• @return2ozmaOP
      -1529 days ago

      Who keeps giving Israel weapons and billions of dollars?

        • @return2ozmaOP
          -929 days ago

          Biden/Harris admin better tell them to stop.

          • @[email protected]
            29 days ago

            And then Harris doesn’t get elected because AIPAC dumps a metric fuckload of cash into Trumps campaign.

            Look dude, I fucking hate it too, but you consistently (as in, in every post I’ve seen you make on this topic) ignore the context in a very obviously willful manner. In the system as it stands now, money plays a disgustingly HUGE role in US politics. Pretending it’s not is a recipe for letting Trump win, at which point he will shortly dispatch a squadron of B-52s to carpet bomb Gaza and the West Bank into Graceland (edit: lol what the fuck autocorrect) gravel and start construction on the new Trump Tower Gaza. So like, you know, maybe pull your head out of your ass and try to understand that there’s at least a little bit of nuance to the situation. It is horrible in a humanitarian sense that we have to account for that risk in this way, but it’s going to be far worse if we don’t.

            • @Ensign_Crab
              129 days ago

              And then Harris doesn’t get elected because AIPAC dumps a metric fuckload of cash into Trumps campaign.

              So the Democratic Party is AIPAC’s party and we no longer have a representative democracy in this country.

              • @[email protected]
                29 days ago

                To be fair, the Republican Party is also AIPAC’s party. They throw a LOT of money around, in all directions.

                • @Ensign_Crab
                  129 days ago

                  Didn’t say they weren’t. Thing is, that means that our only two options serve the interests of a man who is committing genocide to keep himself in power, and prioritize those interests over ours.

          • @just_another_person
            1029 days ago

            Or else what?

            That’s where you guys always trip up. What’s the next step to these threats?

            The only party who hasn’t supported and signed on to the ceasefire agreements is Israel. Go protest over there ffs.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            729 days ago

            I think it’s amusing you’re doing the same thing Trump is and lumping the two together.

            • @return2ozmaOP
              -629 days ago

              Why do you think thousands are protesting right now and uncommitted has delegates at the DNC?

          • @psycho_driver
            28 days ago

            The only reason those shitstain Republican Senators voted no was because they knew it would pass without their support and so they could point fingers and say “DERMERCREATS WAR!”. They’re all equally complicit. I’m all for protests for Gaza, but saying the Democrats have anything more to do with it than Republicans is bald faced propaganda and you should be ashamed of yourself.

            And yeah, welcome to the internet. Anywhere you find a big group of at least quasi intelligent people discussing things you’ll find that the Republicans aren’t a popular group because the vast majority of them are traitorous lying pieces of shit who have sold out way more brazenly to the Oligarchs than your average Democrat.

  • @[email protected]
    829 days ago

    are they ready to put viable third party on a ballot? Right now labeling Democrats as War party says nothing. BOTH patties are War parties. Difference is Democrats somewhat care about what people say whereas Republicans care o ly about their agenda. Sending voters away from Democrats at this stage will not end war or help anyone. It is clear that Israel has enough influence over both major US parties and weapon shipments will continue. Politics is cruel: Democrats surely did the math and calculated how much will they lose on dropping Israel support from agenda. They also know Republicans will steamroll over protests and supply the same or larger amount of weaponry to Israel. So it’s a cynical math but just like Ukraine was earlier hostage to US politics Palestine now is at mercy of US election cycle and has to wait until after election when, if elected; Democrats can afford to piss of pro-Israeli groups. Republicans started that game, Dems are carrying it on. I’m also surprised that middle east cannot outspend Israel in US lobbying on behalf of Palestine. There are some of the richest countries in the world in that area. People should not die. Period. But politicians care about election cycles more. 🙁

    • @TheFonz
      28 days ago

      Oh you’re the guy that doesn’t understand dual citizenship (you called me out in a previous thread) . I can’t stand 2ozma either so have an angry upvote.

      To be clear : I just don’t like being called a liar. My mom is American, I grew up in Italy.

      • @ChronosTriggerWarning
        528 days ago

        I remember you. I understand dual citizenship just fine. You didn’t bring it up until after i pointed out an inconsistency in your story. Not saying i don’t believe you, it was just hard to believe that “American gun culture” was some kinda surprise to you, if you had been immersed in it.

        • @TheFonz
          128 days ago

          Thank you. That does make sense as I didn’t state it at the outset. I also understand that thread was a little heated and maybe I came off as a little confrontational. It seems every time he-who-shall-not-be-named is mentioned people lose their minds (and I understand why).

          • @[email protected]
            27 days ago

            Hey everyone, check out these grown ups resolving their misunderstanding with reason and emotional maturity

            ETA: teasing but sincerely found it wholesome, in case that wasn’t clear

    • @return2ozmaOP
      -1128 days ago

      Meanwhile, I’m on the frontpage daily and one of the users that creates top engagement for Lemmy.

      • @ChronosTriggerWarning
        628 days ago

        Yes, you are a vociferous little propaganda birdy, I’ll give ya that. Not really the flex you imagined, methinks.

        • @return2ozmaOP
          -428 days ago

          Copying and pasting news article links is propaganda now?

          • @ChronosTriggerWarning
            428 days ago

            Having a self admitted slant does. The only real changes I’ve noticed in how you post is you throw up chaff posts to obfuscate your intentions. I ain’t buying it.

            • @return2ozmaOP
              -428 days ago

              I’ve said many times already I hate the GOP and I hate the Dems. US politics is corporate owned.

              • @ChronosTriggerWarning
                428 days ago

                On that, we agree. I actually agreed with you a lot when i first found Lemmy, but your method of conveying your message is shit.

                • @[email protected]
                  228 days ago

                  They’re a self admitted tech bro living in LA and they make 6 figures. They don’t care about actual poor people living in worse areas, cuz their privileged ass will be fine smh

                • @return2ozmaOP
                  -528 days ago

                  I’m not here to make friends. I’m here to get people talking. All types of opinions.

      • @Beetschnapps
        27 days ago

        You absolutely don’t create engagement.

        Frankly, you poison every fucking thread with simplistic takes accusing everyone of being genocidal until the word is now meaningless coming from you.

        You make conversation impossible by flooding the zone with “fisher-price-my-first-politik” level of thinking that always dead ends with “well I don’t support gEnOcIdE!” Like you’ve actually made a point.

        You’re on the front page because of your spam rate not your content. This shit is a cancer on lemmy.

  • Verdant Banana
    29 days ago

    for those who will moan “BUT BABY STEPS!” and “PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION!” at the end of the article is a snippet about Bill Ayers

    When we come back, we look back at the 1968 DNC, when police violently attacked protesters who were calling for an end to the war in Vietnam. We’ll be joined by longtime Chicago activist Bill Ayers, who was arrested then as a member of Students for a Democratic Society, and our own Juan González, in the streets in 1968 here in Chicago, where he now lives. Stay with us.

    that is fifty six years people


      • Verdant Banana
        27 days ago

        no but one of the people who protested against the war in Vietnam are protesting again at the same place in Chicago

        their story is continued at the bottom of the article

        basically protesting for the same things they did back then because neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have done anything to change the current narrative we are living in