Donald Trump has been throwing a prolonged tantrum, as he struggles to accept that he is no longer running against President Joe Biden.
The former president and convicted felon has become increasingly distressed at the state of his campaign, according to a Washington Post report published Thursday.
As Vice President Kamala Harris has relaunched the Democratic Party’s campaign, Trump saw his fundraising edge dissipate under the shadow of her $310 million influx in July. At the same time, his campaign has struggled to find its footing in the new matchup, leaving some close to the campaign wondering how it was possible they were so ill prepared, according to the *Post. *
After flying so high at the Republican National Convention in July, it seems that Trump has had a hard time adjusting to the fact that his fight is not over.
“It’s unfair that I beat him and now I have to beat her too,” Trump told an ally in a phone call last weekend, according to the Post.
He can always drop out. No one is forcing him to run
He knows the only way he’s staying out of prison is to get elected.
Funny, we said that the first time too. And the second.
He’s wrong about that. The Justice* system has revealed itself to be so corrupt that he’s risen above the law.
I’m totally fine if he fucks off to North Korea for the rest of his life. Better yet, takes all his supporters with him. That way he can play pretend dictator with his romantic partner Kim for eternity and beyond
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Is there a single McDonalds in NK? Going cold turkey on daily cheeseburgers might just kill him.
…is that a problem?
If it didn’t happen in the last four years it’s not happening at all
The Supreme Court might very well see to him never seeing prison.
It’s really telling that trump thinks it’s some sort of competition sport that’s all about him winning. We’re deciding who to hire to do the job. It’s not the Olympics. It’s not about him or Kamala, it’s about us.
You are right. But he’ll never get that through his thick, narcissistic skull, because he’s been allowed to get away with anything for his entire life with basically no consequences. In the shitty little bubble he exists in, everything is a contest that he can exploit and cheat at. And everyone serves him while he does whatever the fuck he wants. The idea of him serving the American people is completely alien to him.
Winning? All I hear is whining.
If you just make that substitution all the times he’s said “We’re going to be winning so much” it makes far more sense. “You’ll be tired of all the whining we’re going to do” is far more accurate
Trump is much more used to doing one major event a week. This week, as his running mate J.D. Vance hit the road, Trump stayed home in Florida to fundraise and do interviews. After months of campaigning, it’s unclear whether Trump has the stamina to carry his campaign to November.
It’s ok Donnie - go take a nap and when you wake up in November it’ll all be over 😇
He’s insulting Kamala as being too scared to do interviews, when he’s too old and weak to run a real campaign.
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We can all make fun of him but I think he is setting the stage to call the election unfair and unlawful when he eventually loses, be careful.
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Not to say this isn’t true, but the 2024 count probably also includes his continued whining about the 2020 election. It’s all part of the same thing, but it’s blurrier than the other two metrics.
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Um…ok? That really only supports what I said - there was no distinction between which election he was talking about.
The Times has documented more than 500 campaign events, social media posts and interviews during the 2024 cycle in which Mr. Trump falsely accused Democrats or others of trying to “rig,” “cheat,” “steal” or otherwise “influence” the next election — or of having done so in 2020.
In terms of pure numbers, that’s gonna inflate the stats.
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I’m not arguing with anybody. Just pointing out a notable difference in the sets of data.
Ain’t that the truth!
He tapped an outside contractor to come up with the governance and policy plan. They basically delivered him a 900 page authoritarian how-to manual.
That’s the decoy manual, he really plans to use a subscription based manual called Vladimir Putin.
Cheating the vote obviously has legs, but whining that it’s unfair he has to run against someone he doesn’t want to isn’t going to hit the same. He is really losing his edge and getting slow-witted, and it really looks to me like maga is running out of gas, and I don’t think there is anyone out there who can replace Trump to pour fuel on the fire.
Unless he somehow gets the whole US military to stage a coup for him, we’ll be just fine and get rid of a lot of dead weight in the process.
He’s no longer in the position to keep the military away for his insurrection. They will be there in force and any bullshit magats think they’re going to pull is going to be snuffed out quicker than he can inhale a bigmac.
And I think it’s unfair he can even try to run. But here we are
Trump’s meltdown yesterday was entirely about how much he misses Biden and fears Kamala. It was pure joy to watch him flailing. i believe you can stick a fork in him. He’s done. We just witnessed a seismic shift.
Like Musk telling advertisers to fuckoff and then suing everyone that fucked off. They just want to abuse the system.
It’s weird they think the gaslighting goes unnoticed.
Cry, bitch.
It’s like nobody ever sat this overgrown toddler down and had the talk with him, because he’s always been an entitled little prick who thinks the rules don’t apply to him.
Life isn’t fair, fucking deal with it you whining man child.
“If the enemy does something unexpected, they owe you for the resources you wasted countering the wrong strategy” – Sun Tzu, The Art of Being an Upwards Failing Fuckup
No one with a single working brain cell fucking cares.
We care.
We care its fucking hilarious, we care no one gives a shit about him, and we care his campaign was run just as badly as his attempts to both run a country and overthrow it.
I care.
I bet he’ll die insecure over the fact that he’ll never be really sure if he could win the rematch.
To be fair, when has a president ever had to deal with an unexpected change of events?
(/s to be safe)
He is a racist, rapist, with dementia and 34 felonies that caused an insurrection that got people killed. He needs to fuck off into the sun. He’s trash, always been trash, and now he’s getting his ass kicked by his worst fucking nightmare. A woman that is black. If hell exists, I really hope he has a really special spot there for all the suffering he’s caused.
If hell exists, he probably is getting a taste already