• @vegetaOP
    6 months ago

    Yeah, the guy who has no idea what a trading curb is, is a very stable business genius. Of course there is a very high chance that he is just straight up lying to rile the ignorant.

    Limit Up-Limit Down Circuit Breaker (Single Stock Circuit Breaker) – The Limit Up-Limit Down circuit breaker (“LULD”) is a market volatility moderator designed to prevent large, sudden price moves in a stock. In particular, it prevents trades in individual securities from occurring outside of a specified price band. This price band is set at a percentage level above and below the average price of the stock over the immediately preceding five-minute trading period. If the stock’s price moves to the price band and does not move back within the price bands within 15 seconds, trading in the stock will pause for five minutes. These price bands are 5%, 10%, 20%, or the lesser of $.15 or 75%, depending on the price of the stock and whether the stock is designated as a Tier 1 or Tier 2 NMS stock. Tier 1 NMS stocks include all securities in the S&P 500, the Russell 1000 and select Exchange Traded Products. Tier 2 NMS stocks include all other NMS securities, except for rights and warrants, which are specifically excluded from coverage. The LULD applies during regular trading hours from 9:30 am ET – 4:00 pm ET. The LULD’s price bands double during the last 25 minutes of the regular trading day for (i) all Tier 1 NMS stocks and (ii) Tier 2 NMS stocks at or below $3.00.

    https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/investing-basics/glossary/stock-market-circuit-breakers#:~:text=A cross-market trading halt,of the S%26P 500 Index.



    LUDP Volatility Trading Pause


    • Nougat
      516 months ago

      I’m going to take a wild guess at one reason why preventing large, sudden price moves in a stock is a good thing: it prevents pump and dumps.

      You can’t quickly pump a stock and then sell it off if there’s a control that stops the stock price from going way up in a hurry. And if you dump a stock, the price isn’t going to plummet instantly, offering some protection to your unwitting victims.

    • @OhmsLawn
      6 months ago

      It’s hilarious. They were literally propping up the value of his company by preventing a price implosion.

      It makes me wonder if his orders got cancelled.

      Edit: my bad.

      I failed to read the article. It was a price spike that got cut off. See below.

      • @Windex007
        126 months ago

        I’m all for dunking on Trump, but you (or anyone here) should read the article.

        It didn’t trigger because the price was tanking. It triggered because it was going up too fast.

        It was on news of Trump saying he wasn’t going to sell.

        • @michaelmrose
          136 months ago

          It’s a social media company with very few active users which loses piles of money and takes in a pittance in return. It is worth less than nothing. If he holds it when it goes to zero than he loses all possible profit. Of course he’s going to sell.

          • @Windex007
            76 months ago

            Oh for sure. It’s effectively been a proxy for election betting since it’s inception. Investors know if he wins it’s a vehicle for people to buy his favour by adding demand pressure. As long as Trump thinks he might win, he has to keep his position.

            • @michaelmrose
              26 months ago

              This is a basic misunderstanding of reality. It’s shitty and useless even for him. If he wins he wont need it.

              • @Windex007
                16 months ago

                In a speculative market, which is the reality in which we both exist, share value can absolutely be divorced from a balance sheet. As you’ve pointed out, that is the case here.

                So what is the speculative value to an investor? Why ISN’T it zero?

                If you have a theory better than “investors believe he’ll use his position as president to increase the value of his own holdings if he wins” I’d be curious to hear it.

                Maybe it’s by making presidential decisions contingent on “friendly actions” like buying shares if you’re a foreign nation or even a domestic interest. Maybe he’ll award government communication contracts.

                Super interested in an alternative explanation, though.

                • @michaelmrose
                  16 months ago

                  A: I feel like an actual fascist takeover of America would open the door to more direct bribery like wire transfers of large amounts of funds. If you transfer 10M to him he gets the entire 10M not half.

                  B: I think people buying it either believe in the theory of utility you outlined or are betting on others perception of the utility more so than direct belief in real value as is common with meme stocks. There is also probably a non trivial percentage which have no reasonable theory of value whatsoever which are making an emotional decision as to investing comparatively small amounts of personal monies.

          • @ultranaut
            26 months ago

            It’s literally just a Mastodon instance that isn’t federated.

        • @[email protected]
          116 months ago

          on news of Trump saying he wasn’t going to sell.

          Can the rubes really be that dumb, or was it all just foreign bribe money looking for an excuse to buy in?

        • @OhmsLawn
          16 months ago

          Damn. My bad. Thank you

          Edited my original comment with a strike-through.

      • GingaNinga
        136 months ago

        So this guy whose message has the economy as a large part of it has no idea what a halt is? what a clown.

        • Optional
          56 months ago

          That’s like - the very tippy-top flower icing on layer after layer of shit cake that is trump. No, he does not know what anything is. He’s also a demented rapist and a pathological liar. Then there’s the whole selling-us-out-to-russia thing.

          My point is - his ignorance regarding how stock markets work (despite being surrounded by people who probably do) is not even in the top 100 things about him that are horrifying and sad.

    • @ladicius
      56 months ago

      Thanks for the background info!

      Now we all know more than the stable genius. I know it’s not very complicated to do that.

  • @[email protected]
    456 months ago

    Why is NASDAQ halting the sale of DJT? What right do they have to do this? They have done it twice today. What’s going on? Are they taking orders from the SEC, which, for political reasons, delayed us for an inordinate amount of time, therefore hurting the stock very badly? I am going to hold NASDAQ, and maybe the SEC, liable for doing what they are doing. If they do it again, we will move the stock to the New York Stock Exchange. It is my intention to own this stock for a long period of time. In my opinion, it is THE REAL VOICE OF AMERICA, but it is definitely MY VOICE, and it will be for a long time to come!

