The United Nations General Assembly voted 124-14 on Wednesday to strip Israel of the right to self-defense in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem.

The test of the resolution was based on the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion in July that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory was illegal.

The resolution also calls on member states not to sell arms or military equipment to Israel that would be used in Gaza, the West Bank, and east Jerusalem.

Among the 43 countries that abstained were Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom. Some 12 of the 27 European Union countries abstained, including Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden.

  • @Jollyllama
    128 hours ago

    Is this just symbolic? Does it levy any penalties for not complying?

    • @[email protected]
      188 hours ago

      The resolution has declaratory power only but provides international backing to those countries that want to take additional steps against Israel.

      • @some_designer_dude
        86 hours ago

        It’s obvious why OP is ashamed. But why aren’t you? Proud of your nation’s quiet support of a genocide?

  • @rottingleaf
    1311 hours ago

    And nobody will obey that decision.

    ICJ has made some rulings about Artsakh too. Should have been not so hard to sanction the beheading savages out of occupying a small country and expelling its residents. By the way, in the UN charter a “country” does not only refer to UN members, that distinction is intentionally made clear in a few places.

    UN is less useful than Holy Roman Empire.

    • @some_designer_dude
      06 hours ago

      It’s not a decision to obey. It’s just a boring skit they put on once in a while. I feel like the kids’ Model UN has more actual impact on society than the UN and its toothless performative bullshit

  • @[email protected]
    1815 hours ago

    We need to expel Israel from the UN. These religious fanatics have no place in the civilized world.

    • PonyOfWar
      2312 hours ago

      Removing a country from the UN for doing horrible things would defeat the UN’s entire purpose.

      • @Aqarius
        29 hours ago

        IDK, FRY was de facto kicked out of the UN in 1992.

      • @rottingleaf
        -510 hours ago

        Which is keep the current world order of countries doing such dominating?

        • PonyOfWar
          910 hours ago

          The UN was created after WW2 to prevent another world war and have a diplomatic channel between all countries that is always open. It’s far from perfect, but it’s definitely better than what we had before.

    • @[email protected]
      911 hours ago

      Part of any international sanctions is to leave something for the perpetrator to lose.

      Otherwise, they can do literally everything without any further consequences whatsoever - it won’t get worse for them.

      Also, as rightfully mentioned, part of UN’s goal is restoring peace between nations, which is harder to do when they are not members. That’s the problem with Palestine, and it will get worse if Israel leaves too.

      • @[email protected]
        2215 hours ago

        Israeli fanatics have killed more people in a year than Iran has in decades. Israel is a terrorist entity.

        • @Aceticon
          1011 hours ago

          Whilst I disagree with your earlier point about expelling Israel from the UN (or anybody else: the whole point of the place is as a diplomatic talking shop for everybody) I wholehartedly agree with this one.

          • @rottingleaf
            210 hours ago

            or anybody else: the whole point of the place is as a diplomatic talking shop for everybody

            Except Artsakh and Tigray and Rojava and … Cause UN membership has been coerced to be used as some “proof of sovereignty” while it’s not even in UN’s own founding documents. So a non-UN member state won’t get accepted to UN (cause everybody voting likes their elevated status through such a situation) and additionally can be militarily attacked, even wiped out, and everybody acts as if that were normal, while, again, even in the UN charter it’s not.

            I’d argue the harm from that is bigger than the purpose you named. After all, diplomats can already talk wherever they want and they do.

            • @Aceticon
              7 hours ago

              It sounds a lot like you’re letting Perfection be the enemy of Good Enough.

              Should there be no UN because in a small proportion of situations it’s actually shit and is it really realistic to have no talking shop like that at all for as long as it takes for the World to somehow get together and make a perfect entity for that?

              I’ve given some thought to it over the years and I think that the UN still does more good than bad, even whilst being shit at some things and having no real power other than that of influencing nations in general and the World’s public opinion.

              Further, even if in the balance of things tearing down the UN and creating something better turned out to be the best thing to do, I don’t quite see how arbitrarily kicking countries from the UN that were deemed “badly behaving” at the moment would help us create the something better since those countries would need to be there too (it would certainly help tear down the UN, just not help with the actual primary purpose of getting something better to replace it).

