• KeriKitty (They(/It))
    258 minutes ago


    Hateful assholes running the place over there I guess >:| And I used to like that place, despite their best efforts to convince me not to! I’ll just pick a different place that uses a language I like. Let’s seee… 👾 🦹 👿 💩🤡 🔍🤔 … Yeah maybe I should pick a new language to like v.v

    • Lorindól
      93 hours ago

      The minister in charge of these issues is a religious homophobe and the “party” he represents is more like a loose protest coalition of confused conservatives and racists.

      Our prime minister “would have liked Finland to join the initiative, but the ministers have the authority in their own cabinets”. The racists have our prime minister’s balls in a grip, since the government would dissolve if they got offended and decided to leave. And since the current right wing government is the only chance to crush the labour unions’ power, prime minister Orpo seems to be more than willing to suffer one humiliation after another to win this prize for the corporate sector.

  • streetlights
    -126 hours ago

    “As far as Ukraine is concerned, the humanitarian aid side has focused more on the disabled, the elderly and so on. It’s a question of focus,” the minister said.

    That sounds…reasonable?

    • themeatbridge
      226 hours ago

      Because it’s a lie told to cover up bigotry.

    • @Warl0k3
      6 hours ago

      … It does?

      It is backed by the Ukrainian and German governments in particular, with the Ukrainian branch of UN Women playing a key role. Participants in the alliance include the foreign ministries or development agencies of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as the EU.

      Finnish media outlets have previously reported that issues related to sexual and gender minorities do not progress under Tavio’s watch, and that he does not allow any mention of sexual or gender minorities in his speeches.

      Sounds like the usual regressive far right bullshit to me, only with an obviously even more transparent excuse this time.

      • streetlights
        -66 hours ago

        I mean I’m not doubting the minister is a bit of a homophobe but I don’t think it’s wrong to focus aid on the disabled.

        • @Warl0k3
          6 hours ago

          It’s more about, in this case, how he’s openly sexist since that’s what this alliance seems to be against. But either way that’s a classic false binary. There’s no reason they cant provide aid for both groups at the same time, it doesn’t take away from either group to do that. This wasn’t even much additional funding, it was a policy oversight thing who’s stated goal decidedly wasn’t “care more about women than disabled people”.

          • streetlights
            -46 hours ago

            That’s true I suppose. His motivation does not appear to be altruistic but if it was a case of diverting limited funds, I can see his excuse not to fund this being reasonable.

            • @Warl0k3
              4 hours ago

              Oh good, so you agree that his excuse is unreasonable then! I’m glad we had this little discussion.

              • streetlights
                24 hours ago

                Yes, thank you for the polite discourse.