• @undergroundoverground
    506 days ago

    The blessed emperor, in his divine wisdom, cares not for your gender.

    All are welcome to die for the glory of the imperium.

  • @A_Union_of_Kobolds
    446 days ago

    No room for transphobia in the service of the Emperor, there’s too many other phobias already. We need every soldier we can get.

  • @Olgratin_Magmatoe
    345 days ago

    In the imperium, hate is a valued and finite resource. It cannot be wasted on petty grievances over gender. It must solely be used for the advancement of mankind, and the extinction of xenos scum.

  • @latenightnoir
    5 days ago

    Y’know, I had a moment of reflection while reading some of the impressions people had about Space Marine 2. Found one specifically praising it because “it has no wokeness.”

    I don’t get it… I mean, this setting is clearly a dystopian sci-fi horror where pretty much everyone is either an asshole, or cannon fodder, right? What the hell does it matter what gender said characters identify as? Why would it matter if we had all types of Space Marines (yeah, yeah, lore, yadda-yadda, but c’mon…the Rubicon Primaris itself contradicts a whole lotta lore… it’s 40k, its lore is as stable as melted cheese), or trans characters, or agender, or anything else?

    It’s one of those situations when one realises they like the same thing a lot of very unpleasant people like. And even though the reasons for liking said thing are diametrical opposites, it still leaves one with that sort of… icky feeling… Speaking personally, I almost feel guilty for loving 40k when seeing how a lot of assholes genuinely simp for Big E’s Genocidal Utopia…

    • @inb4_FoundTheVegan
      285 days ago

      “it has no wokeness.”

      These sort of opinions should just be entirely ignored. They are from unserious people either celebrating or raging at imaginary non-problems. “Woke” in it’s modern usage by right leaning culture war dorks is entirely undefined, from including PoC to acknowledging queer people exist.

      So, I feel you on getting the ick from sharing the same space as these bigots, but don’t let them take away hobbies from you because of their narrow minded hate.

      • @BreadOven
        33 days ago

        Totally agree with your comment though. F**k those idiots who say things like that (even if not serious).

      • @latenightnoir
        5 days ago

        Thank you for the reality check, you’re entirely correct! And, to be fair, the “other end” of the fanbase have so far been some of the most genuinely friendly people, simply excited to share the gloom and doom of 40k with anyone who’s interested!

        Couldn’t quit even if I wanted to, my Pile of Shame makes sure of that…

        • @Alpha71
          35 days ago

          Hey, if Superman likes WH40K then its alright with me.

      • @Moghul
        45 days ago

        Yeah it’s the same when you have a complaint that aligns with the bigots. Like the female custodes debacle. I don’t care what gender the marines are, but I do think GW handled it poorly.

        If they had just had… Idk the mechanicus find some relic that allowed women recruits to survive the upgrade to space marine, primaris, and custodes, and had them deliver a sick ‘more bodies for the war’ line, it would’ve been better.

        Saying that does feel icky because there are people who are just against women being marines and custodes. I’m not. If GW did it better, I’d have nothing to say and the bigots would still be bigots.

        • @PugJesusOP
          95 days ago

          In Gee Dubs defence, there had been speculation for years over female Custodes precisely because, unlike Space Marines, Custodes were not explicitly noted as being male-only.

          • @Moghul
            55 days ago

            I’ll take the L on that, I didn’t know it wasn’t explicitly said. I don’t remember any speculation like that either.

            Still I take it from what you’re saying that there were also no female custodian characters over the years, right? It doesn’t help the misconception but it isn’t the same as saying there aren’t any.

            • @PugJesusOP
              75 days ago

              Oh yeah, there were never female Custodes mentioned, which is why it was such a debate. My best guess is that Gee Dubs overlooked it when they changed Space Marines to male-only genetically modified supersoldiers after the Rogue Trader days, and when they realized their mistake, decided to keep it ambiguous in the Custodes’ case they wanted to change it later.

        • @latenightnoir
          5 days ago

          Very, very good highlight! They did both the fans and the concept itself a disservice by introducing it through a hand-wavey half a paragraph’s worth of retcon…

          But that just tracks with James Borkshop’s slew of highly questionable decisions as of late. Imagine how much new blood (and fresh cash) they would’ve drawn in with a proper expansion to the story which would open up augmentation to basically anyone. How hard is it to attribute it as a modification of the process made by Cawl, who’s already at near Mary-Sue levels of big-brainedness? And it’d add more flavour to Guilliman’s rather rational take on doing things as well! Plus it’d reinforce the long-term tragedy of the entire universe itself, that everything is doomed even when Humanity’s not being as big of a bunch of regressive zealots because we already made things bad beyond the point of resolution. Poignant message, imho…

    • @Olgratin_Magmatoe
      5 days ago

      when seeing how a lot of assholes genuinely simp for Big E’s Genocidal Utopia…

      Arguably, poe’s law is driving a lot of that. I would think very few people actually think the 40k universe and its morality is good. I know me and my group don’t think it’s good, just entertaining.