              A talking shop for everybody using the penalty of kicking members out only ever succeeds in turning itself into an exclusive club, and at the time when the only thing that existed were such clubs (which were naturally made up of nations allied with each other) was before and at the start of WWI and lead to it and to WWII.

              • @rottingleaf
                14 hours ago

                That small proportion of situations is those where it was simply impossible to live oppressed, because there only were options to fight or die. A much larger proportion of people in this world live oppressed.

            • @[email protected]
              08 hours ago

              I don’t disagree with your criticisms of the UN. They’re not a perfect organization, and UN membership shouldn’t be some standard of sovereignty. However, diplomats have always been able to talk whenever they want, the problem that the League of Nations and then the UN tried to address was all the backrooms conversations nations used to have that were part of the causes that lead up to the first world war. Having an international platform every nation needs to at least listen to is better than the alternative. Arguably, untill now the UN has succeeded, there hasn’t been a WWIII.

      • @rottingleaf
        -310 hours ago

        Iran, if compared to most big countries except maybe India, Egypt and Latin American ones, is a paragon of humanism. They are at war with so many other countries because they behave like they are supposed to, while those others behave like Israel right now.

        Of course murder, torture and rape of protesters is not something I’d sign under. It’s just that some things come down to numbers and make Iran better.

        • @[email protected]
          27 hours ago

          Have you seen what happens to Muslims in India? Hindu nationalists are using Gaza as a model for how they should run Kashmir.

          • @rottingleaf
            04 hours ago

            There are much more Muslims living in India than just those in Kashmir. They also have regions where Muslims treat Christians that way. India is big. That said, yes, it sucks, but Kashmir is a situation where “both sides” can be used honestly. It’s just that somehow Europeans and Americans like to consider Muslims the oppressed group number one. Usually they are the oppressors.

        • @kerrypacker
          19 hours ago

          Locking people up for their gender, sexuality or for listening to pop music is okay with you?

          You fool.

          • @rottingleaf
            -19 hours ago

            As compared to beheading them for their ethnicity, yes. So until Azerbaijan is sanctioned and put to its place, please shut up. We all care more about things closer to us, but one is worse than the other.

    • @[email protected]
      10 hours ago

      The entire article is utter apologetic trash, doing its absolute best to show how unpopular this decision is (despite being hugely popular) and focusing on “Hamas terrorism concerns” without any consideration at all given to Palestinians.

  • Eunie
    18 hours ago

    Weird that the comments and the top level post are calling out the countries which abstained but apperently no one cares about the ‘against’ votes.

    • @exanime
      57 hours ago

      I think it may be due to the “against” votes coming from the obvious places (Israel, USA) and a bunch of tiny places most people couldn’t point in a map.

      The “curious” ones for me are Panama and Argentina. Curious as in I wonder what their statements to vote against would be

  • @[email protected]
    1 day ago

    Why list a select 15 abstainers in the summary rather than the 14 voting against? Besides the obvious ones (Israel, US, Czechia), there’s Hungary, Argentina, Paraguay, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Palau, Nauru, Malawi, Tuvalu, Tonga and Micronesia.

      • @[email protected]
        8 hours ago

        The COFA states are very strongly aligned with the US and pretty much always vote with them. I don’t know much about, say, Tonga, but I’m guessing it’s a way of signaling cooperation to the US as well.

      • @[email protected]
        17 hours ago

        It is possible none of us will live to see Czechia vote against the interest of Israel as all parties support it and there is pretty much no organized pro-Palestine movement. Israel says we’re their top partners in the eastern hemisphere, which means a lot because most countries are in the eastern hemisphere, including itself. At least, aid toward them is not nearly as popular among politicians and citizens as for Ukraine (we have a sizable, well-behaved Ukrainian minority already and took the most refugees per capita at the height of the crisis).

