“There’s no hope of my beating any sense into you, but I’ll knock some of the ignorance out of you!”

-Everett True

Sometimes Everett’s angry chastising gets downright poetic. Here he throws out a one-liner worthy of an 80’s action movie, all because of a messy banana eater.

  • Drusas
    1724 days ago

    Where did the idea of slipping on banana peels even come from?

    • Rhynoplaz
      2124 days ago

      You ever step on one?

      I set one up and pretended to slip on it as a joke, well, until my foot hit it and my head was instantly on the ground.

      Turned out WAY funnier than what I had planned.

    • @Hawke
      924 days ago

      I’ve read that it’s a visual euphemism for slipping on horseshit.

  • @Klear
    1424 days ago

    This dude looks so happy!

  • Rhynoplaz
    1024 days ago

    Wait till you see what he does to the guy throwing red shells!

    • @macarthur_parkOP
      824 days ago

      Hah! Come to think of it, Everett has that “blue shell” vibe. Coming out of nowhere to absolutely flatten someone

    • @Rolando
      1024 days ago

      For the same reason that Donald Duck is so much cooler than Mickey Mouse.

    • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
      323 days ago

      Yeah but at least it’s biodegradable. I’d rather see people do stuff like that than see people throwing plastic bags and bottles and whatnot.