The assets will be sold at auction but do they hold any value after all this? Does anyone really WANT at this point?
I think whoever buys infowars(dot)com should donate it to Dan and Jordan of the Knowledge Fight Podcast. That would be the perfect way to end things.
It should redirect to
Yep, that’s what I said.
Sorry, I read it as they should be given the domain to do with as they please. I was suggesting what they should do with the domain.
Adding URLs for context in a discussion is always good. The average reader is extremely lazy.
Edit: the deleted reply said “I don’t care that you’re lazy.”
So, username checks out, and way to prove that you’re definitely an effective communicator lmao.
deleted by creator
The digital equivalent of sipping mead from the skulls of your vanquished foes.
It would be a lot more work, but keeping the same design and covertly moving to factual content, and rewriting/debunking the existing garbage would be an interesting experiment.
It might be useful to convert some of the conspiracy nuts that follow it already.
I think Dan and Jordan should get all the emails addresses from Infowars’ mailing list and send out stackies full of carefully laid out dissections of Alex Jones’s show. Might actually get through to a few people.
Dan would never do that. He already stated they would be deleted.
Set up an alex jones AI impersonator to keep posting but slowly morph into A liberal over a few months
This guy doesn’t know about stackies
deleted by creator
I’m all but assuming the domain name will be pointing to a Russian IP address soon after it’s sold at auction.
I mentioned it in another post, but I think TheOnion should buy the domain.
I called it!
I’d love to see George Soros pursue it and dedicate the site as a memorial to the Sandy Hook kids as well as show the dangers of extremism.
Jones should get a court-ordered ankle bracelet, and every time someone loads that website, it sends out a shock. Each shock should act as a reminder to all the misery he’s inflicted on so many people.
His sycophantic crypto bro asshole friends will try to bail him out. They’ve already been sending money his way.
I Do! I’d spend hundreds for it.
Could do all sorts of things with it!
Accept donations for all the groups Inforwars insulted or hurt in any way.
For yucks, put up a poll for how terrible a person Alex Jones is.
Add a form for recommendations on other fun things to with the site.If I had fewer scruples, I could probably run a pretty good scam for a while.
How much do you think it’ll be to buy an Infowar?
I’m sure that that’s plenty of physical equipment and maybe a few buildings owned by Infowars that someone will be interested in.
i agree. without being the bullshit machine it was designed to be, it loses all its value
I think it would be hilarious if someone bought it, kept the same design, and told the truth.
The actual auction site:
Looks like they’re only breaking it down into three parts: Infowars the media company, Infowars the supplement store, and a pile of domain names. Production equipment might get sold as part of a separate auction.
I’m not loving the NDA though - open auctions should get more value.
Removed by mod
Oh god, this is the one I want to control. I’d send so much bullshit on a daily basis and ignore every unsubscribe mail unless they include a picture of themselves wearing a rainbow tutu and nothing else while peeing on a statue of Donald Trump.
Sooo who wants to crowdfund an auction!
If it doesn’t bag enough money maybe they can sell Alex Jones for parts
What could any part of Alex Jones possibly be worth? Even if you rendered him down, maybe a couple of bucks for the fat?
Tyler sold his soap to department stores at $20 a bar. Lord knows what they charged. It was beautiful. We were selling rich women their own fat asses back to them.
Alex Jones is a professional grifter and he’d probably be able to take his audience with him. Just buy InfoWars whole and use it to spread facts and science instead
I wonder what John Oliver is going to buy?
Everything horny frog dancer related he can get his hands on.
There’s always more erotic rat paintings.
I can’t wait for this to air 💖
wow that only took like 4 years to do.
it’s going to be another 10 years before they see a dime though.
oh the wheels of justice are moving. watch as they roll over the victims and blame the driver, father time.
Just enough time to move all his real assets into his dads name!
Some jackass like Musk is gonna buy it at auction for the minimum they can get away with, and turn it into XInfoWars or something, and rehire Alex Jones because “truth is free” or some shit.
There is 0 value in this as a media company, but it’s always been a conspiracy theorist grift. It being resold that’s really all it could be. Sadly, many in MAGA hats would love to keep the grift going.
12 years later. JFC why isn’t this jerk homeless by now?
Rich bankrupt isn’t nearly as bad as regular people bankrupt.
IIRC homes are protected in bankruptcy, because someone decided it would be unfair to inflict homelessness on someone for committing the crime of being broke (irony very intended).
If Elon Musk was a good person, he would buy the site and turn it into a memorial page for the victims at Sandy Hook.
But he is not a good person.
That shitheel is more likely to buy it and just give it back to Jones.
It could not happen to a worse human being. Glad to see it.
Aw. Can I not hire you to happen to other awful human beings? Is Alex Jones your last one?
Was the “It” an “I” before the edit?
Aww. Yes, it was. That ol’ spoilsport.
I still don’t get the comment, after reading it 10times, I think im tired
That’s just, like, his opinion man.
the company name should be expunged and banned from usage by anyone else in the future
it’s a shame that he spoiled a pretty good name. this is why i hoped ISIL would catch on instead of ISIS.
Now’s the time to get a good deal on boxes of herbal dick pills.
Just what I need for my herbal dick.
Just like AT Finn grass arm, but it’s a dick
And a 100,000 watt shortwave radio transmitter
5 to 1 odds a foreign government buys it and has him keep running it.
Now that is a poetic ending
Keep posting this and I’ll keep up voting!
Chop shop that shit up!