        As for why pretty much every politician is either oblivious or bootlicking Israel: see my comment under a post about the shredder escapade 4 months ago

        • @[email protected]
          817 hours ago

          Thank you for the explanation! Such a shame that anti-Zionism is so often conflated with antisemitism

          • @[email protected]
            315 hours ago

            What’s funny is that lots of people outside Prague are racist and most of them make no effort to hide it. Our nation very much prides itself in dark humor and very few topics are taboo, we even have racial and Auschwitz jokes. However, most people are oblivious to what’s happening in the area so even if you made a really good point for Palestine and composed it into a joke, it’s not going to resonate with any audience. Maybe university students (though a great deal of them are pro-Israel so you might get cringey faces and boos).

    • @LinkerbaanOP
      101 day ago

      Besides the obvious Genocide Joe administration countries like Palau, Tuvalu, and Micronesia do not evoke much significance.

      Rather I found listing the more mainstream countries still silently supporting israel and refusing to condemn their obvious violation of international law more interesting.

      On closer consideration Hungary might be of relevance, since they are allegedly responsible for the recent israeli supply chain terror attack on Lebanon.

      • @[email protected]
        213 hours ago

        Palau, Tuvalu, and Micronesia do not evoke much significance

        Well, that’s why I kinda sorted the list by “relevance”. Still, you should at least mention top 5-6 opposers if you’re going to bother with any abstainers.

      • @doingthestuff
        -3623 hours ago

        So we’re back to genociding Israel again? I feel like no one has a plan that isn’t at least a little genocide.

          1721 hours ago

          My slopes aren’t as slippery, where did you buy yours? I get why you said that, given the tumultuous nature surrounding Israel since it’s founding in the 1940’s, but the Arab nations said they would cease aggression when Israel did. Perhaps Israel having it’s sticks taken away is a step towards a peaceful Middle-East?

  • @[email protected]
    561 day ago

    “Rights” can only be taken away by force, if there is no method to ensure compliance, this is yet another meaningless resolution.

    • @scutiger
      721 day ago

      The UN is a diplomatic organization. It is a forum to discuss things and literally has no actual means to enforce anything. Its goal is not enforcement, it’s to discuss.

      • @filister
        421 day ago

        And prevent such global wars like WWII. Funnily enough, the state of Israel was funded exactly by an UN resolution, and now Israel is trying to discredit the same institution that’s responsible for the existence of their state.

      • @[email protected]
        471 day ago

        Exactly. Every time the UN does something, people say “they can’t enforce it”.

        Well, that’s the whole point of the UN. To resolve things without using force.

        It’s a good design, designed by people who learned from the horrors of WW2.

        It’s sad to see how many people nowadays forget those lessons and are itching for global war.

        • @rottingleaf
          210 hours ago

          You got it ass-backwards. The point of the UN as opposed to LoN was that it can enforce shit. And do that very heavily. The only problem was that the chosen group of wise and powerful to decide this now includes Russia as the heir of the USSR (why the hell) and China (which is not the China that got the place initially) and UK (which is collecting cannibals to suck off all over the globe) and USA (which just arbitrarily invaded Iraq and didn’t even apologize) and France (seems kinda normal, but CFA etc were not nice) and the situation really sucks.

          • @Bertuccio
            6 hours ago

            Russia and the US are involved because the other half of the UNs purpose is to keep them both from nuking shit.

        • @[email protected]
          314 hours ago

          I, personally, am itching for progress. In my lifetime. What history has proven is that progress is never achieved without bloodshed.

          Though there is one very easy step the US at least can take that isn’t bloodshed: STOP SELLING WEAPONS TO ISRAEL.

        • @[email protected]
          114 hours ago

          I, personally, am itching for progress. In my lifetime. What history has proven is that progress is never achieved without bloodshed.

          Though there is one very easy step the US at least can take that isn’t bloodshed: STOP SELLING WEAPONS TO ISRAEL.

        • @[email protected]
          114 hours ago

          I, personally, am itching for progress. In my lifetime. What history has proven is that progress is never achieved without bloodshed.

          Though there is one very easy step the US at least can take that isn’t bloodshed: STOP SELLING WEAPONS TO ISRAEL.

        • @[email protected]
          114 hours ago

          I, personally, am itching for progress. In my lifetime. What history has proven is that progress is never achieved without bloodshed.

