• @[email protected]
    13 days ago

    Countries ranked in descending order by number of school shootings from 2009-2018:

    • United States: 288
    • Mexico: 8
    • South Africa: 6
    • Afghanistan: 3
    • Brazil, Canada, France: 2
    • Azerbaijan, China, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Kenya, Russia, Turkey: 1

    One of these is not like the others. This isn’t exactly a fact of life in other parts of the world.


      • @[email protected]
        13 days ago

        Those numbers aren’t right.

        First, the total-gun-death numbers are not population-adjusted and therefore useless without additional context. The same article does have the population-adjusted numbers and the USA is, predictably, not in the top ten.

        Second, once the numbers are adjusted for population, there are some very strange results. For example, apparently Iraq actually has slightly fewer gun deaths per capita than the USA. Nigeria, the country where Boko Haram is based, has four times fewer gun deaths per capita than the USA?! Clearly the gun-death numbers correspond more to how well records are kept in a country than they do to the actual numbers of gun deaths.

        Oh, and those gun death numbers include suicides, not just murders. Most gun deaths in the USA are suicides. A suicide is technically a gun death, but not usually the sort that people have in mind when discussing a school shooting.

        • @affiliate
          2813 days ago

          everything you said is true. i just wanted to add something to the suicide point: owning a gun has been tied with an increased risk of suicide. source

          here’s a quote from the link that i think gives a good summary of the problem:

          “Suicide attempts are often impulsive acts, driven by transient life crises,” the authors write. “Most attempts are not fatal, and most people who attempt suicide do not go on to die in a future suicide. Whether a suicide attempt is fatal depends heavily on the lethality of the method used — and firearms are extremely lethal. These facts focus attention on firearm access as a risk factor for suicide especially in the United States, which has a higher prevalence of civilian-owned firearms than any other country and one of the highest rates of suicide by firearm.”

          • @[email protected]
            312 days ago

            That said, where there’s a will, there is indeed a way. Japan for example has abysmal suicide rates, they have a huge shame culture and it’s culturally (more) accepted with the seppuku and the suicide forests and all, and they also have virtually 0 gun ownership. Suicide is still very easy without a gun, and a gun is not even the most effective method statistically (though I hesitate to say what is because it’s literally accessible to most of the world’s population within a 10-20min walk at all times. Don’t do it, seek help, keep fighting.)

        • @Treczoks
          1313 days ago

          And again the old and stupid claim from the gun nuts: suicides by firearms are no firearm related deaths…

      • @AbidanYre
        12 days ago

        Population of the US: 330m

        Brazil: 200m

        South Africa: 62m

        Afghanistan: 40m

        Mexico: 100m

        Still not looking so great.

        • @danc4498
          812 days ago

          Per gun? Guns are people too, right?

          • @AbidanYre
            212 days ago

            That sounds like a lot more work than just typing a country into DDG and checking the Wikipedia entry.

  • cabbage
    9813 days ago
    1. Force unwanted children into this world
    2. Give no childcare support
    3. Send them to underfunded schools
    4. Offer no mental healthcare programs
    5. Make guns readily available
    6. “Facts of life”
    • @pigup
      1113 days ago

      I believe the assumption is this only applies to brown children. H’wite childrens obviously go to private school and have top tier medical care.

      • cabbage
        1312 days ago

        I don’t have any stats on this, but when I think of a school shooter, I think of a white kid.

        Maybe that’s why there’s so much tolerance for them. Boys will be boys.

      • @Boddhisatva
        1012 days ago

        this only applies to brown children

        No. It applies to poor children. While it’s true that poor children are more likely to be Brown, but it’s really the poor that’s the factor in this case.

  • 2001aCentenaryofFederation
    7413 days ago

    Trump gets shot at and the country says there is no room for political violence, we wish him well. Children get shot every single day, that’s just a matter of life, child-sized coffin sales sky-rocket.

    But really, why aren’t more politicians being shot? I think if they were the targets instead of innocent children, gun reform would be both swift and severe.

    Now, I’m not saying that political violence is acceptable, but I’m certainly not not saying it.

    • @Soup
      1813 days ago

      Becauss the people who go out and try to solve their problems with violence on a scale that would give us that pattern are the republican base. There are plenty of examples outside of that group, obviously, but even the guy who tried to shoot Trump had been a republican until very shortly before the attempt.

  • Todd Bonzalez
    7113 days ago

    Children get slaughtered en masse in their classrooms: 😴

    A drag queen reads a children’s book to children: 😡

    • Choco1ateCh1p
      12 days ago

      The state of everything is so fucked for my brain to even go this direction… But your comment made me think the following:

      Well, in their (the conservative’s) heads, yes. A dead kid isn’t one that will grow up and eventually vote against them and their hateful ideologies after being around the same things that conservatives demonize.

      Edit: Not implying that conservatives want children dead. (That is clearly not the case given their stance on contraception and women’s reproductive rights.) But, that they don’t care about kids dying to gun’s, because “MUh 2nD amendmEnT RigHTS shAn’t be INFRIngeD uPoN”, and that they view children that have attended these drag events as having been indoctrinated and mentally harmed/abused. That scares them more.

      • @triptrapper
        1112 days ago

        Comedian Geoffrey Asmus said something like, “I don’t understand why Republicans are anti-abortion. Isn’t abortion just dead liberals?”

  • @Rapidcreek
    4413 days ago

    Notice how Vance and the other right-wing pricks don’t apply the same reasoning to abortion. Nope, in THAT case they can come up with law after law after law to address the issue. When it comes to the lives of children already here? Pfffttt… perish the thought and the child.

  • @[email protected]
    13 days ago

    Yeah, in the United States. Not in other western countries. Wonder why, JD? Maybe because it’s a “fact of life” that’s created and sustained by people like you…

  • @Burn_The_Right
    4112 days ago

    Conservatism is a deadly cancer that needs to be eradicated to save humanity. There is no place in a modern culture for toxic, hate-based ideologies like conservatism. That’s just a fact of life.

  • @KaiReeve
    3712 days ago

    School shootings (and JD Vance) are symptoms of a diseased society.

  • @Hikermick
    2612 days ago

    … in America. Fixed that for you

  • @[email protected]
    13 days ago

    Ok, so logically GOP presidential candidate shooting are also. Thoughts & prayers & get over it and all that.