• abff08f4813c
    11 day ago

    “And secure the election and jam the Senate”. It sounds like the guy thinks they’ll will the presidency if they force a shutdown. Has that worked, like, ever?

  • @kescusay
    1004 days ago

    At least these guys are saying the quiet parts out loud, now.

    • @Boddhisatva
      734 days ago

      Trump started it. Back in 2020 there was a coronavirus stimulus package going through the legislature. The Democrats tried to include some amendments that would make it easier for people to vote during the stimulus. Basic stuff like easier mail in voting and extended voting days. Trump’s reaction on Fox News showed that they clearly understand that more voting is bad for Republicans.

      “The things they had in there were crazy. They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again”

      • Rhaedas
        214 days ago

        Just to clarify, Trump started and enabled the “talking out loud” part of many subjects, not the idea that making voting harder for some demographics helps Republicans. That’s been a decades long thing, about as long as the big switch of parties. It’s part of what drove “Eisenhower Republicans” to be life long Democrats.

        • Optional
          64 days ago

          Mexicans are rapists. Military heroes who endure captivity are weak losers.

          I wish any of it made a fucking iota of difference to his pithed cult.

    • @Makeitstop
      74 days ago

      Not exactly in this case. The title is framing his comments as being about making it hard to vote. While that’s absolutely what the bill he’s talking about will do, he isn’t presenting it that way. He’s saying that the SAVE act will “secure” the election and that the strategy of forcing it through by tying it to government funding will be a winning one for Republicans. Both these statements are false (voters don’t like government shut downs), but that’s still his argument.

      The quiet part is still quiet here, because you have to already know that the bill he’s pushing is about voter suppression, not election integrity.

  • @JeeBaiChow
    133 days ago

    Anyone still thinks sitting out the midterms is a good idea? They’re all idiots. Welcome to the find out phase.

  • @cabron_offsets
    284 days ago

    The republican traitor filth must be forced to a reckoning.

  • shoulderoforion
    84 days ago

    maria diving full extension into the dark side will always be a continuing source of dissapointment

  • @ATDA
    13 days ago

    I’m guessing not, but have they done research to confirm more conservatives will have their documentation than liberals? Cuz… That could backfire.

    • Zombie-Mantis
      43 days ago

      It’s not “liberals” they’re targeting with these sorts of tactics, per se, but poor and minority populations, who tend to vote blue out of self-defence. Of course, many of these laws are also applied unequally within states, such as the recent raids of Latino voter organizations in Texas.