Trump ‘couldn’t run that damn McFlurry machine if it cost him anything!’ Walz quipped

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz on Tuesday hit out at Donald Trump’s anti-union record as he promised that he and Vice President Kamala Harris would take the pro-labor agenda that made his state one of the best places to work and bring it to the rest of the country.

Speaking to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union in Los Angeles, the Democratic vice presidential nominee — the first labor union member on a presidential ticket since Ronald Reagan ran as a Republican in the 1980 election — slammed Trump’s record while touting Harris’s background as a former fast food worker.

“You know Vice President Harris grew up in a middle class family, picked up shifts at that McDonald’s as a student. I keep asking this to make a contrast here, can you simply picture Donald Trump working at a McDonald’s, trying to make a McFlurry or something?” he said.

  • @[email protected]
    2077 months ago

    Taking aim at his opponents, Walz told the audience of union members that “the only thing” Trump and his running mate, JD Vance, know about “working people” is “how to take advantage of them.”

    While Republicans are still trying to come up with a goofy nickname for Harris, Walz is openly discussing class consciousness.

    • @[email protected]
      707 months ago

      I don’t even think Harris has a nickname for trump. She just says he’s old and has to go. It’s very matter of fact. “We’re not going back”.

      • @IphtashuFitz
        447 months ago

        I prefer politicians that don’t stoop to name calling.

        Politicians that act like children by using nicknames in attempts to disparage others is just plain weird.

        • @kescusay
          257 months ago

          It really is, isn’t it. And I’m so glad we’re finally saying so out loud. It’s peurile, it’s immature, it’s disrespectful… But it’s also astonishingly weird. It’s a weird thing to do. It’s a grown man behaving like the most annoying of schoolyard bullies. And that is just plain weird.

          • Billiam
            437 months ago

            It’s weird that a thrce-married, multiply-affaired man is the head of the party of “family values.”

            It’s weird that a man who lived in a gold-plated penthouse in NYC is considered to represent the “common man.”

            It’s weird that a 34-time convict is supported by the “law and order” party.

            It’s weird that a “billionaire” has to solicit donations from regular Americans.

            It’s weird that the man who can’t quote even the most well-known bible verses is supported by religious organizations.

            It’s just… weird.

            • @samus12345
              147 months ago

              It’s especially weird that a man who embodies every single deadly sin is supported by those Christian religious organizations.

              • @samus12345
                57 months ago

                No ideology other than acquiring power and control by any means necessary.

            • @mightyfoolish
              7 months ago

              It’s just… weird hypocrisy.

              The party of hypocrisy. Their only consistent value.

      • @samus12345
        237 months ago

        I don’t even think Harris has a nickname for Trump.

        As it should be. Let comedians and random people on the internet call him things like Fuckface Von Clownstick.

      • @cheese_greater
        97 months ago

        She’s got it right, Biden maximized trump, Kamala minimizes

  • worldwidewave
    1817 months ago

    I can’t imagine Trump lasting a full day in any customer-facing jobs, especially not retail or food service. It’s amazing people think he’s qualified for any job, much less the top job in the nation.

    • @[email protected]
      527 months ago

      He did last a term in a public facing job - the Presidency. His term review came in and looks like he was fired for bad performance

      • Billiam
        327 months ago

        More than 25% of his time was spent golfing.

        Imagine what your boss would say about you if you spent 10 hours out of every 40 for four years on the links.

        • RubberDuck
          -77 months ago

          I’m opposed to Trump, but if my boss where to whine about me playing golf during the day while Beiing on call 24/7 working weekends and nights because something is needed then… I’d tell him to stuff it. What I mean with this is that this narrative was stupid when trump used it to attack Obama, and it still is stupid now.

          • Billiam
            137 months ago

            What I mean with this is that this narrative was stupid when trump used it to attack Obama, and it still is stupid now.

            Wow, that’s a hell of a take.

            “Golfing because the Presidency is stressful and I need a break” != “I go golfing every weekend at my private club, charge the USSS to rent rooms and golf carts and pocket that money, because I’d rather do that instead of be President.”

            Jesus fucking Christ, dude.

            • RubberDuck
              -17 months ago

              It’s still a stupid line of attack when the grifter in chief was spearheading a bidding war between states for covid supplies, cozying up to the likes of north Korea and Putler and an endless list of other heinous acts.

              I’m sure the US will get over the few 100K or even a few million he siphoned off while at the same time ripping the federal budgets asshole so hard with the tax cuts to the billionaire class it still has not regained the ability to sit properly.

              • Billiam
                57 months ago

                You don’t need to gatekeep legitimate criticisms of Trump. He was robbing taxpayers well before he fucked up his COVID response, and just because he did worse things doesn’t mean we can’t point out the other bad shit he did too.

                • RubberDuck
                  7 months ago

                  Oh that is very true, I just think a US president playing golf is a nothing burger. And the fact this douchebag owns a country club/resort/golfcourse and thus chooses to play and stay there is more indicative of a broken political system owned by the elite than anything else. And the fact this is even possible in the US system makes it even worse.