    Everything is a conspiracy. Totally normal actions are a plot against him and the Right.

    The company’s financials are in dire straits, as it lost $58.2 million last year while bringing in just $4.1 million in revenue. Despite the day’s jump, the share price, which closed at $17.97 on Friday, is a long way away from this year’s high near $80 a share.

    He’s selling this shit as soon as he thinks it’s the right time. He has no intention of holding onto most of it.

    • @ZoopZeZoop
      56 months ago

      Yes, he’s trying to misdirect so the share price will be higher when he sells. He’s okay with screwing everyone else over. On the other hand, if you invest in this shitwaffle, you might deserve what you get. He has shown himself to self serving all his life.

  • @RunningInRVA
    416 months ago

    At whatever point it becomes clear to him that he is going to lose the election he will almost certainly cash out. If the race is close then he may make a gamble. But he is going to need the cash if he loses.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      Why would he need the money?

      It isn’t like he pays his lawyers. And you don’t need a great lawyer to appeal a sensitive case indefinitely.

      And… it isn’t like he paid his terrorists. He left them hanging out to dry after they failed to murder pence and the entirety of congress a couple years back.

      Also, I have a strong suspicion that he’ll end up pushing for some blatantly illegal “charity” where True Believers can donate to The Real President Of The United States.

      And lastly: Money is not a cure for novichok.

      • @Carrolade
        176 months ago

        Oh, he pays his lawyers, the good ones anyway. He’s represented in some of these cases by major firms doing a respectable job. They’ll stop if they don’t get paid.

        And you can’t really appeal indefinitely, he has a few appeals before a sentence goes into effect and that’s it. Then he could still try different appeals, but he’d be doing it from prison or probation or whatever.

        • Optional
          26 months ago

          He’s represented in some of these cases by major firms doing a respectable job.

          Mmmmmm gonna need some examples there.

            • Optional
              26 months ago

              I guess compared to his exciting legal teams from the impeachments (see Michael Wolff’s Landslide) he’s gotten it through his head he has to pay some people some time.

              I still doubt he will though. That he owes them is a given.

              • @Carrolade
                36 months ago

                He already is. Sometimes you can get away with not paying people, sometimes you just can’t, like a lawyer billing you hourly for an ongoing case, probably on a bimonthly basis.

                It’s not like he takes all the money he gets from people and stuffs it under a mattress somewhere. It goes to people that get paid for various things.

                • Optional
                  26 months ago

                  It’s not like he takes all the money he gets from people and stuffs it under a mattress somewhere.

                  You should look up the reason Chris Christie was fired from the transition team. (I can’t find it now, but TLDR was the money donated to create trumps transition team was being spent on the transition and he fired Christie for “stealing his money”) One of trumps defining characteristics is he literally does take all the money he can find and squirrel it away. The list of people who have sued him for non payment is enormous.

                  Yes, Trump’s campaign has unpaid bills in multiple U.S. cities

    • The Real King Gordon
      156 months ago

      Pretty sure he already needs the cash. Didnt he have problems raising the 500 million earlier this year?

    • @eran_morad
      66 months ago

      He may realize that putin’s got him covered as long as he continues sucking his dick.

      • partial_accumen
        66 months ago

        Putin is having some money troubles of his own right now. Banks in China are refusing to complete bank transactions with russia.

      • @linearchaos
        26 months ago

        Putin will only cover him as long as he’s useful.

    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      He can’t sell shit. Nobody wants the stock now. Even less when he loses. Once he pumps even a tiny fragment of his share into the market, the price will go to 0.

  • @shalafi
    246 months ago

    It is my intention to own this stock for a long period of time.

    That SCREAMS out that he’s selling ASAP. Look closely at the wording, he’s been coached, “Remember Mr. Trump, we want people to understand that you will be holding this stock.” He reflexively thought about selling, this is what came out his mouth.

    And while we’re at it, when talking about their own company, who says this?! Can you imagine even Musk saying something this dumb?!

  • Riskable
    136 months ago

    Lying liar lies about his stock liquidation plans.

    Everyone that still holds stock after Trump is allowed to sell is a sucker. A sucker that absolutely will deserve those losses. It’d be like investing in Bernie Madoff at this point… After he’s proven to the world that he’s a fraud a thousand times over, people are still throwing money at Trump’s bullshit.

    Future news: “I invested almost all my savings into this!”

    Who could’ve known he was lying about selling it all as fast as he could‽

    Everyone with half a brain, that’s who.

  • Blackout
    126 months ago

    He’s the guy most undecided think is stronger about the economy. This guy.

    • vvvvan
      56 months ago

      They also think “the economy” is “the stock market”. They’re not sending their best…

      • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
        26 months ago

        Or just the price of gas, the only price posted on billboards, and groceries, which we all buy. They’re also, unfortunately, amongst the most volatile (for seasonal, geopolitical, or whatever reason). But it’s the prices the average person tracks and the news reports the 3 stock big stock market indices with a one-sentence summary as if every stock moved up or down for the same reason.

        I’m not judging here. Like, food, power, and retirement account (if they have one) should be what the average voter notices. It’s just unfortunate that it’s also basically fool’s gold for long term national policy makers. The weather can change the price of your favorite food more than the president.

  • @Tylerdurdon
    46 months ago

    I’ve heard of “resting bitch face” but is he trying to create a new standard? Resting pouting bitch face?

  • @eran_morad
    26 months ago

    Ok bruh. I’m sure all those CEOs will fucking love this.