• Adderbox76
    77 days ago

    No one is saying that “now he’s a good guy”.

    Quite the opposite from what I’ve seen. They’ve been all saying “If Dick Cheney…one of the most divisive republicans of modern times, says that Trump is a threat…we should probably fucking listen.”

    It’s like The Joker teaming up with Batman because even HE thinks The Riddler is “a bit much”

  • @jeffw
    1419 days ago

    I don’t think anyone is saying he’s good. They’re just saying “holy shit, even this this insane guy who is so bad is anti-Trump”

    • @[email protected]
      9 days ago

      He’s evil af but intelligent and informed enough to know that his own personal well-being is better served by perpetuating the current system rather than forcing the nation into some dystopian MAGA authoritarian hell hole.

    • @givesomefucks
      9 days ago

      The thing is it legitimizes them.

      This isn’t a new or unique problem.

      I think Israel’s government sucks, I say it a lot. Sometimes a Nazi agrees with me. I don’t say “even Nazis hate Israel”.

      I tell the Nazi to shut the fuck up, and that were not on the same team.

      Before Biden dropped out, sometimes I’d criticize him and a trumper would show up and agree with me. I never said “even trump supporters think Biden is a shitty candidate”.

      I told them to fuck off and we weren’t on the same team.

      So when Dick Cheney shows up to say Kamala’s right and trump is bad…

      I expect Kamala to tell Cheney to fuck off at minimum. Ideally she could actually hold him accountable for some of his war crimes.

      I dont want to see everyone talk about how things were better when Republicans were like Dick Cheney. Because shit was fucked up even back before Reagan was in office.

      • @[email protected]
        339 days ago

        Have you actually looked at the polls?

        The race is neck and neck.

        You don’t get to pick and choose at a time like this.

        • bruhbeans
          19 days ago

          Maybe they should be reaching out to working people and not Cheneys?

          • @[email protected]
            199 days ago

            Show me where Harris ‘reached out’ to Dick Cheney.

            She didn’t change anything to win over GOPs, they came over because they are sick of Trump.

            • @[email protected]
              8 days ago

              She reaches out to the neocons with every single policy concession. Fracking. Universal healthcare. Student loans. Police reform. The ratchet continues, and all the liberals have to offer is “At least it’s not fascism” as we help genocide Palestine and corporate power grows until it’s practically the same thing as state power.

              • @[email protected]
                78 days ago

                And what are you offering?

                You really think that all the voters who didn’t force the Dems to nominate a true Progressive in 2020 are going to vote for some as yet unnamed candidate in November?

                We’re in danger of drowning, and your response is to complain that the lifeboat doesn’t have WiFi.

                • @elliot_crane
                  58 days ago

                  Precisely. This crowd loves to talk a good talk about the ratchet or the Overton window, but offers absolutely nothing in terms of practical, realistic solutions.

                  No, a third party progressive with zero national name recognition and no ballot access in a majority of the country is not going to magically win 270 electoral votes if you write them in. If going viral was that easy everyone would do it. So grow up and offer a practical solution, or shut the fuck up.

              • @Fedizen
                8 days ago

                you realize trump clicked the ratchet far far faster than any democrat? When republicans win the dems only ever come back more racist in response.

                This isn’t an election, its a hostage situation and the way to deal with a hostage situation is to appear to negotiate with the hostage takers until you can remove them, its not to immediately attempt to kill all the hostages.

      • Rhaedas
        139 days ago

        I don’t see it as legitimizing anything. MAGA pundits are even now calling Cheney of all people a RINO. Don’t interrupt an enemy when they are making a mistake. If this pushes some Republicans to vote for Harris, wonderful. If it discourages some moderates from voting for Trump by not voting (WHY would they still be voting for him as moderate…but that’s a different topic), then that still helps. She should just not acknowledge his endorsement, let it fall where it will. Any attention is going to hurt someone’s feelings, and there’s already the problem of people on the left who can’t have their perfect utopia with Harris and somehow think her not winning will help their cause.

        • @givesomefucks
          9 days ago

          Don’t interrupt an enemy when they are making a mistake.

