Does anyone know about the environmental impact of these? I sometimes hear about boat propellers hurting wildlife, so what about these?

I’m almost an 11h drive from the nearest coast, so this is not an area of knowledge I am well versed in haha.

  • @ericjmorey
    126 months ago

    Tidal turbines are designed to be noisy enough to deter marine life but not so noisy that there are detrimental health and ecological effects. Not sure how successful this strategy is, but the scale of deployments is still small and more study and monitoring should be done before the scale makes big impacts from even small effects.

    Here’s a blog post from an engineering firm that works on these issues:

    • Sprig🌱OP
      56 months ago

      Thank you so much! You and that post answered my questions perfectly

  • @hperrin
    96 months ago

    You gotta remember that any form of energy only needs to be less damaging than the alternative to be better. When the alternative is coal, every other form of energy is less damaging.

  • @DouchePalooza
    36 months ago

    The problem with these structures is usually small marine life - they tend to need frequent maintenance to remove barnacles and whatnot.

    Having your smooth walls and turbines lined with barnacles tends to impact performance significantly.