WaPo gift article - no paywall

  • @Viking_Hippie
    1111 month ago

    Usha Vance, 38, addressed an overwhelmingly White crowd on the convention floor that tittered uneasily as she joked about her husband learning to cook Indian food and audibly gasped when she mentioned her vegetarian diet.

    In case anyone didn’t remember what color most snowflakes are 🤦😂

      • @Viking_Hippie
        111 month ago

        Wow. Every time I think I can’t loathe that sad little man more, I learn something new he’s done or said that proves me wrong 🤦

      • @Sam_Bass
        71 month ago

        Shes a damn sight prettier than he deserves

        • @Nuke_the_whales
          101 month ago

          She can’t be that great if she married that guy. In all likelihood she’s also a far right nutbag, who’s turn it is to have her face eaten by leopards

        • @stoicmaverick
          51 month ago

          Money…it’s because of money… money can get people things they don’t deserve.

    • ✺roguetrick✺
      1 month ago

      Hindutva love Trump’s Republican party, right until they deport them for not being Christian. They’ve got a similar relationship there as zionists do.

      I’m actually rather surprised the evangelicals aren’t revolting over a Catholic/Hindu couple being on the ticket.

      • @Viking_Hippie
        91 month ago

        I’m actually rather surprised the evangelicals aren’t revolting over a Catholic/Hindu couple being on the ticket.

        Me too, but at the same time I’m not. I guess their inherently blasphemous worship of Trump is stronger than their bigotry.

        Which is kinda ironic since his bigotry (and thus him validating their own) is one of the main reasons why these idiots consider him the savior of (white, Christian) mankind 🤦😄

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        It’s all good as long as them non whites “know their place”.

        So if Vance just talks down about her, then their hierarchy is not threatened. That’s why he said what he did in this post.

    • Flying Squid
      641 month ago

      I guess now we know what he thinks of Hitler.

      • mad_asshatter
        321 month ago

        There were good folks on both sides, pardner!

        • @Sanguine
          151 month ago

          Just watched that golf dude on YouTube play rounds with trump. That pardner stuff was so cringe.

    • @Eldritch
      161 month ago

      Yes but he didn’t say it in a negative way. He said it in a performative way. When you have no beliefs or morals it’s amazing the positions you can take consecutively.

  • @gedaliyahM
    441 month ago

    I feel like speaking out against Trump is a great way to get a job for him.

    If you’re willing to backpedal and support him for money and influence then he knows you are spineless and unprincipled. That means he knows exactly how to control you.

    • @[email protected]
      101 month ago

      That’s actually an old Stalinist tactic. Force your underlings to lie in obvious ways. You know they lied, the public knows they lied, they know the public knows. It’s an act of obedience.

  • @psycho_driver
    321 month ago

    I bet she picks out extremely ugly furniture for their home.

  • @barsquid
    301 month ago

    That’s all Repubs. IDK if there was plausible deniability for W, but there certainly was no plausible deniability for Donald. The only people voting Repub are appalling bigots, whether or not they are as self aware as Usha apparently is.

    • @[email protected]
      41 month ago

      He makes everyone kiss the ring, and the gop is set up such that that’s the normal power structure. If the voter base had any self awareness they’d see the weakness inherent in the platform

  • @800XL
    171 month ago

    Vance sees kissing Trumps ass as the easiest way to be on the ticket for Fuhrer next election cycle. If Trump wins or loses he won’t be in physical/mental shape for the next election and Vance sees sticking his nose intestine deep up Trump’s ass and using the next 4 years as his sounding board to say whatever smoothbrained maga wants to get his name out there.

    It’s his Ace Ventura “put me in coach” moment.

    • partial_accumen
      211 month ago

      I think this was Pence’s play too. He just had a moment of clarity when we saw a glimpse of his future where the word “Pence” replaced “Benedict Arnold” as the default word for “traitor” and didn’t want that to be his legacy. As much as I dislike Pence, I respect him for his moment of authenticity to certify the election in the face of fascism .

      • @idiomaddict
        21 month ago

        Trump chose pence because he was repugnant enough to ward off assassination attempts before we knew how bad trump was. Why did he choose Vance?

        • @krashmo
          61 month ago

          This line of thinking assumes Trump is capable of concocting elaborate schemes to hide his intentions. I don’t think he’s that intelligent and I don’t think he tries to hide his intentions at all. He’s exactly as dumb as he appears and his intentions are plain. His style only works because the people who support him are also idiots.

          • @idiomaddict
            31 month ago

            I honestly don’t think it requires much brain power to make sure your replacement is unpalatable, but okay

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        It was…. Trump was going to lose and Pence run in 2020. There’s a video of his wife mouthing “I hope you’re happy” when the win was announced.

  • @someguy3
    131 month ago

    Gift article but you need to give your email to read.

    Email wall.

  • zewm
    111 month ago

    OP is misinforming. The article is indeed paywalled.

  • @Sam_Bass
    21 month ago

    Her old man may have threatened to beat her

    • @[email protected]
      61 month ago

      Given the fact that he’s a staunch believer that women should stay in violent marriages instead of divorcing, you may be right.

      • @Sam_Bass
        21 month ago

        No. “Old man” is an old colloquialism for spouse

        • tiredofsametab
          31 month ago

          Huh. When did that happen? Etymonline isn’t helpful here. Maybe it’s regional or something? Thanks!

          • @Sam_Bass
            1 month ago

            The term has been around since the 40s and 50s. As too regional no it was/is nationwide. More likely cultural. The youth of those days were more accuztomex to it than their parents

            • @WindyRebel
              1 month ago

              Must be regional or something else because I’ve never heard “old man” used in any other context than as a father. I’ve lived in Florida and the west coast and traveled all over the US for context.

              “The ‘ol’ ball and chain” is used for spouse, unfortunately it’s usually used for women.

              • @Sam_Bass
                11 month ago

                Guess you are just too young to have heard it since it began so long ago. Even been on television enough for most people to have heard it

                • @WindyRebel
                  21 month ago

                  I’m in my 40s, so it must be quite an old thing.

          • @tamal3
            1 month ago

            My old man
            He’s a singer in the park
            He’s a walker in the rain
            He’s a dancer in the dark
            We don’t need no piece of paper
            From the city hall
            Keeping us tied and true
            No, my old man
            Keeping away my blues