• @[email protected]
    156 minutes ago

    The sun can also use souls as a comburant. It’s kept alight by the stores of sacrifices it’s accumulated over time. But sacrifices aren’t as common and the stocks are running down… Thankfully, there are some secret organisations handling this problem.

  • @Contramuffin
    72 hours ago

    It’s very simple - the sun isn’t burning. The sun is actually a very large healing crystal. As you may know, healing crystals capture the harmonic vibrations of the universe and turn them into things that are good for our health, like warmth, vitamins, essential oils, and positive ions.

    The sun is made out of a healing crystal that converts the vibrations into warmth, witch is what we see as sunlight. The sun is so big that it’s able to capture a lot of harmonic vibrations and so it makes a lot of warmth.

    The real question is who polished the healing crystal that forms the sun, and who put it up into space. The natural answer is that it’s clearly done by my good friend Moonlight Namaste, and she will teach you how to do the same thing if you visit her blog and sign up for her meditation classes. With enough guided meditation, you too will start to see the universal vibrations and learn how to change your oscillations to match the universal vibrations. The first 200 people who sign up will get a free dream catcher, so sign up today!

  • @[email protected]
    2 hours ago

    Because the Telltubbies perform live human sacrifice at the Winter Solstice to summon a New Sun.

  • @stupidcasey
    83 hours ago

    A: The sun isn’t in space it’s its own self contained atmosphere,

    B: The sun has oxygen, or at least it would except…

    C: The sun isn’t “on fire” it’s a fusion reactor, which means it is so hot that the electrons are free flowing so they don’t form into traditional atoms and the nucleus is under so much pressure that the nucleus can combine into a new element releasing ungodly amounts of energy.

    D: magic probably.

  • MeatPilot
    104 hours ago

    At the center you will find a cat tied to a piece of buttered toast.

  • @Randelung
    64 hours ago

    the souls of the damned

  • @quinkin
    115 hours ago

    Once you realise the so called “sun” is really flat, the answer becomes obvious.

    They pipe the oxygen in from behind the sun.

  • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
    5 hours ago

    The sun isn’t burning. Wtf are you talking about? The sun is a projector. Projecting our lives onto this planet earf.

  • @[email protected]
    177 hours ago

    The sun is actually a sad FAILED star! SMALL! When you look at the stars I look at Big stars strong stars. The sun is Nothing! Crooked Mercury props it up! That’s why Mercury lops so bad now. Sad. The other stars they want toake our sun into one of those shithole stars. BLACK HOLES!! Not me though I love the Sun ask anyone. No one can take care of the sun like me. We’re practically the same color

  • @NegativeInf
    489 hours ago

    Simple. It’s the combustion process of the luminiferous aether, which is like the cosmic equivalent of air, just finer and undetectable by modern instruments. See, the sun doesn’t need oxygen like regular fires because it’s tapping into this vast reservoir of aether that permeates the entire universe. As the sun rotates, it creates pressure waves that compress the aether particles, causing them to vibrate intensely. These vibrations generate heat through a process called “aetheric oscillation.”

    Now, since the sun is massive, it can harness an unlimited amount of aether, and the energy release is what we experience as sunlight. Think of it like a giant cosmic steam engine, except instead of coal and water, it’s running on pure space aether and high-velocity vibrations. And that’s why it keeps burning without needing any of that “earthbound” oxygen nonsense. It’s all about the oscillation efficiency, really.

    • @[email protected]
      218 hours ago

      You should present your findings to the queen, this is a very important development in the field of astrological studies

      • @SirSamuel
        13 hours ago

        I would watch this episode of Black Adder