• @Asifall
    27 hours ago

    I know someone who used to be a genius and apparently it was uncommon but not unheard of for someone to puncture a battery resulting in a violent fire that had to be put out by dumping a fuckload of sand onto it.

    So this isn’t that far off from working at a Genius Bar normally.

  • FiveMacs
    151 day ago

    Dudes hands are gone if they detonates. Do they really have giant bomb suits but no gloves?

    • snooggums
      231 day ago

      The suit is there to reduce fatalities and minimize injuries, not to avoid every poasible injury.

      Sometimes there are situations where touch and feel is critical, although my understanding is that the preferred approach today is remote detonation where even the suit is away from the likely blast radius.

      • @MissJinx
        1 day ago

        Most of the times my favorite approach is not to be a bomb expert. To this day it has not failed me yet

      • peopleproblems
        423 hours ago

        Remote detonation sounds much safer.

        EoD guys looked at all available military possible and said “nah I want one with real risk.”

    • @someguy3
      111 day ago

      Gloves are useless, and you need fine motor control anyway.

      • FiveMacs
        21 day ago

        I totally get that, working previously in kitchens and being told to wear gloves…I never did because screw that

        I just assumed that dealing with bombs wouldn’t be a one-time incident scenario.

        • @someguy3
          71 day ago

          … You’re comparing a kitchen (sanitary) to a bomb exploding? Gloves will not protect you from a bomb. Anything that would would be far too large and unwieldly to use when trying to diffuse a bomb.

          • @Soup
            222 hours ago

            Actually not wearing gloves and washing your hands regularly is, I believe, generally bettee for sanitation. There’s a lot of false confidence and shit with gloves, and they cost money and are technically a limited resource. You should always have them on hand, especially for if you get cut and need to wear a bandaid, but washing your hands as needed is totally fine.

            And as it relates to this conversation they have a point in that gloves fucking suck to wear. They’re weirdly sticky and also even tight ones are like wearing loose skin and it just kinda sucks. Again, super great to have around and they can be awesome for some tasks where you just do not want to have to do anything more than removing the glove and rinsing, but the point stands.

            • @someguy3
              322 hours ago

              Why did everyone shift to sanitation when this post was about fucking bombs.

                • @Klear
                  12 hours ago

                  You can’t tell me what to do!

              • @Soup
                -117 hours ago

                You literally brought it up. I even explained how the other person was not talking about sanitation so that it was clear that it was you who did so. I understood them the first time just fine.

                You’re being, like, turbo-stupid right now. Cut it out.

                • @someguy3
                  19 hours ago

                  No I brought up that gloves are no use when a fucking bomb goes off.

          • FiveMacs
            1 day ago

            In my REPLY, yes I’m comparing wearing gloves, to wearing gloves because they are identical after being explained that they both decrease your fine motor movements.

        • @[email protected]
          1 day ago

          I mean when they’re defusing larger bombs the suit wouldn’t help at all, it’s literally do or die

  • @someguy3
    111 day ago

    Left hand, I wonder if they’re trained to use their non dominant hand. Though he should tuck his right hand away too.

    • @Illegalmexicant
      51 day ago

      I would hope so, imagine trying to jerk…I mean, brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand. It just feels weird.

      • @lemmyman
        323 hours ago

        My mouse is on my dominant side so when I’m surfing porn I’m jerking non-dominant.

      • @ABCDE
        119 hours ago

        I switched somehow, it’s like someone else doing it.

  • @MidsizedSedan
    121 hours ago

    With all the advancements in surgery robots and robot dogs, cant they put the 2 together for bomb dissarming bots?

    • @NeptuneOrbit
      17 hours ago

      Those exist. Maybe not owned by a certain task force.