Georgia’s Republican-controlled state election board voted on Friday to require a labor-intensive hand count of potentially millions of ballots in November’s election, a move voting rights advocates say could cause delays, introduce errors and lay the groundwork for spurious election challenges.

The hand count rule, passed in a 3-2 vote, will make Georgia the only state in the U.S. to implement such a requirement as part of the normal process of tabulating results, according to Gowri Ramachandran, the director of elections and security at New York University’s Brennan Center for Justice, a left-leaning public policy institute.

  • HubertManne
    32 hours ago

    its so rediculous how obvious they are and yet people still vote for this party or refuse to vote for the competition. Its not enough for them to lose at this point. they have to lose big and consistantly. I understand there are issues with our system but we have to at least retain the democracy we have while we get these folks out of the system entirely.

  • Optional
    94 hours ago

    The key detail is the seal on the ballot boxes - normally kept intact in case there needs to be a recount - will be broken immediately.

    Post-poll ballot stuffing anyone? Well it just got a shit-ton easier. Thanks republiQan fuckwits!

  • @AshMan85
    256 hours ago

    They are trying to set up another gore v. Bush Florida situation, where the election is ultimately decided but the corrupt Supreme court

  • Flying Squid
    317 hours ago

    This from the people who’s candidate argued that the election had to be decided on election night?

    • @lemmylommy
      86 hours ago

      I would expect that is the point. Delay the result, then complain about the result taking forever and use that line of „reasoning“ to let the state government send electors.

  • originalucifer
    348 hours ago

    leave it to conservatives to force a solution to a problem that doesnt exist… creating a whole new set of problems. SOP

    • socsa
      32 hours ago

      You are mistaken. The problem is that ballot stuffing in the US is hard. This solves that problem.

    • ohellidk
      117 hours ago

      Then blame the left for the fallout from it all.

  • @dogslayeggs
    147 hours ago

    The party of fiscal responsibility really showing up!

    We could have a machine count that is faster, cheaper, AND more accurate… but let’s spend millions of dollars to pay a whole bunch of people to slowly count millions of votes, some of whom might have political motivations to not be 100% accurate or who are, you know, humans who constantly make small mistakes when doing repetitive tasks.

  • @EndOfLine
    56 hours ago

    I’m sure that local elections and ballot measures will be given the same level of scrutiny as the votes for federal elections.

    State senate, state Supreme Court, various judges, school boards, etc. They’ll all be treated fairly and closely monitored and verified for accuracy.

    • @hyperreal
      76 hours ago

      The quote you chose from that source is a bit misleading. 7.6 million voting eligible people in Georgia. Still an insane amount of votes to count.

    • @SlippiHUD
      97 hours ago

      There are 7.6 million voters in Georgia. I think your copy paste got messed up somehow

    • @Dkarma
      67 hours ago

      Gonna hand count trumps loss twice

  • @vegeta
    7 hours ago

    Donald Trump: It took 12 days to count in Metro Atlanta by a bunch of Trump hating liberals. Rigged!!!

    • @grue
      35 hours ago

      More like “Atlanta took too long to count its votes so they all need to be thrown out.”