          Though there is one very easy step the US at least can take that isn’t bloodshed: STOP SELLING WEAPONS TO ISRAEL.

        • @[email protected]
          1 day ago

          Why does it really matter that issues can be “discussed” if the issue being discussed is as atrocious as what Israel is doing to Palestine.

          Israel and the US know that what they’re doing is wrong. Them and their crony countries aren’t going to change course because of this.

          It doesn’t exactly prevent WW2 if they tell Hitler to stop and he doesn’t listen…unless of course they choose to let him continue his goals unimpeded rather than go to war, citing their documented disagreement as sufficient counter action…

          • @neatchee
            301 day ago

            Because there is value in a large group speaking with a unified voice to say “this is wrong, and you need to know that the rest of us think it’s wrong. Your behavior will affect the relationship you have with us all going forward”. Direct intervention isn’t the only form of consequence.

            Is it the best solution to the problem? No. Is it still worth doing? Yes.

      • @Pilferjinx
        418 hours ago

        What is the point of voting, especially veto, if it’s all just voicing complaints?

        • @[email protected]
          618 hours ago

          If you hear 5 people yell at 5 people then they take a vote and the vote comes out 101 to 5 and the rest staying silent (hypothetical), it’s different than 53-53. It helps you understand what others believe/support while not having to listen to all of them talk.

        • @scutiger
          420 hours ago

          When it comes to Israel, they have very little incentive in changing their ways when the US refuses to join the rest of the world in condemning them.

          Still, there are 124 countries that made it clear that they think what Israel is doing is wrong.

  • @[email protected]
    220 hours ago

    Shoutout to the libs wetting their pants over non-Russian weapons being used against Ukraine

    I’m not sure what could be worse than literally bulldozing all of Palestine to the ground and killing the survivors that crawl out. And that is not hyperbole. Literal bulldozers are going in a line through Palestine.

    Maybe PugJesus can enlighten us?

  • @LinkerbaanOP
    -421 day ago

    Looks like israel doesn’t have the right to defend itself.

    • @[email protected]
      1215 hours ago

      Israel has been murdering Palestinians for decades now. It’s a country founded on mass murder and genocide.

      • @Aceticon
        711 hours ago

        It’s a country founded on 19th century White Colonialist ideology (this bunch of people who see themselves as Whites being Jewish rather than Christian makes no different to their victims) which, unlike the places from were such thinking hailed, has never evolved away from it, quite the contrary: just like Apartheid South Africa, with time they just become more violent and oppressive against those they see as lesser races, only Apartheid South Africa was forced to stop whilst Israel just kept doubling down on it and getting more violent.

        It’s not by chance that most Israelis and their leadership say that they “have Western Values”: they do have Western Values it’s just that they’re 19th century Western Values.

    • @[email protected]
      918 hours ago

      Given that its ‘defence’ is indiscriminately bombing civilian populations and blowing the limbs off children, they shouldn’t be allowed to. Israel shouldn’t have committed war crimes similar to the Nazis.

    • @[email protected]
      781 day ago

      There’s a difference between defending oneself and engaging in collective punishment and genocide. I am Jewish and the descendent of holocaust survivors. Not in my name.

      • nkat2112
        241 day ago

        You’re awesome - have a great day. Thank you.

      • NoneOfUrBusiness
        61 day ago

        I mean yes, but this ruling is fhat they can’t do either. Since these regions are illegally occupied, their inhabitants have the right to resist said occupation and, therefore Israel doesn’t have the right to defend itself in the same way it would against an independent country.

      • @[email protected]
        181 day ago

        Yup. Israel is treating them like land that’s free to colonize, when in reality a nation (albeit one with unstable government, and only recently UN-recognized) lives there.
        Similarly, Japan can’t claim it’s “defending itself” if it hypothetically performs violent acts in Lebanon.

    • @InverseParallax
      419 hours ago

      Those are not Israeli soil.

      I can’t break into my neighbors house and beat him to a pulp under the rubric of ‘self-defense’ either, except under wildly interesting hypothetical legal situations.