Looks like my toilet bowl after too much coffee
friedeaten beansI’m sure it tastes fine but even dog food looks more appetizing than that
I’ve seen more appetizing dog shit
I once accidentally ate dog shit when I was a kid. Even this lunch tasted better than that. But, as you can see, my standards haven’t changed that much.
What? How?
Where did all that splatter come from? Did it explode in the microwave? Or did you drop it onto the plate from like a metre above?
Looks like microwave splatter
Makes me think of https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloodstain_pattern_analysis
Well, at least it’ll lol the same going out!
Did you perhaps take the community name too literally?
Don’t feed that to your cat
I’m sure it tastes fine but you need to work on your presentation
Im sure it tastes great tho right?
I dislike most of the factory processed meat mimickery if this is what I think it is. I’ll make you a taco with seitan and mushrooms or well seasoned tofu if you are a vegan and guest in my house.
It looks too much like me*t 😷
Yeah it’s fake meat. Not classy or healthy or anything. Just brown.