is exhausted they will need to start on the enemy without.

          • @mean_bean279
            37 months ago

            Oh well if Wikipedia says it is then I guess we have no choice. Who invented the toaster again?

          • mad_asshatter
            27 months ago

            The US hasn’t declared war since WW2. Wikipedia will tell you that, too.

          • Flying Squid
            27 months ago

            ultimate mega hitler

            If Trump wins and he starts marching the Latino and queer people into camps like in the threats his people are making, I want you to remember that you said this.

              • Flying Squid
                27 months ago

                Do I really believe that they’ll do what they’re threatening to do when they get into power if they get into power?

                Yes, I do. Why shouldn’t I? Why would I even want that risk?

                There’s already an ongoing transgender genocide in the U.S. caused in great part by Republicans. Why would I want to make that worse?


                • @[email protected]
                  -27 months ago

                  Show me where anyone is threatening internment camps for gay people.

                  The Latino thing is going to be the exact same thing that all 4 of the last sitting presidents did, but you’re going to act like it’s worse when someone red is in charge.

            • @[email protected]
              -27 months ago

              Good, I’d rather not talk to people who settle their differences of opinion by stamping their feet and plugging their ears.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            Ansar Allah could just take Iran’s fist out of their ass. But they seem to love being front line puppets.

          • @[email protected]
            07 months ago

            I have little hope you’ll grab the concept, but

            Did that ‘war’ start with the Houthis firing missiles, or them being fired upon?

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Oooooh, this thread’ll let my blocklist feast for days as the Tankies come out to whatabbout

    Edit: Man yall are too kind! Thank you for helping me make Lemmy a more intelligent place! <3

    • @Allonzee
      -287 months ago

      Add me! I don’t see a single decent leader in this meme, but governance/economic debate by mascot is counterproductive.

    • @Crow_Thief
      -307 months ago

      Bro tankie doesnt even mean anything anymore, what are you actually saying?

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          Oh yeah. That’d be stupid. Besides billionaires, sadly arms manufacturers are the one group you don’t mess with.

          I wish we had let them succeed. Russia can help out America and themselves at the same time

          In context it doesn’t sound as stupid. Like if someone dropping bunker-penertating bomb and killing Putin will help both Russia and Ukraine. Despite my wishing for Putin rather being sent to Hauge or Russian prison, any option is better than Putin continuing war.

          And there are other things that better not exist for entire world like all those spying and censorship agencies like FSB, RKN, FBI, NSA.

  • @HomerianSymphony
    227 months ago

    Now, I don’t like violence. But even I can see that there’s a difference between violence waged for imperialism and violence waged against imperialism.

    And you can see the difference too. That’s why Obama and Biden always say that their wars are being waged “for freedom”. That’s why you accept the violence of historical revolutions like the American Revolution.

    The problem is, Obama and Biden are lying when they say their wars are for freedom. Their wars are for profit and control.

  • kirbowo808
    227 months ago

    omg so true, esp on the OG Lemmy instance, where even the admins/creators of Lemmy on there are tankies.

    • @mecfsOP
      387 months ago

      That feeling when you get banned for mentioning Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

      • kirbowo808
        197 months ago

        The pain of having to walk on eggshells just in case some admins decide to have a power mod day.

        • @barsquid
          07 months ago

          I used to have an account on lemmy.ml. I didn’t know they were delusional. Now I won’t even subscribe to anything on lemmy.ml.

      • @[email protected]
        67 months ago

        Ate an instance wide ban for saying democratic republics are, by definition, a form of democracy 🤷‍♂️

      • @barsquid
        27 months ago

        Russia isn’t even leftist? It’s oil oligarchy and kleptocracy. They love authoritarianism, they don’t give a shit about economics.

        • sunzu
          27 months ago

          Yeah but they are fighting the imperialist west by invading a brotherly nation which they have historu of repressing but in a family type of way tho

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        That feeling when you get banned from [email protected] and other communities (moderator log: “commie”) for warning about bad faith actors among those spending their entire online political discourse complaining about tankies

  • DaBabyAteMaDingo
    197 months ago

    People here claiming it’s not the case are just wrong. I’ve been banned from multiple instances and had posts deleted by these bozos. Actually authoritarians lol

  • @[email protected]
    177 months ago

    I can agree with the text while being against the authoritarians pictured.

    I just hope people don’t think that everyone complaining about US imperialism is somehow fine with Russian or Chinese actions of the same hue.

    The US as least has a flawed democracy.