Where are all those smartphone camera “experts” who kept telling me a shutter button on an XPERIA was a bad idea because shutter buttons shake your photos too much?

I mean that was never true, and it was a silly criticism of an awesomely useful hardware feature, but I’m SURE we can expect all those slobs to be internally consistent and recommend against using Apple’s version of the shutter button.


#tech #technews #apple #iphone16 #photography #sony #camera #photo #android #androidography

  • KingJalopy
    910 days ago

    You mean like a physical button to take photos? My pixel uses the volume buttons for that and I’ve never had an issue. How does it make the pictures shaky, line that didn’t make any sense.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      610 days ago

      Okay… I’m a little ashamed to admit that I’ve had a Pixel 7 since they released and I didn’t know that I can use my volume button to take a picture.

      • @[email protected]
        9 days ago

        It’s because the last Android version that came with a real user’s manual was 2.2. No reason to be ashamed.

      • JackbyDev
        39 days ago

        Wait until you hear you can double tap the power button to open the camera (even if your phone is locked). Another super useful feature.

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
          9 days ago

          Say whaaaaat! Damn, not having an easy way to open the camera from the lock screen has been bothering me ever since I switched from iPhone, and has cost me some great photo opportunities. Thank you!

          • JackbyDev
            49 days ago

            It’s wonderful and really well thought out! You can view the pics you’ve taken from this semi locked state but only the ones you took during this time.

            I guess this means you can also steal a friend’s phone and take a goofy pic to surprise them later when they’re looking through their photos lol.

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
          210 days ago

          Yes, thank you! I tested it immediately and it worked. That’ll be convenient.

    • teft
      410 days ago

      The iPhone has the same feature. I use the volume button every time because it is more natural feeling. I’ve never had shaky pictures nor have I ever heard of anyone making this complaint before this post.

    • SomeGadgetGuyOP
      210 days ago

      @[email protected] It’s kind of a running theme on tech YouTube these days. Tech “enthusiasts” motivated to comment on videos only appreciate the popularity of product.

      If a company is less popular, it doesn’t matter if they have useful or fun features, those features are never “worth it”. Especially if those features aren’t on a more popular phone.

      So an XPERIA is often made fun of for having a headphone jack and memory card expansion, and a shutter button has to be mocked.

      It’s all fanbois and bias confirmation. The rational people aren’t leaving comments like they used to, because why would they?

  • Album
    510 days ago

    Meh I use the volume button to take pictures because I’m old school but it definitely causes a bit of shake right as I’m trying to snap the photo. I just live with it or switch if I need to.

    • @hushable
      410 days ago

      Or you could set up a 1 sec timer or so. That’s what photographers do when taking long exposure to avoid camera shakiness

      • Album
        09 days ago

        Actually most photographers use a remote shutter.

        • @FabledAepitaph
          29 days ago

          I did photography for years and never used a remote shutter except for very low light images on a tripod. Even then, I’d just set the one second timer most of the time.