          Which would be fine and I wouldn’t have made my comment.

          That’s not what’s happening, moderate politicians and mainstream media are celebrating a war criminal’s endorsement of Kamala…

          So in your hypothetical scenario that’s isn’t based on reality, we’d agree.

          But do you agree with me that in real life, we should be ignore Dick Cheney except to talk about how he still needs to be held accountable for war crimes?

          • Rhaedas
            48 days ago

            The media follows what will get attention, unfortunately. Probably true of some politicians as well. He should absolutely be held responsibly for all he did, but understandably the news topic is how even diehard Republicans of old are turning on Trump. I note that apparently GWB has decided to not be public about anything, which sort of says he’s in the same boat, he just maybe doesn’t want or need the publicity.

            Are they celebrating, or just pointing at the “betrayal” as more evidence of a collapsing campaign? Maybe if they just have the headline say “Enabler of crimes against humanity also against Trump” to cover all bases.

      • @Clent
        49 days ago

        This is a trash analogy because everyone knows Nazis hate Israel, it’s part of their ideology.

        A former republican vice president endorsing a democratic president candidate is note worthy because it’s goes faint their ideology.

        That you choose to reach for Nazis to make your argument is the clearest Godwin Law I’ve witnessed in a long time.

        • NoneOfUrBusiness
          109 days ago

          This is a trash analogy because everyone knows Nazis hate Israel, it’s part of their ideology.

          They don’t though. Nazis love Israel and historically have never opposed the concept, since they agree on the point that Jews should leave Europe.

      • @Furbag
        28 days ago

        So when Dick Cheney shows up to say Kamala’s right and trump is bad…

        I expect Kamala to tell Cheney to fuck off at minimum

        I wonder if Dems always choke in Presidential races because they have people like you as their chief strategists, where vague concepts of noble virtue and ideological purity supersede pragmatism at the most crucial moment.

        I can’t possibly imagine being so privileged that I could get an endorsement from a former Republican VP during an incredibly close race and my response to him would be “fuck off”.

        • @givesomefucks
          28 days ago

          I wonder if Dems always choke in Presidential races because they have people like you as their chief strategists,

          You’d have to be completely and totally ignorant of American politics to think in 2024 this is what the party would do…

          • @Furbag
            28 days ago

            What specifically? Choke? Leave it to Democrats to sneak defeat from the jaws of victory. Or do you mean hire an amateur as a political strategist? I agree, but sometimes I wonder.

      • 100_kg_90_de_belin
        27 days ago

        I expect Kamala to tell Cheney to fuck off at minimum

        Are we talking about the same Kamala Harris who defined John McCain a “war hero”, a “true patriot” and a “conscience of the Senate”?

  • Jo Miran
    8 days ago

    Cheney is not a fascist.
    Cheney is not a white supremacist.
    Cheney respects the constitution.
    Cheney is not a good guy.
    Cheney is a ruthless piece of shit.
    Cheney is a war criminal.
    Cheney shot his friend.

    All of the above are true statements.

    • @TehWorld
      288 days ago

      Not super sure about the constitution one, but fairly on point.

      • @[email protected]
        148 days ago

        Yeah, I’d argue that being a war criminal is kind of against the spirit of almost every constitution.

    • @[email protected]
      48 days ago

      Agreed on all fronts except the third, more like:

      Cheney realized as VP, he doesn’t have much oversight so doesn’t need to break the constitution.

  • msmc101
    488 days ago

    who TF said he was good now, he’s just jumping the ship before it fucking explodes.

  • Jesus
    378 days ago

    It’s possible to hate Dick Cheney’s politics but also to agree with him that Trump is an autocrat who attempted a coup, and that’s dangerous.

    We also probably agree that a post-coffee morning shit is satisfying.

    • @Fedizen
      178 days ago

      People forget conservative politics are deeply personal. Dick Cheney being anti trump has everything to do with Liz Cheney being canceled by MAGA and is largely probably not a principled stance

    • @IndustryStandard
      7 days ago

      Nobody literally says everything in Trump or GOP memes either. Semantic debatelords only show up when the meme is negative against Democrats.

