• @CharlesDarwin
    478 months ago

    They are the most sensitive snowflakes on the planet. Just tell them what your pronouns are and watch them explooooooode.

    • @Etterra
      98 months ago

      They’re just doing the same thing they always do when they have no substance - culture war bullshit. It doesn’t matter to them; it’s all about attack attack attack. It’s been part if their core strategy since at least Newt Gingrich.

  • @Zachariah
    328 months ago

    Within moments, several right-wing accounts posted the same video from 2022: a video of Vice President Harris sitting at a table and addressing a group of people, where she introduces herself by listing her pronouns and describing her clothing. She says, “Good afternoon, I want to welcome these leaders for coming in and having this very important discussion about some of the most pressing issues of our time. I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit.

    • @EmpathicVagrant
      228 months ago

      Curious, why did she describe her clothing, exactly

      • @Zachariah
        658 months ago

        For vision impaired people.

        • @CharlesDarwin
          428 months ago

          ERRRRHMAHGAWD, now I understand why the right is so upset…the horror of being decent to others!

          /me staggers to fainting couch, clutching pearls and clawing at some smelling salts…

          • @ours
            78 months ago

            How dare our leaders have empathy towards others?

            Only the most ruthless, puppie-murdering sociopaths are fit to rule. And the more narcissist they are, the more I trust them.

        • @lolcatnip@reddthat.com
          8 months ago

          I’m still unclear on how that’s supposed to help them. Is it only for people with, like, bad vision but who aren’t blind per se?

          • @Zachariah
            48 months ago

            ”The event was attended by a room full of disability rights leaders. According to White House Correspondent Andrew Feinberg, who stated that he was the print pooler at the event, “she was talking to a room of disability activists, including people who are/were blind.” Using descriptive terms to indicate who you are, your appearance, and what you are doing is a common technique to improve accessibility for audience members who may be blind. The Disability Visibility Project says of the practice, “A self-description provides information about a person that non-blind people passively glean. This includes identity characteristics such as skin color, gender identity, hair length and texture, wardrobe, and more.”

            • @lolcatnip@reddthat.com
              18 months ago

              I would feel really weird doing that because my physical appearance is irrelevant to anything I might have to say. Same reason my Lemmy profile says nothing about what I look like.

              • Tiefling IRL
                8 months ago

                Are you a public speaker? How often do you present yourself to an audience of people with vision impairments?

                No one is forcing you to do this in daily life. Kamala did it as a show of empathy and to better connect with people who are visually impaired. It doesn’t harm anyone and provides additional context to those who need it.

                • @lolcatnip@reddthat.com
                  18 months ago

                  I’m not saying she’s wrong for doing it. Allow me to quote my reply to someone else:

                  I’m just skeptical of a lot of ways people change their language and speaking habits to supposedly be more inclusive, because a lot of it seems like either empty virtue signaling (the real kind, not the right-wing bastardization of the term), or just an eagerness to be accommodating that precludes thinking critically about whether a proposed accommodation is actually helpful. On one hand, I know I’m biased against unfamiliar norms, so the fact that I find a lot of them distasteful doesn’t mean they’re bad. On the other hand, I know some progressive language choices are not well accepted by the very people they’re supposed to benefit. For example, I’ve read a majority of Latinx people don’t like the word Latinx, a lot of homeless people find “unhoused” to be patronizing, and a lot of Black Americans prefer Black over African American. If political correctness is just a fancy way of saying treating people with respect, I think what I’m talking about could be called political hypercorrectness (by analogy with hypercorrection, i.e. trying so hard to be respectful that you end up being less respectful.

                  I’m currently on the fence about the trend of people describing their appearance as part of an introduction. I haven’t heard anything one way or the other about it from blind people, but I have a really hard time seeing how a person describing themselves visually would be useful to someone whose experience of the world doesn’t include vision.

