• ElcaineVolta
    9226 days ago

    it’s been covered recently that the reason he keeps doing outside rallies this time around is because he still has outstanding bills for venues all over battleground states from the previous election; it might also be relevant that it’s easier to lie about crowd sizes outdoors as opposed to indoor venues with stated capacities. in summary, he’s even more of a clown than ever.

  • @givesomefucks
    3726 days ago

    The event, billed as being focused on national security issues

    He’s 100% saying “national security” because he’s worried about his personal security and can’t understand how that’s different.

    • @[email protected]
      125 days ago

      Yeah, it’s very transparent. We’re all in on this joke - everyone but Trumpy and his dumpys.

  • @samus12345
    26 days ago

    While Trump has acknowledged the race is closer than before Biden dropped out, his aides believe that Harris remains relatively unknown and that efforts to highlight her past statements and the positions she took in previous races will turn off swing voters after her honeymoon period ends.

    Harris “relatively unknown?” Really? And it’s been exactly one month since Biden stepped down. In the modern 24 hour news cycle, that’s an eternity of a “honeymoon period.”

    • @AlpacaChariot
      -426 days ago

      To be fair, she is relatively unknown.

      Especially when you consider low information voters (which I expect have similar knowledge to high information voters from other countries).

      Her honeymoon period will end as soon as she sits down and does a few serious and unscripted interviews about policy, which she has managed to avoid so far. At the moment it’s pure vibes, but at some point you need to get into the business of explaining what you would do and being challenged on it. That will generate lots of attack angles and media stories, both good and bad.

      • @AdamEatsAss
        626 days ago

        I don’t think you can say the vice president is “unknown.” Everyone has a general sense of her stances on things. It would be hard for her not to be a better unscripted speaker than Trump.

        • @meco03211
          226 days ago

          She’ll be better unscripted but also subjected to relatively massive judgement. There’s pretty much nothing trump could say that would hurt him. There’s a lot Harris could say that would hurt her.

      • @bobzilla
        325 days ago

        I mean, she could pull a Trump and be like, “I have really big plans. I can’t discuss them until I’m in office, but let me tell you… Big plans.”

  • The Pantser
    2426 days ago

    Chicken under glass, is what’s on the menu

  • @NocturnalMorning
    1826 days ago

    Can’t wait to see him standing in a bullet proof box pontificating nonesense to the crowd.

    • @Num10ck
      1626 days ago

      overheating without shade FTW

      • @[email protected]
        726 days ago

        Can’t wait for the “Please remember not to forget your Felon President in the back of a hot pope box” PSAs

  • @Fades
    1726 days ago

    Of course he’s holding more outdoor rallies, he can’t afford to use any of the actually nice venues… he still owes them all money!!!

  • @RangerJosie
    1326 days ago

    This has the potential to be the funniest thing…

  • Ghostalmedia
    526 days ago

    An event on national security, from behind bulletproof glass.

    I’m sure he argued for background checks and other responsible gun ownership measures to keep guns out of the hands of weirdos. Right? Right?

    • Tiefling IRL
      126 days ago

      It’s gonna be like his previous interview all over again. Everything is to blame on “the immigrants” and other “undesirables”.

  • @UsefulInfoPlz
    425 days ago

    I hope someone brings firecrackers… send him full melt down.