• @[email protected]
    103 hours ago

    Canada posting higher on this report than the US, meanwhile the US constantly talks down on the quality of care in Canada, and conservatives use the Canada-US comparison to try and sell Canadians on privatized health care.

    Don’t worry US, at this rate you won’t be in last place for much longer.

  • @Myxomatosis
    4 hours ago

    I work in healthcare and I’m all for socialized medicine or Medicare for all. The corporate hospitals do not act in the best interests of the patients. Some of them (like HCA) are inherently evil. They cut staffing, resources, and supplies to the bone, constantly running on the thinnest of margins leading to dangerously unsafe conditions for patients. Not to mention doctors, providers, nurses, and other healthcare workers are getting completely burned out. This is so they can please the shareholders and the executives can get their fat bonuses. Americans pay so much for healthcare and get so little in return.

  • @[email protected]
    185 hours ago

    It’s also a bit weird that this is politically relevant in the US. I honestly don’t understand how my need for healthcare is a political stance.

    • EleventhHour
      74 hours ago

      Because money.

      Not that hard to understand.

        • EleventhHour
          3 hours ago

          Trump keeps making it political and also wants to massively cut taxes on the group of people who contribute the most in taxes that pay for the military - millionaires, billionaires, and major corporations. While also slashing healthcare for millions.

          Just like he did last time.


  • @givesomefucks
    166 hours ago

    It’s fucked up there’s no option to vote for who actually wants to fix it.

    Kamala was headed in the right direction 5 years ago, but now I dont even know if she admits the current system am is flawed now.

    • Coelacanth
      185 hours ago

      It’s sad that the best response to Trump’s bizarre accusation of “she wants to give everyone health care” would be “fuck yeah I do!” but she for some reason thinks it will scare off swing voters and leans into the classic Dem instinct of tucking to the center.

      • @givesomefucks
        65 hours ago

        would be “fuck yeah I do!”

        I’m not a huge fan of Pete, but at least he’s smart enough to have learned that lesson from Bernie.

        He goes on Faux all the time these days and when they call him a communist, he explains what the policy actually means.

        The vast majority of our country want healthcare improved. And I stead of capitalizing on it, were letting trump be the only one who talks about fixing it. Knowing that half the voters are dumb enough to believe him

        • Coelacanth
          95 hours ago

          I don’t want to link the same clip over and over but Bernie getting the whole Fox News Town Hall crowd to agree with him should have been the eye opener for the whole fucking party, not just mayor Pete.

          • EleventhHour
            4 hours ago

            There’$ a very good rea$on that that clip i$ completely buried by corporate media.

            I’ll let you gue$$ what that rea$on i$.

        • EleventhHour
          4 hours ago

          Because everyone believes the lie that socialized healthcare would be terrible because the corporate media is complicit in spreading it since forever. And they always will be, since the same people who owned the corporate media are also heavily invested in corporate healthcare.

    • @anticolonialist
      -25 hours ago

      She was headed ‘in the right direction’ to get elected.

      She lied to get the job in the same way democrats were upset Kavanah, Gorsuch, and Coney Barrett did

  • @Stovetop
    2 hours ago

    I know US healthcare is in dire need of improvement, but I do have to find the choice of just 9 other cherry-picked countries to be an odd comparison. If this was rephrased as “US is #10 in healthcare globally”, I still wouldn’t buy that, but that’s essentially what this article seems to imply and doesn’t sound quite as negative as it should.

    • @[email protected]
      22 hours ago

      It’s just a pretty typical comparison with rich, highly developed Western democracies. Considering the US has the highest GDP in the world, and also the country that spends the most on healthcare per capita, coming last is damning.

    • @[email protected]OP
      155 hours ago

      but I do have to find the choice of 9 other cherry-picked countries to be an odd comparison.

      Just to be clear, the “cherry-picked” countries you think are an “odd comparison” are Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

      • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
        84 hours ago

        Might’ve been trying to make the point that adding a handful of other countries probably would’ve left us at the bottom again. Denmark, Spain, Belgium, South Korea, and Japan probably have us beat as well.

      • @Stovetop
        -13 hours ago

        I didn’t mean it in a dismissive way, but there’s a lot more countries than the Northwest Europe Privilege Corridor + their successful colonies. I just think there’s more to compare with that won’t leave the picture feeling so incomplete and Eurocentric.