• Tiefling IRL
    6521 days ago

    He’s a felon, she’s a prosecutor. The only thing he knows about crime is how to commit it.

    • @aseriesoftubes
      2621 days ago

      The only thing he knows about crime is how to commit it.

      Goddamn, I hope she uses that line in the debate.

    • FuglyDuck
      1421 days ago

      And he’s not very good at it.

      • @AbidanYre
        921 days ago

        He’s not very good at anything.

      • anytimesoon
        120 days ago

        Unpopular opinion: he’s pretty decent at it.

        I’m not an asshole, so I don’t even think of committing the crimes he’s done, but I’m sure if I tried, I’d be in jail faster than a blink of an eye.

        The fact that he’s managed to do this repeatedly over the course of decades, out in the open where everyone is aware of it, and still only getting a slap on the wrist?

        I’d say he’s a pretty good crime guy

        • FuglyDuck
          120 days ago

          This has more to do with how ineffective the justice system is when it comes to the very rich.

          Remember… he inherited his wealth. Even with all his crime… he’s still mostly failing. He just had a lot more cushion to fail on.

  • @vegeta
    4721 days ago

    not enough. vote

  • @Rapidcreek
    2021 days ago


    A set of Fox News polls find a close, two-way Kamala Harris-Donald Trump race: Harris is up by 1 percentage point in Arizona and by 2 points in Georgia and Nevada, while Trump is ahead by 1 point in North Carolina. All are within the margin of sampling error.

  • @barsquid
    1621 days ago

    Donald took credit for Obama’s economy. He is a complete fuckup and a fractal failure at business. By fractal failure, I mean at every scale. Personal finance, company finance, all the way up.

  • @eran_morad
    721 days ago

    Oh he definitely has an edge on crime.

  • @beebarfbadger
    21 days ago

    He would have the vast majority of the nation’s wealth on his side, due to the tax cuts and permissions to strip-mine the environment. Having half the nations capital on his side translates to like twelve people in total but as we all know, corporations are people (when convenient) and the worth of people is measured in $$$.