Was thinking of this after a conversation I had on a thread about dreams. Someone joked “I was dreaming of the events of The Matrix, then I was woken up by someone worried my dream was infringing the Wachowski’s copyrights”, and it turned into a whole train of thought in my mind, like violating IP law because you stole fire from Zeus which was his intellectual property.

  • Shaman Spiff
    166 months ago

    You only have the rights to your likeness until 70 years after the death of your author (your mom)

    Alternatively, your mom starts with the rights, and you never even get them. (unless she sells them to you)

    “Sorry kiddo, you took a selfie, so now I’m taking you to court.”

  • @[email protected]
    56 months ago

    Rape could be tried as a copyright violation, probably have better results in the courts. (A sad state of affairs)

    The trademark on Grandma’s Mac and Cheese (or other recipe of choice) would start fights at Thanksgiving.

  • @[email protected]
    56 months ago

    I’m going to sue you because you used my likeness without permission in the reflections on your windows…