• @[email protected]
    901 month ago

    Of course they are. The more they get to know their classmates the less ignorant they become and hence the less weird behaviors they exhibit.

    • @WhatAmLemmy
      1 month ago

      Eh. Males on their own don’t tend to exhibit that behavior. It’s less ignorance and more ape like competitiveness. When you put them together the testosterone compounds and leads to machismo, which results in a bunch of dumb shit.

      • @[email protected]
        171 month ago

        This argument is saturated in assumptions and is difficult to swallow.

        The idea of lack of close physical contact promoting bad behaviour is a well studied phenomenon in many areas, including road rage, and online discourse.

        • @WhatAmLemmy
          429 days ago

          So I actually read the article — you should try it some time — and it literally states males exhibit this behavior due to competitiveness.

          So no, my argument is not saturated in assumptions. It’s saturated in experience, and backed by science.

        • @[email protected]
          -228 days ago

          Turns out your argument was saturated in assumptions and theirs followed the article. Funny how you got real quiet after that, bozo.

      • @[email protected]
        121 month ago

        There are studies of men growing up with sisters are more likely to act in a woman’s best interest, than the stereotypical macho douchebag persona

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        630 days ago

        When you put them together the testosterone compounds and leads to machismo, which results in a bunch of dumb fun shit.

  • @cynar
    221 month ago

    After a quick read of the article, it’s not measuring how matcho they are, but how competitive they are. Even that is by proxy. Men who have lived with more men will tend towards a game of skill for a larger payout, over a fixed payout.

    I personally consider the risk management of being competitive to be an extremely important life skill. Knowing your capabilities requires practise and comparison. Men also tend to change their behaviour patterns when a women is present, particularlyyounger men. “Machoism” is often just our tribal bonding instincts kicking in. It let’s young men learn the limits of their own capabilities and the capabilities and temperament of these they are working closely with.

    • @Shou
      028 days ago

      Testosterone spikes inhibit risk assessment. Testosterone spikes based on social circumstance rather than the time of day. When there are smaller males/females around you can dominate, testosterone spikes. When the other males are bigger, stronger and more aggressive, testosterone doesn’t spike. Making you avoid conflict instead.

      A lack of risk assessment, along with increased impulsivity, is a feature. Useful to get males to initiate fighting.

      • @gap_betweenus
        327 days ago

        Reducing human behavior to a single hormone is a choice that is not very representative of reality.

        • @Shou
          127 days ago

          I never said that. It’s only a factor.

      • @cynar
        127 days ago

        Testosterone has complex effects. It is also one of the few hormones that significantly changes in the male brain. Learning to both control and utilise its effects is critical to the proper development of a man.

        Testosterone changes your risk assessments, rather than jamming them. Uncontrolled, it can be problematic. It takes practice and training to channel that in productive directions. Without that practice, it’s effects are either bottled up (with a tendency to explode) or lead to fighting, or crude domineering. Neither is healthy.

    • @forensic_potato
      27 days ago

      After a quick read of the article

      Definitely NOT what you want to read when talking about academic studies and statistics. It unfortunately makes you sound like an armchair expert

      Edit: I misunderstood the comment and was unnecessarily rude

      • @cynar
        1830 days ago

        I wasn’t reading and critiquing the underlying paper, I was primarily checking if the headline and methods matched up. They don’t. Confidence and controlled risk taking are very different from “macho”.

        They also seem to make the correlation ≠ causation fallacy, though that might be fixed in the actual paper. Is it living in a mixed house makes men less confident, or are less confident men more likely to end up in a mixed house?

        I’m definitely no more than a reasonably informed layman in sociology. I do have scientific training, however, so can spot the more glaring signs of a journalist going beyond what a paper says, or the data backs up.

        • @forensic_potato
          127 days ago

          My mistake for misunderstanding what you meant then! I thought you were referring to the scientific article itself, not the news article

  • @Mango
    528 days ago

    K. I’d rather be less macho and more getting laid. Bonus points for pegging.

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    -3030 days ago

    Yes, we’ve always known that men who associate more regularly with women than other men, act more like women.

    • @[email protected]
      1830 days ago

      Being less macho isn’t “acting more like a woman”. You can be many without being "macho "

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        -230 days ago

        What’s the difference? Genuine question. I frequently see standard male behavior touted as “toxic masculinity” on this platform, so I’m not really sure what you consider manly, but not macho.

        • @[email protected]
          30 days ago

          Toxic masculinity is generally founded on the idea that the world owes you something because you’re a man. Positive masculinity is a rejection on that. It’s using your strength and intelligence to contribute to yourself, your family, your community, and the world. Knowing when to give and when to take.