              • @Zachariah
                18 months ago

                not everyone is so enlightened

                • @lolcatnip@reddthat.com
                  18 months ago

                  Do I detect sarcasm?

                  I’m just skeptical of a lot of ways people change their language and speaking habits to supposedly be more inclusive, because a lot of it seems like either empty virtue signaling (the real kind, not the right-wing bastardization of the term), or just an eagerness to be accommodating that precludes thinking critically about whether a proposed accommodation is actually helpful. On one hand, I know I’m biased against unfamiliar norms, so the fact that I find a lot of them distasteful doesn’t mean they’re bad. On the other hand, I know some progressive language choices are not well accepted by the very people they’re supposed to benefit. For example, I’ve read a majority of Latinx people don’t like the word Latinx, a lot of homeless people find “unhoused” to be patronizing, and a lot of Black Americans prefer Black over African American. If political correctness is just a fancy way of saying treating people with respect, I think what I’m talking about could be called political hypercorrectness (by analogy with hypercorrection, i.e. trying so hard to be respectful that you end up being less respectful.

                  I’m currently on the fence about the trend of people describing their appearance as part of an introduction. I haven’t heard anything I’ve way or the other about it from blind people, but I have a really hard time seeing how a person describing themselves visually would be useful to someone whose experience of the world doesn’t include vision.

    • 🦄🦄🦄
      68 months ago

      That video would make me want to vote for her even more. Good on those trolls to further her election campaign.

      • @Zachariah
        38 months ago

        I couldn’t stomach it, but I fantasize about running as a GOP candidate and once elected doing the opposite of what that party wants.

        • @ChronosTriggerWarning
          38 months ago

          I’ve thought this exact thing as well. Why do Manchin and Sinema get to have all the fun?!

  • @ReallyActuallyFrankenstein@lemmynsfw.com
    268 months ago

    For any MAGA conservatives seething about this type of thing, my go to response is, “whether you’re right or not, isn’t it better to be good to each other?”

    The most insidious effect of right-wing propaganda is not any specific issue, it’s that it’s trained half the country to change the metric for life from being “good” to being “right.”

    Nevermind that they’re wrong, but if they at least tried to be good, to be considerate of their neighbors and they people around them, there would be hope talking to them. Fox News has trained that out of them completely.

    • @Zombiepirate
      108 months ago

      Their empathy and compassion do not extend past their own “tribe.”

      It is a mistake to think that reactionaries have a value system based on morality; the closest they come to this is confusing it with their highly tuned feeling of disgust for people who are different from them.

      To a reactionary, the highest “moral” good is to fit in your box and fulfill the role that society has dictated for you.

      It’s why they’re calling Harris a “DEI” hire: the implication is that she jumped her station and so doesn’t deserve to be president. It’s why they said Obama isn’t an American: to attack his legitimacy.

      They simply cannot help themselves, and it’s why Harris is anathema to them: their focus on identity politics means she cannot be legitimate because they don’t actually care about her qualifications but instead on how much of an insult to white men her election would be.

      They don’t want to be “good,” they want all the people they hate to be put back in their place. It’s what reactionaries always do.

      • @lolcatnip@reddthat.com
        38 months ago

        It’s why they’re calling Harris a “DEI” hire

        I’m pretty sure it’s because they think we don’t know they mean the N word.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      48 months ago

      Nevermind that they’re wrong, but if they at least tried to be good, to be considerate of their neighbors and they people around them, there would be hope talking to them. Fox News has trained that out of them completely.

      We all knew these types since kindergarten. Yes, some might have this inculcated later by Faux “News” and the like, but I bet more than a few people are predisposed to punching down since playtime in preschool, even, and never got any better.

      You know the kids that will grow up to be Karens and so on. I bet most teachers can predict with reasonable certainty which kids will grow up to be Republicans.

  • @Boddhisatva
    208 months ago

    Oh my God! She’s respectful to disabled people!? BURN THE WITCH!