For me personally, it has to be animal pulser. I go into a Base, hide in a small room and activate it. Now I can witness a custom manhunt pack against my enemies! It’s so much fun to watch.

  • @DaMonsterKnees
    915 hours ago

    I am neither creative nor clever, but I love bugs already on a map. Especially on losing is fun. First few raiders come calling, oh, but what’s this? Insect jelly on the ground? Well, let me just scoop this omw to kicking over this guys horseshoe pin. Nom Nom Nom. drops loot trap gets moar bait profit.

  • @mortalic
    112 hours ago

    I haven’t done this yet but I want to bring an auto cannon and set it in the edge

  • TheVillageGuy
    112 hours ago

    When I started playing my village maps I would play on (community) builder, but the raids would get pretty big because of colonist wealth. I’d just draft all colonists,form a blob and march straight into the raid. Hence my gigantic hospitals.