• @jordanlundM
    978 days ago

    The #1 thing to note is that Trump didn’t win the last debate, Biden lost it. There’s a difference.

    Trump’s performance was inchoate, but Biden looked like a lost little boy and that’s something the leader of the free world can’t recover from.

    Harris is not going to have that problem.

    • @Zombiepirate
      368 days ago

      Yeah, I don’t see Harris ending an answer with “we finally beat Medicare.”

      I think I had an aneurysm that night.

      • @[email protected]
        7 days ago

        Me too, and that was just from my friend group sending despairing texts to each other because half of them were watching it. I couldn’t bring myself to watch it myself because I was afraid of how Biden would do, and my concerns were fully justified.

        So glad the DNC was able to pull out of that tailspin.

    • @rayyy
      27 days ago

      Debates mean nothing in presidential elections. Several losers have won and winners have lost in the past.

      • @ripcord
        57 days ago

        And some led to candidates dropping out.

  • @[email protected]
    697 days ago

    I’d say “he’s gonna lie” is the free space on the bingo but there’s a lot of competition…

    • Optional
      117 days ago

      Free Space is obviously <snif>

        • Optional
          117 days ago
          • something racist
          • something sexist
          • accordion hands
          • stupid nickname
          • bigly / the best
          • ”Our great, great . . .”
          • @Kadaj21
            87 days ago

            Came to me crying saying “sir….”

            • @Rekhyt
              47 days ago

              Big man, strong man, tears running down his face…

            • Optional
              17 days ago

              Whatever Gets You Through The Night

              It’s all right

              It’s all right

      • @Dkarma
        27 days ago

        I’m taking the outlier. Fly 2: trumpy boogaloo

  • @Suavevillain
    548 days ago

    She needs to hammer him on his rich tax cuts and the state he left the economy in. There way too many people who believe everything was better under Trump and only care about money and earning.

    • @jordanlundM
      448 days ago

      I really want “Under your administration, people didn’t know where their next roll of toilet paper was coming from…”

      • @Blue_Morpho
        137 days ago

        That is what needs to be repeated. Every conservative has forgotten that.

        • downhomechunk [chicago]
          27 days ago

          That was China’s fault, or the democrats. Not Trump. Remember when he went to Puerto Rico and threw rolls of paper towels at hurricane survivors?

  • Stern
    238 days ago

    In other news: The ocean is salty

  • @Dkarma
    227 days ago

    First thing out of her mouth should be “doesn’t Donnie look great in that diaper?”

    • @baldingpudenda
      67 days ago

      She should also laugh at his gish gallop, and mock him. “Old loser can’t remember anything so he just lies and plays his invisible accordion”

    • @ikidd
      37 days ago

      I’d use the word “depends” a lot.

  • @Rapidcreek
    8 days ago

    Debate hype is at 11.

    Vice President Harris on debating Trump: “He plays from this really old and tired playbook, right? There’s no floor for him in terms of how low he will go and we should be prepared for that. We should be prepared for the fact that he is not burdened by telling the truth, and we should be prepared for the fact that he is probably going to speak a lot of untruth.” Via The Rickey Smiley Morning Show

  • @Fosheze
    147 days ago

    I preview my plan for all of next year: “I think the sun will rise at least once.”

  • @[email protected]
    -17 days ago

    Telling the truth isn’t even how you win a debate. Seems like the MSM is setting the bar for Kamala Harris pretty low here.

  • @orclev
    -88 days ago

    I think he’s going to lie

    You think he’s going to lie? Anyone who doesn’t know with 100% certainty at this point that he’s going to lie has either been living under a rock for the better part of a decade now, or they’re effectively braindead. Trump lying every time he opens his mouth is approaching death and taxes levels of certainty.

    • @[email protected]
      298 days ago

      I don’t disagree but her saying “I know he’s going to lie” would be really dumb. Saying “I think he’s going to lie” leaves open the possibility that he will overcome his lying nature (which would be a win for Harris anyways) while also reinforcing how predictable is.

      It’s a good statement as-is and anything stronger would have been unproductive.

      • @orclev
        8 days ago

        I disagree, this smacks of the same limp wristed response that Democrats have been using for decades now. That’s how we ended up in this situation in the first place. It’s beyond time everyone stop pretending the emperor has clothes and actually acknowledge it. Trump lies. He always lies. I don’t think he’s ever given a single speech where he hasn’t lied at least once. There’s a reason his lawyers will move heaven and earth to prevent him from testifying in front of a jury in all his legal cases, and it’s because doing so would be an absolutely guaranteed way to catch a perjury charge.

        So yes, she should have just said “Trump will be repeating lies during the debate, so we’re preparing to counter them. At this point everyone knows all his favorite lies, so we’ve got a pretty good idea of what we need to be prepared for.”

        That would have been an actually good statement that clearly sets expectations and shows an understanding of the situation. Soft peddling anything with Trump and the MAGA crowd just wastes time and makes you look indecisive.

        • Rhaedas
          208 days ago

          That’s not as memorable as a short sarcastic jab that says exactly the same thing as what you said. The real point she was making is that they are preparing for Trump to be Trump. Simple as that.

          • @orclev
            -88 days ago

            The problem is a “sarcastic jab” is only one way of interpreting that statement. It also comes across as a mild but politically deniable statement of the sort that politicians have been criticized for making for nearly as long as politicians have existed. This is just the latest in a very long line of responses to Trump that stop short of actually saying what needs to be said. It’s the equivalent of news companies peppering “alleged” and “accused” throughout their reports. Most of the time that’s a good thing, but Trump has long since burned through whatever good will he was due. Stop treating him like a reasonable functional adult. If you give him and his followers (as well as the boot lickers over on fox) any wiggle room at all they’ll take advantage of it.

            • Rhaedas
              148 days ago

              You should read everything she said and not just the title. Context is everything, and she said plenty of other things that showed she wasn’t playing nice but being sarcastic.

              • @orclev
                -68 days ago

                I did read all of it.

                tends to fight for himself, not for the American people.

                This was a great statement. More of this.

                I expect that he’s gonna, you know, I think he’s gonna lie.

                This is far too weak, and doesn’t come across as sarcasm when printed. Maybe in person hearing her tone it would, but printed it’s too ambiguous. I’m just absolutely fed up with people soft peddling around Trump. He’s a habitual liar with at best a poor grasp of reality, who has run cons and scams for nearly as long as he’s been alive. It was one thing when he was just a scummy business man, but with his turn to politics and dictatorship we can’t afford half steps anymore.

                • @[email protected]
                  27 days ago

                  Ready for the worst down voting of my life but I’m with you, orclev. Harris can and should do better. She needs to call him on his bullshit relentlessly, unapologetically, and with no regard to decorum. You know, like we should have done eight years ago. Don’t play games. Call a spade a spade and save our fucking democracy already.

    • @[email protected]
      8 days ago

      Are you mansplaining political reality to a presidential candidate? You should make shirts with that guy who told pope to go read the bible.

      • @orclev
        -98 days ago

        No I’m criticizing a weak wishy-washy statement of the kind that has been made repeatedly for decades now and allowed Trump to happen in the first place. We need to stop treating Trump like an adult and start treating him like the petulant child he is. He deserves absolutely no respect. People need to stop being afraid to speak the truth about him.

        There are only two kinds of people in Trump’s orbit, morons, and grifters trying to exploit the morons, with Trump occupying the point in the Venn diagram exactly in between the two.