    58 hours ago

    It’s bizarre that libs got mad at her either now or in the first place. I’ve heard this bizarre take of “Voting is not an endorsement!” plenty of times on here, and it just means that the person believes in unconditionally supporting the Dems while assuaging their conscience by sending thoughts and prayers to alter reality. Publically saying that you’ll vote for someone is an endorsement. It doesn’t matter what thoughts you hold on your head unless those thoughts actually impact material reality in some way.

  • @Ensign_Crab
    1519 hours ago

    Boomer centrists know what a search engine is, but since Chappell Roan didn’t endorse, and voting isn’t good enough, so they’re like “Who? I never heard of her! She must not be very important if she doesn’t agree with me 100% on my terms!”

    Centrists can’t imagine people being frustrated with their decades of obstruction and sliding to the right.

  • @paf0
    1081 day ago

    Good… but also I have no idea who that is 👴

    • @[email protected]
      58 hours ago

      I know of Chappell Roan because she’s recently been ruffling people’s feathers by asserting boundaries against fans’ parasocial weirdness; I’ve never heard any of her music, but this alone is enough to make me a fan.

    • @[email protected]
      2120 hours ago

      Her music is infectious. Think 80’s Madonna if she were progressive, very lesbian, and even sadder and somehow more vengeful than Alanis Morissette

    • @[email protected]
      471 day ago

      45 million monthly listeners on Spotify. That is 10 million more than The Beatles right now. 60th overall on the top list of plays just above Michael Jackson. Half the amount of TSwift

      So they are a well known artist.

      • @JimmyMcGill
        714 hours ago

        I mean, using these spotify metrics in comparison with all time greats is kinda flawed.

        For example my band sold just as many tickets as Michael Jackson and the Beatles COMBINED in 2024.

        I am not in a band.

        • @[email protected]
          9 hours ago

          This is why I used Spotify listeners and not plays or ticket sales or album sales. It’s a metric that doesn’t really require a band to be currently active. New hits will clearly improve the metric but we’re talking here specifically about a person’s outreach today and influence on a voting population.

          The idea that more individual people listened to her music than had a single Beatles song in their playlist or a single Michael Jackson song in their playlist is pretty insane. I know I listen to at least one Beatles song a month, it doesn’t matter if it is new.

          • @JimmyMcGill
            15 hours ago

            Still, not as many people listen to older bands even if they are fans and especially for older bands people tend to listen more in other mediums

            Take any videoclip from YouTube for example of any of the greatest song that is a 3, 4, 5 decades old and it will have far less views than a mild reggaeton hit from last summer, even if the old song has had far longer to accumulate views

        • @[email protected]
          221 hours ago

          The only thing I know about Bad Bunny is someone responded to you about Happy Gilmore 2. Idk I’m out of all the loops so this chapel person is a non entity for me, unless one of my niblings mentions them.

        • @BassTurd
          324 hours ago

          The only thing I know about Bad Bunny is that they… It? Is going to be in Happy Gilmore 2. I learned that a week ago, and this is as far as I’ve gotten. That’s more than I know about Chappell Roan, but I approve their message.

      • @paf0
        211 day ago

        Oh thanks, NPR is really good at dumbing down pop music for me.

  • @NineMileTower
    1 day ago

    Did anyone actually watch the video? She’s upset that neither side represent what she deems acceptable.

    She’s young and doesn’t understand that government doesn’t get fixed in a day. Where we are is the result of influence from corporate stooges since Reagan. It’s come to a boiling point and I understand her frustration. A vote for Harris is a vote for steering the ship towards what she deems is acceptable, but that ship sails slower than a lot people can understand.

    • @[email protected]
      25 hours ago

      Are you significantly older than Chappell Roan? Because I’m imagining you’re the one who doesn’t understand something.

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      88 hours ago

      She’s young and doesn’t understand that government doesn’t get fixed in a day.

      I’m old and I’m still waiting for the government to be fixed.

      • @Cryophilia
        28 hours ago

        We keep breaking it by voting for Republicans every now and then.

        • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
          48 hours ago

          If Democrats ran every branch of the government at every level I still doubt it would get fixed.

          • @Cryophilia
            -17 hours ago

            California is doing pretty damn good. Not perfect, but head and shoulders above the rest of the country.

              • @Cryophilia
                11 hour ago

                You live under a rock or something?

