My friend and I routinely have conversations about factory design.

His ideal factory ships every ore in its raw state to a single building, which can then move the ore to different floors/sections for processing. He goes further than most and separates each product into its own “room”, so all steel bars are made in one room then shipped to the steel beam and steel pipe rooms. Importantly the factory should be designed so that you can “infinitely” expand a room if you need more of that resource.

I prefer what I call “microfactories”, where each component is created in a small, independent factory and the result is shipped to a main repository for builder use and for the space elevator construction. If you need modular frames, for example, you would find a group of ores and build a small factory on it and build every sub-component you can in it. Ideally, it would not rely on any other microfactory’s outputs, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. Often I will have a small cluster of microfactories all dedicated to shipping their output to a final microfactory for processing.

So what do you all use?

Note: He claims his design is more analogous to microservices (from software architecture) than mine, and that mine is something apparently called “pirate architecture”. I think he’s out of his mind on that one.

  • Metype
    243 minutes ago

    In theory I like micro factory design for how neat and tidy it can be. I’m a really disorganized person though and in practice I make a monolithic mess lol

  • @gnomesaiyan
    252 minutes ago

    I first determine the part I need, look at the map and find a group of nodes that can support the part, then build a microfactory. Basic parts then get sent to larger factories that have assemblers/manufacturers. The exception to this rule is that screws for any factory are made on-site until I find enough recipes to remove them from my production chain. I also tend to stay away from iron/copper/limestone impure nodes (using only normal/pure) until power is no longer a concern.

    All factories are visited by train and collect a residual amount that is then sent to the HUB and joining warehouse for my personal needs (one-stop shop).

  • @[email protected]
    35 hours ago

    I created stackable blueprints that include a specific type of building, for example constructors. They have an input and output on the ground and i can build them higher and higher as long as the belt is fast enough to push in and out the materials.

    By doing that i normally have one or more towers for each component, similar to your mentioned microservice architecture.

    On the ground i connect these towers to build the downstream components, essentially creating your mentioned microfactories out of the towers/microservices. Perhaps Manyfactories is a better name, as it’s somewhere in-between micro and mono.

    It’s fast, scalable throughout the research tiers and pretty enough for my own standards.

  • @[email protected]
    77 hours ago

    I got halfway through the post before I realized it wasn’t about over-engineering a Java application.

  • @[email protected]
    25 hours ago

    On our shared server there’s a big emphasis on anesthetics so I usually build relatively small independent standing factories - but sometimes these factories will do something like bringing smelted iron ingots into modular frames while as other times they’ll just be focused on a single step.

    I think the microservice approach is more likely to be vulnerable to unbalanced ratios if that’s a thing you care about - having a belt of iron feeding into a full balanced chain to produce frames is easier to balance once and never worry about again.

  • @[email protected]
    57 hours ago

    If on-site production reduces stack size of a raw material by a considerable margin I will do that, which means basically everything except aluminium (I did the math… I think). All those products are then shipped to the main factory to add to the chaos.

  • @Dvixen
    26 hours ago

    Strip mall. Everything has it’s own little store, with the back area where new stock arrives. Even has a nice multi lane road going the middle.

  • @SzethFriendOfNimi
    79 hours ago

    I did both… never could settle on one or the other.

    But finding areas suited to intermediate components (such as oil to plastics, fuel byproducts, etc in one area) then using trains to send them to be used in more complicated factories was fun.

    So extraction to intermediate for some things across the map and then all those shipped to a mega factory for larger and final products could be a compromise

  • @[email protected]
    9 hours ago

    I used to be at your extreme where I would have huge microfactories building e.g. screws and train them all over the place. I was also at your friend’s extreme at one point, doing only a single item on each floor, ending up building as high as the top of the space elevator.

    The last playthrough before 1.0 dropped (and the one before it), I have adopted more of a hybrid approach where the only micro factories I tend to build are aluminum, oil processing, and energy production… plastic/rubber, coal plants, fuel processing, turbo fuel, etc.

    Then I train it to the megafactory. I also haul in all raw resources except the ones mentioned. The hybrid approach I am liking is to smelt on floor 1, constructors on floor 2, assemblers on floor 3, etc. So I mix things on different floors. It makes it harder to manage, so I have to keep the megafactory smaller. Then I go build another megafactory somewhere else.