                  Here in the Netherlands using a government vehicle to go anywhere not for a business appointment means the cost is paid by the person themselves. In the US the president gets a salary and has 0 cost of anything while president. That’s a pretty sweet deal… and the US elected someone that pigged out in his “all you can spend” deal… but this was the deal…

                  And his base is apparently OK with it.

                  By any metric trump was a terrible president, as a European I cannot understand how this is happening. A little like the EU getting shafted by Orban… Just HOW?

      • @grue
        247 months ago

        It’s a disgrace that he made it to the end of his term. He should’ve been convicted and removed.

      • @samus12345
        47 months ago

        And he only lasted the whole term due to the corrupt GOP.

    • @OccamsRazer
      27 months ago

      I’d argue that customer service experience isn’t that relevant to a job running a country, that there is other experience I’d consider much more relevant.

  • @9point6
    7 months ago

    From an international observer, this walz guy is looking like a fantastic pick

    • @Rapidcreek
      647 months ago

      during the 1948 presidential election campaign. In Bremerton, Washington, Truman delivered a speech attacking the Republicans. During the speech, a supporter yelled out, “Give 'em Hell, Harry!” Truman replied, “I don’t give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them, and they think it’s Hell.”

      Walz is the same type of guy.

    • @Stupidmanager
      487 months ago

      It’s the correct direction for USA. Labor protection, women’s rights, care for children, taxes on corporations and 1%, not Trump. The last one this month, oddly became the least important to me. Biden was a solution to a problem (Trump) and now he’s out of the way, some of us are very excited that it’s looking like “not Trump” is the easiest and those other issues will be our running platform.

      • @AbidanYre
        7 months ago

        Walz also just has a joyous charisma. Which is a welcome change from the last decade.

    • @lennybird
      537 months ago

      I know there’s a lot of work to be done but Harris picking Walz gave me a lot of confidence in both her advisors and her own decision-making. If this was Clinton, she would’ve picked Shapiro or even like… Joe Manchin or something.

      • @[email protected]
        207 months ago

        Every single major media operation was holding their breath and stomping their feet to demand Shapiro, I was shocked when she picked Walz.

        • @Psythik
          7 months ago

          Really? Since when do Democrats want that whiny brat who can’t even get a woman wet? The Republicans can keep him.


          • Cethin
            7 months ago

            Different Shapiro. (Well, maybe him also, but not Ben Shapiro, the one infamous for this.) They’re talking about Josh Shipiro (no relation), the Democrat governor of Pennsylvania.

        • @lennybird
          7 months ago

          haha point taken but I confess I have a soft-spot for Schiff which may be an unpopular opinion. I think he’s one of the best rhetoricians in the party up there with Buttigieg. I gained a lot of respect for his leading one of the impeachment hearings and his remarks on the January 6th hearings. Also how he was one of the few Senators to publicly call for Biden to step down.

          Edit: Sorry, self-correction: Schiff is currently a US House Rep (but pretty high in seniority) but running for a CA US Senate seat.

          • @[email protected]
            57 months ago

            During the impeachment, I wished he was my rep instead of one of the ones proving that you can indeed barge into a scif and hold a pizza party then not go to jail immediately, you just have to be important enough.

  • peopleproblems
    487 months ago

    He’s got a point, but now that he’s said it, I would be very happy to see him do a shift in McDonalds. Not as a manager, but as a regular dude, full uniform. We’ll find one of the busy ones for him too.

    Goddamn that would be entertaining.

    • @Num10ck
      247 months ago

      show him looking over a paycheck after a late shift in Oakland

      • @_stranger_
        267 months ago

        Tell him that’s all the money he has for two weeks.

    • @IphtashuFitz
      147 months ago

      Imagine if the judge in his recent felony conviction were to sentence him to a few hundred hours of community service working the counter at a fast food joint….

      • @[email protected]
        77 months ago

        As funny as it is to imagine, you’ve got enough problems over there with for-profit prisons. Giving companies like McDonalds incentive to lobby for more arrests to get free labor from community service sentences would not be pretty.

      • @kescusay
        77 months ago

        That might literally kill him. He’d be confronted by an endless supply of his favorite food.

  • @son_named_bort
    167 months ago

    I can’t imagine a McFlurry machine actually working.

  • @[email protected]
    77 months ago

    Tim is such a sharpshooter. Finally we get to see the Dems taking clever potshots while actually making good points.

    • @auzy
      57 months ago

      He’s the kind of person who would get someone to make him ice cream, and then he’d break it in purpose so nobody else can enjoy it, and then crap in the machine so it needs to be replaced

      Publicly, he’d probably call ice cream woke to appear macho

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      I will admit Trump is incompetent, however I don’t think even the most experienced McDonald’s employee can figure out the mystery to the ice cream machine.

  • @[email protected]
    16 months ago

    Ronald Reagan was a Union President. He was head of the Screen Actors Guild. His Vice President was James Garner, who siad that Reagan was an idiot who needed things explained to him ten times.