Recently we had one of the largest fires in California history called the Park Fire.

The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection said Wednesday morning that 277 structures have been destroyed by the fire and 29 structures have been damaged.

On the TV they interviewed a man whose house survived. He said, “I thank god my house was spared”.

So, let me get this straight. God destroyed 277 homes but saved yours? If that’s god’s will then god is an asshole.

  • FuglyDuck
    155 months ago

    This is easily the most infuriating thing Christian’s (and other abrahamic religions,) do.

    The book of job is a Bronze Age attempt at tackling the problem of evil. Basically, through its narrative god fucks up the life of his most faithful servant- literally destroying everything but the servant himself…. Over a fucking bet…

    The justification of which is quite literally “who the fuck do you think you are? You can’t understand, you’re an idiot. Shut up and worship me”

    Classic narcissist abuser behavior.

    Yet somehow, to their eyes, every good thing is from god because they deserved it, and every bad thing is from god because “sinners deserved it too.”

    There’s a quote from Babylon 5, where Marcus says:

    I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, ‘wouldn’t it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?’ So now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.

    • @KintarianOP
      25 months ago

      I like Babylon 5. Was kind of cheesy but I liked it anyway.

      • FuglyDuck
        45 months ago

        I don’t know what you’re talking about…

        Londo was being totally serious- the Hokie-Pokey ***DOES NOT MEAN! A! THING!

        If you’re talking about the CGI… keep in mind it was late-90’s sci-fi. They literally revolutionized CGI for TV.

        (And the big battle with the league vs vorlons vs shadows? Held the record for most starships on the screen until Star Trek turned petty and did the Operation Return in DS9 *just to take it back.)

        Bab5 definitely had its one liner humor, but it also hit hard in other ways. (Parliament of Dreams, the ending for example, coupled with delenn’s rant another time about what makes humans special: we build communities. It’s that diversity that makes us strong.)

        (It also easily has the two Scariest Women of SciFi:tm:, one of whom is normally incredibly mild-mannered and the other is career military just doing her job and trying to do the right thing.)

        • @KintarianOP
          25 months ago

          Wow, Babylon 5 is on Tubi, free with commercials. I am going to watch again.

        • @KintarianOP
          25 months ago

          It was definitely one of the best sci-fi series I’ve ever watched. But some of the dialogue and the banter between some of the people was kind of, I don’t know, maybe not cheesy but cute? Amusing? Wouldn’t mind watching it again. The '90s were a long time ago.

          • FuglyDuck
            5 months ago

            “I have to pee”.

            “So… fasten zip? Zip fasten? Wanna talk socks?”

            “Anatomically impossible, Mr Garibaldi. But you’re welcome to try, any time.”

            (Okay, Walter was amazing as Bester… it took me a couple seasons to realize he was then same actor as Chekhov.)

            • @KintarianOP
              25 months ago

              Where are your nuclear wessels?

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      Stories like that of Job is why my position is that if it were to be determined by some means that the God of Abraham actually exists than that should be corrected at the earliest available opportunity. If almost any claimed gods exist than that should be corrected.

      • FuglyDuck
        35 months ago

        Pretty sure Dionysus was all about the Sex, Drugs and Rick rolling

        (Actually, I’m pretty sure he’s basically just the patron saint of drunken frat-douches, and therefore incredibly annoying, but why let that get in the way of a good joke,)

  • Flying Squid
    75 months ago

    It’s the same sort of mindset as the tech bros who believe we all live in a simulation. “I’m important, all those others are NPCs.”

    • @KintarianOP
      25 months ago

      Wait, we’re not in the simulation?

  • @ohwhatfollyisman
    75 months ago

    whenever i hear about god’s will, i want to meet the lawyer who drafted it.