• @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    I got permabanned from Reddit for saying that I respect trans people (temp ban), and then agreeing with someone else that homophobia in the OW community was ridiculous, as the game is pro-queer (perm ban).

    Fuck Reddit.

    Also, the situation where you have multiple accounts (e.g. on your phone, on a work computer, on home computer), are permabanned from a sub for a stupid reason on one, and then post on that sub with another account six months later because you forget, and then get in trouble for it… it’s ridiculous. Just ban all the linked accounts so that the user can’t get in trouble for forgetting about a ban from months ago.

  • @Dasus
    277 months ago

    I mean, you can’t advocate for people to kill themselves.

    It doesn’t matter if you say kys for world peace, even if it was true and someone was sacrificing themselves for the world.

    Just can’t say that.

    Usually you can use euphemisms though.

    But yeah Reddit is shit I got similarly banned, but for even milder language, when — I assume — Israeli’s mass flagged my comment, and I had had previous warnings over similar things.

    It doesn’t really even matter though if you use even mild language if the intent is there and some astroturfing group decides to mass report a comment.

    When it’s like dozens of reports on a single comment, the lazy fuckers over at Reddit simply don’t care and ban you.

      • @Dasus
        177 months ago

        Well, have you given thought to how angry it makes you when moronic terfs oversimplify and exaggerate?

        Do you actually think someone should kill themselves. Answer like you would in real life, as if you then had to watch that person killing themselves.

        Anyone who’s an adult and even somewhat not-sociopathic should know that while it’s very attractive to say “yes I want these bad people to kill themselves”, it’s a slippery slope and deep down the answer is “no, not really really”. It’s pretty much the exact rhetoric that starts movements that end up in fascism or some other totalitarianism. “Those people need to go!”

          • qaz
            27 months ago

            OP’s advice to do what?

          • @Dasus
            17 months ago

            If you want to say a thing, but you won’t even say the words, that should tell you about the general level of acceptability of that word/phrase.

            You’re suggesting I kill myself, but you know you can’t even say that, so you hope implying it doesn’t get you into trouble. You would never in your life tell me to kill myself in real life over me saying “you shouldn’t tell even the worst people they should kill themselves”.

            You know how you would be — and are perceived for something like that. Which is why the only place you let out your irrational toxicity is pseudoanonymous forums like Lemmy, and again, would never say that in real life. Even if you wanted to, you wouldn’t have the courage.

              • @Dasus
                17 months ago

                You’re assuming an incredible decree.

                I’m high-roading people who don’t understand that advocating for someone to kill themselves is wrong. I think you do.

                “Kill yourself” is such a bad insult to begin with. There’s so many more creative ways to insult and mock terfs, beginning with the obvious lack of any sort of fucking logic in the garbage they put out.

                Making them feel stupid will be much better than childishly saying “despite universal human rights (which you’re not even in favour of), I think you don’t deserve to live because you’re stupid and hateful, so please take this poison or jump in a river with some stones tied to your feet, but physically, end your life. I don’t want you to be alive anymore, but I also realise me killing you myself would be criminal. Honestly I just want you to stop spreading hate, but even when you’re not willing to do that, I’m still sure you’ll take my advice on actually ending your own life.”

                I believe you’d use “kill yourself” as a childish insult, but I’d like to see you seriously advocating someone actually killing themselves. You could even bring them a knife to do it, couldn’t you?

                I’m not cisgender, btw, and I’ve had years of depression and seeing kids just toss “kys” around that fucking lightly pisses me the fuck off, because I’ve heard it plenty. A few times made me think that I’ll go and slit my wrists in front of some of those. I’ve some 20cm long scars on both my wrists.

                Please think of the things you write to, no matter what a shitty person you’re writing to. How would we even win if we stoop down to their level?

                “If you can’t respect me pretending like I’d have the courage to actually watch someone kill themselves because I said so, you’re not my ally”

                I respect your passion to fight terf cunts. I do. BUT I don’t respect anyone saying “kys” specially with the acronym or euphemisms.

                There’s very much a reason it’s banned in the TOS.

                The same reason we can’t advocate murdering the ultra-wealthy. Which is why we say “eat the rich”, not “kill the rich”, because while both imply dead rich people, the former projects the reason for this “threat”.

                It’s paradoxical that good guys have to gimp themselves with rules and morality while “the enemy” doesn’t give a fuck about it, but it is what it is.

                Hate spreads hate. I don’t hate terfs, I’m disgusted and disappointed in them as humans. They sicken me, but I don’t want hateful people to make me feel hate. It’s consumed a large part of my life and completely in vain.

                Anger is a good motivator for acting, and I’m often angry at terfs, but I don’t hate them. I pity the sad fuckers, and no, I wouldn’t shed a tear if a busload drove off a cliff, but as an adult, especially one who’s had actual suicidal ideation, I can not in good conscience advocate for anyone to kill themselves.

  • @Fleur__
    37 months ago

    Literally a “that sign can’t stop me because I can’t read” moment

  • @EndlessApollo
    07 months ago

    Based based based based based based based based based based based based