Games Workshop has reiterated that Amazon’s hotly anticipated Warhammer 40,000 film and TV series will not happen unless both companies can agree “creative guidelines” by December 2024.

  • @Pronell
    267 months ago

    I predict that Games Workshop will torpedo this project on purpose. They’re not good at this.

    • @Delphia
      7 months ago

      Dont be so sure.

      GW knows their cash cow is their IP not their miniatures, a GREAT series exposing their product to normies will sell funko pops and 40K monopoly to the masses.

      A significant portion of hardcore 40k players are already playing with 3d prints, recasts and 3rd party minis. The only GW thing they buy is the rulebook. Think about all the pointless GOT merch that was around…

    • @Geek_King
      97 months ago

      GW sure does make consistently bad decisions, don’t they?

    • @rustyfish
      97 months ago

      Reminder that GW, in all its wisdom, fucked up when a studio made a 40K RTS. After which the studio dropped everything Warhammer and just called it StarCraft. That studio was Blizzard.