    • @Furbag
      208 days ago

      I hate the NPC Wojack meme with an intense passion. It’s such a strawman trap. All it does is reduce the opposition to unthinking robots so they can attacked on their credibility rather than the merits of their actual arguments.

      In this case, the media isn’t saying Dick Cheney is a good guy now because he endorsed Harris. They’re saying it’s a surprising stance to take for the former VP of a Republican administration. It would be like having Al Gore come out and endorse Trump for President.

      OP is 100% full of shit and more like an NPC than any of these media outlets.

      • @Bgugi
        -18 days ago

        If you think any media organization gets legitimate traction with level-headed, real reporting, congratulations! Your chip has been properly configured! You can now live life unburdened by critical thought.

        They’re all sock puppets for billionaires to sway public opinion.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          -17 days ago

          They’re all sock puppets for billionaires to sway public opinion.

          No! Impossible!

          Are you suggesting the Jeff Bezos WaPo, the GE Presents NBC, and the Murdoch Press are mouthpieces for billionaires? I won’t believe it. I can’t believe it. America is the freest, fairest, most educated and rational and ethical country on Earth. How could our Liberal Media be anything except perfectly objective and transparent in all things?

    • YeetPics
      98 days ago

      Return2ozma ;)

      It’s like the shit-source these days.

  • Granbo's Holy Hotrod
    339 days ago

    Conservatives are pretending they were always against Cheney. It’s weird.

    • Hannes
      119 days ago

      Conservatives are trying whatever they can to make people not vote for their opponents

  • @Skyrmir
    339 days ago

    I think the real take away is that even Dick Cheney and Bernie Sanders agree Kamala Harris is the better candidate.

  • @pyre
    328 days ago

    can we get an actual quote of these sources supposedly saying he’s a good guy? or are we supposed to just believe it cause someone photoshopped a speech bubble on a bunch of logos?

    • @Hamartia
      88 days ago

      The rehabilitation of wealthy and powerful people with a disgusting past happens, not with fanfares and explicit exposition, but with gradual normalisation.

      They are given platforms on respected media. Their opinion is sought on the current bête noire. They are given all this oxygen without ever having to account for their sins. All they have to do is play nice and rigidly follow the establishment consensus. Soon enough, once a commensurate (to the sins) amount of news cycles passes they’ll be dignitaries again.

    • @Buddahriffic
      28 days ago

      No source on the quotes about him being a good guy, but I assume this is in response to the story that he’s planning to vote for Harris, according to his daughter.

      • @pyre
        38 days ago

        i know but whoever says this makes him a good guy

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      7 days ago

      I mean… The Joker is regularly portrayed as being a fan of eugenics and other fascist philosophies.

      Their tropes are a bit different. Joker’s MO is to try and convince people that they’re just as fucked up as he is right before he eggs them on to do some kind of Saw Movie tier horror, while Red Skull likes to think he’s simply better than everyone else and entitled to pull the trigger himself. But they’re both sociopaths and serial killers. You don’t get bonus points for being Antideutsche while giggling your way through a massacre.

    • @KellysNokia
      38 days ago

      They let him drop some bars on 106 & Park’s freestyle friday

  • @[email protected]
    188 days ago

    Just because someone aligns with any viewpoint does not make him a good guy.

    See Stalin and soviets.

  • @[email protected]
    188 days ago

    The strategy of prominent Republicans flipping to vote for Harris is specifically designed to help Republicans win Congress.

    If Republican voters are demoralized by the prospect of Trump, a lot are going to just stay home and not vote at all. That would lead to a Democratic electoral sweep.

    Cheney and other Republican ghouls’ best option to avoid this is to give permission to their voting base to toss their Presidential vote to Harris, but also get them into the polls so they can be reliable Republican voters down the ticket and try to keep the House and take the Senate.

    FFS, quit giving the enemy oxygen.

  • @[email protected]
    179 days ago

    Obligatory reminder that Dick Cheney literally does not have a heart or pulse: his heart was replaced by a continuous flow pump.