      • @latenightnoir
        55 days ago

        I truly hope you’re right, and that we’re just seeing a loud minority… Would be a pity otherwise…

    • @[email protected]
      5 days ago

      the hell does it matter what gender said characters identify as? Why would it matter if we had all types of Space Marines (yeah, yeah, lore, yadda-yadda, but c’mon…the Rubicon Primaris itself contradicts a whole lotta lore… it’s 40k, its lore is as stable as melted cheese), or trans characters, or agender, or anything else?

      tbf, I think you’ve kinda hit the nail on the head with that.

      Why does it matter in 40k? It would just be irrelevant and therefore not worth mentioning or shoehorning in.

      I know the whole “This games woke!” mob are obnoxious, but it does annoy me sometimes when there’s an irrelevant token character when the story doesn’t need it.

      Do it properly or don’t do it at all. Stop chucking token characters into stuff just for mass appeal, it’s ultimately a disservice.

      Make interesting original characters and stories that revolve around that, rather than trying to cram that into something else.

      • @latenightnoir
        5 days ago

        Agreed, I don’t want inclusion for inclusion’s sake, either! It’d be like the current issue with movies being rebooted to be inclusive. Inclusivity’s not the problem, it’s that the stories themselves are both unfit and have grown stale. Make something new, make those characters actual characters, give’em their own history, make’em their own entities!

        Late edit: to clarify, I still thoroughly believe there’s no reason why we can’t have diverse characters in 40k! But don’t just shove’em in there for the sake of it.

    • @[email protected]
      05 days ago

      What the hell does it matter what gender said characters identify as? Why would it matter if we had all types of Space Marines (yeah, yeah, lore, yadda-yadda, but c’mon…the Rubicon Primaris itself contradicts a whole lotta lore… it’s 40k, its lore is as stable as melted cheese), or trans characters, or agender, or anything else?

      Approaching it from the opposite direction, 40k is supposed to be a dystopia, why would you want gender equality and all that nice stuff in a dystopia, unless you thought it was dystopian?

      • @PugJesusOP
        75 days ago

        Approaching it from the opposite direction, 40k is supposed to be a dystopia, why would you want gender equality and all that nice stuff in a dystopia, unless you thought it was dystopian?

        Representation is not about being moral, it’s about being audience-inclusive. If there’s no reason not to be inclusive of a sector of your audience, then refusing to do so simply makes large portions of the audience feel less welcome enjoying the work.

      • @latenightnoir
        5 days ago

        I have a single, objective reason: narrative integrity. To expand upon this, the more varied the people who are utterly suffering, the more it underlines and amplifies that suffering and the context which generates it. That should be enough even just from a literary perspective.

        Also, edit to add: the dystopia in 40k isn’t concerned with who you are, just that you accept full servitude to the Imperium. I honestly couldn’t see most Black Ship attendants hating a trans psyker any more than a cis one. Nor would the Astra Militarum ever turn its nose on fodder just because one uses different pronouns.

        And that’s exactly the point! Let it be a fully inclusionary dystopia! Let the Imperium’s complete and utter disregard for a person’s individuality oppress everyone. This dystopia is literally religious cyberpunk, where they’ve replaced The Corporation with The Religion. And Big E didn’t care who or what you were as long as you obeyed orders, that is clear throughout all existing doctrines across the Imperium’s infrastructure. Everyone is meat.

      • @[email protected]
        55 days ago

        Or if you are stuck between orks on the south and tyranids on the north, do you really care about bathrooms at that point?

  • @[email protected]
    195 days ago

    The empire of man would not give a single shit, as long as you complete your duties.

    If they could make female space Marines, they sure fucking would. More bodies to attempt the trials.

    Suggesting the emperor couldn’t hand genecraft female custodes is silly.

      • @[email protected]
        175 days ago

        There is.

        I’ll admit it’s a retcon in the sense that previously it had been mentioned to be a “brotherhood” and such, but who fucking cares. It’s just dated lore, and the emperor can do whatever the fuck he wants.

        • @[email protected]
          155 days ago

          There were in fact female Space Marines in the first editions/Rogue Trader btw. The lore change was based on limitations in early production, which is obvious because the lore reasoning is fucking stupid.

          • @[email protected]
            115 days ago

            I mean it’s not “fucking stupid” to write sci Fi biology to require some arbitrary thing, it’s just unnecessary.

            Like you could write a book about wizards right now that states “magic is stored in the balls” and we’ll, that’s your lore. It’s a decision that doesn’t appeal to the modern world, and I think it’s bad writing.