          Tim Walz is a good example of positive masculinity. He’s manly af. A soldier, a football coach, a hunter, a leader, a father, a husband. He’s used those roles to improve himself and the world around him, he fights against those who hurt him, his family, and community. I’m not arguing he’s perfect or the only example. Being perfect isn’t part of positive masculinity, but he’s a recent example that has gotten a lot of attention.

        • @gap_betweenus
          629 days ago

          Genuine question. What is standard male behavior?

          • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
            -129 days ago

            Some examples could include competitiveness with other males, being less risk averse than females, and being more analytical than emotional,

            • @gap_betweenus
              228 days ago

              And what exactly out of those things is considered to be toxic in general or is it more that the extreme forms of those things are considered to be toxic?

              • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
                28 days ago

                You asked for examples of standard male behaviors, not toxic male behaviors.

                Edit: oh, you’re asking which of those, people here would consider toxic? Pick one! Put a negative spin on it, and you can probably find that sentiment pretty easily around these parts.

                • @gap_betweenus
                  128 days ago

                  What do you mean by negative spin? You don’t think that for example extreme competitiveness can be negative - or what is the point you are trying to make.

    • @auzy
      29 days ago


      I operate a rock climbing meetup and hiking meetup and most of my mates are women.

      In my experience people who act macho are also the least macho, and they do it because they’re scared or insecure

      Acting toxic isn’t acting like a man. It’s just an indicator they never left high school.

      When the situation gets bad, it’s often the non macho ones who take control and fix it when hiking.

      Also, I’ve met world record mountaineers (including a first time 7 summits guy). They just act normal.

      • @Shou
        028 days ago

        “Acting toxic isn’t acting like a man.”

        Yes it is. As much as being kind, protective, supportive, abusive, cruel and every other behaviour is. Words and ideas do not define what acting like a man is. Men acting the way they do does. Which is countless of ways.

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        -429 days ago

        I didn’t say macho, and you added toxic. Men and women behave differently. It’s natural. We have different chemicals pumping through our systems and driving our decisions. But men who spend more time with women behave more like women. There’s a study right here talking about it.

        • @gap_betweenus
          628 days ago

          We have mostly the same chemicals just different concentrations. Also humans in general show wide variability of behavior, it helps to get out there to realize we are all very similar and different at the same time and there is almost no benefit in thinking in gigantic buckets that encompass half of us.

        • @auzy
          29 days ago

          Define " like women"

          • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
            -329 days ago

            You’re downvoting pretty benign responses, and adding a lot of your own preconceptions to what I’ve said, so I’m going to pass. Have a great day though. Keep-on sending it on the wall!

            • @auzy
              29 days ago

              That’s a very reasonable question which you’re clearly trying to avoid answering. You’re generalizing women.

              None of the women I know fit into a specific category . My down votes don’t make what you’re saying valid.

              Just so you know, it’s possible I misinterpreted what you said, but it sounds like you’re implying it’s a negative thing. Some of the most masculine blokes I know are actually the most supportive people I know. People fit a spectrum.

        • @[email protected]
          28 days ago

          I know plenty of women with high levels of testosterone in their blood and very little estrogen. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

          • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
            -128 days ago

            You know the hormonal levels of several acquaintances? That’s odd. Just because you know people outside of the normal ranges doesn’t change the fact that among people in the ranges that are considered normal by medical science, men have far higher levels of testosterone than women, and lower levels of estrogen. The fact that outliers exist doesn’t change that proven fact.

    • @Mango
      128 days ago

      Are there rules for how genders are supposed to act?

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        128 days ago

        Yes, despite the fact that the existence of those rules is heavily contested in modern society. But I wasn’t talking about social expectations, I’m talking about the effects of hormonal balances which are scientifically proven.

        • @Mango
          128 days ago

          Hormonal balances like %50 female in the dorm?

      • @[email protected]
        028 days ago

        There are over 200 years of records and observation.

        We can make models of how the average man or woman tends to behave in a given region.

        For example. We know that men are a lot more likely to study to become mechanics than women. That’s not a rule that women can’t. But it’s a statistic that they often don’t

        • @Mango
          128 days ago

          What’s the statistics say about which ear is good for an earring?

          • @[email protected]
            028 days ago

            Depends entierly on the region. Different places have different customs regarding the stereotype for which ear is the “good ear”.

            • @Mango
              128 days ago

              What if I don’t follow the rules, but I’m straight?

              • @[email protected]
                028 days ago

                I never said it’s a rule. I said it’s a stereotype. I dunno. Someone might assume you’re gay.

                • @Mango
                  128 days ago

                  Assuming is pretty rude. I need an indicator over my head. Something to let them know.