• @[email protected]
    63 days ago

    Explaining my job is trivial compared to the insanity I cook up in my spare time.

    Oh, so you like gaming? No, I’m actually not playing the game. I’m building a mod for it. Erm, okay, so this is for other players then? No, I’m mostly building it for myself. Ah, so you haven’t put a lot of time into it yet? Roughly 12 years. What? So what does the mod do then? It plays the game for me, and publishes in-game metrics to a monitoring application, so that I can see the progress of the game in an abstract form while I’m on the couch, thinking about how to optimize the automation further.

    Regular fun stuff.

  • @[email protected]
    154 days ago


    Network engineer here. I can’t count the number of times my mom says I’m in programming.

    After a few years, my wife figured out the best way to describe my job. Doctor of the internet. This was because I was working in operations at the time and would fix network outages regularly.

    • @NewAgeOldPerson
      4 days ago

      Did you put an SR to get thru her (mom’s) firewall first?

  • Vanth
    485 days ago

    I don’t have trouble explaining. I keep it high level and generic because 99 times out of 100, people are just making small talk and want to know just enough about you to categorize you.

    • Otter
      5 days ago

      Similar with trying to explain the Fediverse. It doesn’t come up often, but the explanation is sometimes just

      Non-profit run social media

      While not entirely accurate since you can run an instance for profit, it’s been the case for pretty much every instance and it’s definitely true for the side I’m helping with

  • Tanis Nikana
    134 days ago

    “I’m a stand-up comic.”

    “Ooh! Heckle me!”

    “I don’t know anything about you and don’t wanna say anything mean about you. Just enjoy the moment without getting a performer to do free work for you.”

    “You’re no fun.”

    “Don’t have to be on all the time, let me eat my burger.”

    • @EnderMB
      34 days ago

      I imagine you get these questions all the time, but how did you get into stand-up, and how did you get the guts to get up on a stage and try to be funny?

      I love the idea of stand-up comedy, but I’ve been to a few open mic nights and it almost always seems like drunk people showing off, people that are hilariously unfunny, or people in the crowd that try to shit on anyone remotely trying to entertain.

      • Tanis Nikana
        3 days ago

        I started out as a quizmaster, telling quiz for a night a week. I’d open my show with a new 45-second bit each week, built audience numbers over time.

        Then I realized I’d been doing this for years, and was an incredibly prolific comic! I had enough material I could just walk out onto a stage and just lengthen out my opening bits, cause I no longer had a quiz to tell that night!

  • yeehaw
    365 days ago

    Reading the first several posts… Is everyone here in IT? 🤣🤣

  • @Contramuffin
    395 days ago

    Describing my job? Yeah, sure. I do science.

    Explaining my job? Hell no. Nobody is willing to read a 20 page lit review to start to understand the background of what I do

  • @[email protected]
    124 days ago

    I cast spells that make the runes etched in sand translate the energy of magic stones into dancing light.

    Usually I just tell people that I work in IT and leave it at that.

    • @mlg
      84 days ago

      “Hey so does that mean you can fix my laptop and make my next gen app idea for free?”

  • 🖖USS-Ethernet
    235 days ago

    Me: I’m in IT (trying to keep it simple)

    Them: OK, but what do you do in IT?

    Me: I’m a system administrator (again trying to keep it simple)

    Them: I don’t know what that means. What does a system administrator do?

    Me: I work on servers (again, trying to keep it simple)

    Them: What’s a server?

    Me: I’m in IT…

    • @ramsgrl909
      75 days ago

      I’m a salesforce admin and I feel the same way

    • @[email protected]
      5 days ago

      That’s a combination of too simple/short in your sentences, mixed with too specific jargon with no clarification. It’s dumb as hell that people don’t know stuff like what a server is, but if they don’t you have to abstract it more.

      My go to is some form of: I’m in IT, I do systems administration. I help keep all the things behind the scenes working so that everyone’s stuff works at my workplace. Less of making your email work, more of making everyone’s email work.

      Obviously I work with a hell of a lot more than just email. I’m mostly scripting out custom automation jobs to bridge gaps in the integrations between different systems. But like you said, keep it simple.

    • @[email protected]
      14 days ago

      Replied elsewhere: I cast spells that make the runes etched in sand translate the energy of magic stones into dancing light.

      Usually I just tell people that I work in IT and leave it at that.

  • @protokaiser
    114 days ago

    I’m in DevOps, so anyone not in tech has no idea what I do/what that means. So, I end up just saying “I work in IT”.

    My new doctor didn’t like that answer when we were making small talk and wanted a more detailed answer, so I tell him. He looks at his nurse and says: did any of that make sense?

    • @AA5B
      54 days ago

      Huh, I came to say pretty much the same thing. I’m DevOps, more or less, by I tell people I’m a programmer since that’s what I do

  • kubok
    255 days ago

    I recently told a seven year old that I am a wizard. I already have the beard and being a programmer, that is exactly what my customers feel about my work.

  • nomad
    225 days ago

    Trouble as in I’m in trouble if I do. I’m a formally educated it security engineer running my own incorporated software and infrastructure company. Firstly: people just hear “computer guy” and their second thought is “he can fix my stuff”. So I stay near to the truth and simplify it: I’m a theoretical electrical engineer. Boom, instant bored face and they leave as fast as they can. My neighbors love me, but I haven’t fixed a single of their computers in decades.

    Also pro tip: the wife has the same qualifications as I, so she fixes her family’s stuff herself. My job is to lug stuff and the kids around at home.

    • @NeoNachtwaechter
      115 days ago

      simplify it: I’m a theoretical electrical engineer.

      So, IT is just theoretical electricity.

      I need to remember that 😁

  • @[email protected]
    74 days ago

    Yes. I’m a near surface geophysicist. So I don’t look for oil or minerals but I do try to figure out what’s going on underground without digging. Mostly looking for mine or karst voids under new construction.

  • @kraftpudding
    104 days ago

    I’m a florist. People understand what I do, they usually just don’t think it’s worth doing or paying me for my labor.

  • @[email protected]
    44 days ago

    Depends on wether I want them to understand. If I just say we are the ISP for universities and other schools of higher education then they mostly go, “Ah okay”, but it seems like no one has any idea what that means. I feel like despite using them daily people don’t even know what a network is sometimes.

  • slazer2au
    165 days ago

    Nope. I keep the internet working.

    People seem happy when I say that. Unless my internet at home craps out and my wife makes a cheeky joke about it.