            But like, it’s all made up. I’m happy they are updating the lore, female custodes looks bad ass and reminds me of Brianne of tarth (spelling) and she was a cool character.

            Getting mad they changed something is hilarious, and those voices will fadr away

          • @PugJesusOP
            45 days ago

            That’s why the fan explanation of “Big E thought girls were icky” is so much better

        • @[email protected]
          25 days ago

          Ah okay just making sure I wasn’t going crazy. I don’t know very much about the lore but I do love listening to some long form YouTube videos talking about it

          • @[email protected]
            15 days ago

            There’s clips.on YouTube now, check out tithes ep 2, custodes meets space Marines or similar search

      • @TheEighthDoctor
        55 days ago

        That’s it, I’m calling exterminatus on this thread

  • @Letsdothis
    -125 days ago

    What was the line? “Trans women aren’t really women”?

    Trans women aren’t really women…


  • @systemglitch
    -155 days ago

    Lol, this reads as the closed minded hostility of a trans person not wanting to hear truth. It is very symbolic of some modern internet echo-chambers like Reddit and Lemmy.

    • @NatakuNox
      95 days ago

      Oh I’m sorry. Is the grim dark universe too woke for you? With its literal hermaphrodite rape demons and masochistic elves? But Ya trans people getting represented is an echo chamber.

    • @PugJesusOP
      95 days ago

      Woah, it totally sounds like you should share your opinion on trans rights somewhere else then.

      • @Letsdothis
        5 days ago

        Lol, yo… way to completely prove him right.

        Woah, it totally sounds like you should share your opinion on trans rights somewhere else then.

        This could be rephrased as “get out of my echo chamber”

        • @PugJesusOP
          65 days ago

          Or it could be rephrased as “Shitheads should not be tolerated in any sensible community”. Transphobes, like homophobes and racists, should not be welcome amongst decent folk.

          • @OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe
            35 days ago

            People don’t often grasp the Paradox of Tolerance and how it applies to others.

            If your ‘opinion’ is hateful rhetoric that trends towards intolerant towards the views of others, it is outside of the circle and is not/can not be tolerated.

            It’s not an echo chamber to say “we don’t argue about the existence/rights of lgbtq+ folks” in regular spaces. This isn’t the place for the conversation, and even if it was, the conversation has already been had. If you want that anachronistic shit in your own spaces, sure, but here in the modern world we’ve already come together in belief that that hokey old world shit doesn’t play.

            • @Letsdothis
              -75 days ago

              Your ignorance of the cho chamber and claim that

              here in the modern world we’ve already come together in belief that that hokey old world shit doesn’t play.

              No… your imagined collective acceptance of issues only goes to show that the brain washing is thorough.

              Your imagined collective acceptance world is also smaller than you think. Get out and travel around and talk to people, you’ll see your views are not as widely accepted as you might think.

          • @Letsdothis
            -45 days ago

            The ignorance…

            You might as well be sticking your fingers in your ears going “lalala! I cant hear you!” 👉 😩👈

            • @Apepollo11
              5 days ago

              Tbh, it seems like you’re the main party here sticking their fingers in their ears. If someone has already identified Lemmy as a place that doesn’t welcome their prejudices, then would they still post that stuff here?

              Look, I’ll be helpful. If you want to dunk on trans people, go to Mumsnet - that place has turned into TERF Central.

              • @Letsdothis
                -15 days ago

                If you want to dunk on trans people, go to Mumsnet - that place has turned into TERF Central.

                I’m not into echo chambers despite if I agree with them or not. I don’t want, or need, to be surrounded by people who only agree with me. And I don’t care if you all want this to only be a liberal echo chamber, im not going anywhere. Quit being so damn sensitive.

              • @Letsdothis
                5 days ago

                It’s the ignorant denial of this place being an echo chamber. The whole trans group is like this.

                Or it could be rephrased as “Shitheads should not be tolerated in any sensible community.” Transphobes, like homophobes and racists, should not be welcome amongst decent folk.

                It’s the insulting inclusion of others, using ignorant generalizations and stereo types (edit:and assumptions). No one is getting hurt because of factual logical opposition. Trans women are not real women. This is a biological fact. Talk about being fragile. Does it hurt to hear this opinion? I’m so sorry it might hurt your feelings. You might be a trans woman, but you still have balls, use them

                • @Apepollo11
                  45 days ago

                  No one is getting hurt because of factual logical opposition. Trans women are not real women. This is a biological fact.

                  Sorry, wrong on two counts.

                  Although they’ve been used interchangeably, because typically they align, sex and gender are two separate concepts. I’m sorry if this offends you.

                  Trans women are women (gender), although they are not biologically female (sex).

                  These are facts. I’m sorry if this offends you.

    • @Ziglin
      15 days ago

      I read the first words and thought: Fair enough it is a little extreme if you don’t know what media is being referenced. Upon finishing I was less amused.