                • archomrade [he/him]
                  11 minute ago

                  I mean it guess they’re not banning books or switching to school vouchers but I’m pretty sure low income households are doing just as bad if not worse over there

                  Are they, like, tearing down homeless encampments on a monthly basis?

            • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
              07 hours ago

              Exactly: Even if they ran everything they’d do stupid shit.

              • @Cryophilia
                1 hour ago

                “Nothing is perfect, therefore everything is equally shit.”

                What a stupid philosophy. Like all “bothsides” bullshit.

                • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
                  146 minutes ago

                  That’s not what I’m saying at all but don’t let that stop you from punching left.

    • @[email protected]
      817 hours ago

      She’s been getting a lot of hate for not endorsing Harris and people fail to realize the difference between endorsing and voting. Her entire point is that the government can’t be fixed in a day. Voting for Harris is the obvious choice but her being in office isn’t going to magically solve all our problems.

      • @[email protected]
        311 hours ago

        Except, by definition, she is endorsing Harris by publicly supporting her candidacy. Endorse doesn’t mean you agree with everything they stand for, but if you are publicly saying who you are voting for, that’s an endorsement.

        • archomrade [he/him]
          3 hours ago

          A: this isn’t really an endorsement, more than it is an acknowledgement of how fucked the options are. If you’d like to know the difference, go look at what Swifts endorsement looked like

          B: she wasn’t even going to say who she was voting for, but libs decided to harass her until she did

          example: I use windows for work but i’m sure as fuck not going to recommend it to other people. Saying that i’m forced to use windows for work is not an endorsement. I’d go so far as to say that in this context it’s more of a complaint or indictment than a endorsement.

          • @[email protected]
            11 hour ago

            She is telling the world that she thinks Harris is the best choice to vote for in this election. It’s 100% an endorsement. Literally by definition. People seem to be confusing endorsing someone to marrying yourself to all of their views.

            • archomrade [he/him]
              139 minutes ago

              declare one’s public approval or support of.

              Err, you working from a different dictionary?

              This is why she resisted saying who she was voting for initially, and why she is explicitly saying she is not endorsing

      • themeatbridge
        011 hours ago

        The problem is she’s trying to bring nuance to a bumper sticker platform.

    • @[email protected]
      391 day ago

      She’s not that young, she’s been doing music for a decade and working service jobs till now. And you can understand something and still feel it is unacceptable.

      • Ech
        24 hours ago

        She’s 26. That’s fairly young for a voter. Not really sure what her cv has to do with being considered old.

          • @scarilog
            18 hours ago

            Idk about wisdom but I can attest to a speedy loss in faith of the human population.

      • @NineMileTower
        024 hours ago

        You’re so young that you think doing something for a decade is a long time.

        • @[email protected]
          27 minutes ago

          It’s what you do with your life, not how long you lived it, that matters when it comes to life experience. I’ve lived enough to draw a parallel to the following quote:

          Men like this infantilize women, so women (they believe) will not have the confidence to leave them. They want to keep their wives, if not barefoot and pregnant, at least without the skills and confidence needed to have a career that could support them well. Similarly, at work, they define their secretary’s role as part mother, part wife, so they always will be taken care of. Finally, they are so dependent upon the regard of their male colleagues, bosses, and oftentimes even their subordinates, that they will violate their own sense of ethics rather than face the possibility of not being one of “the boys.”

          • Ursula K Le Guin
        • @[email protected]
          1822 hours ago

          Doing anything for a decade is a long time. That’s 1/7th of an American’s life span and 1/8th of a developed humans life span.

          • @lemonmelon
            416 hours ago

            UN life expectancy at birth in USA: 79.30 years

            UN life expectancy at birth in EU: 81.50 years

            UN life expectancy at birth in Hong Kong (world #1): 85.51 years

        • @[email protected]
          721 hours ago

          Doing something for a decade IS a long time, but that isn’t your point. She has plenty experience in singing and being a pop star. She is still young. 26 is young.

          It doesn’t mean you should dismiss their opinion about everything, but don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. She seems to be fixated on perfect and missing the march toward good.

    • @aalvare2
      1923 hours ago

      I agree with the core of what you’re saying except I disagree that she “doesn’t understand” how slowly politics works. I think her decision to vote for Harris anyway speaks to that kind of understanding, else she’d endorse a third-party candidate/write-in in a poor attempt to speed-run democracy.

    • @Clarity_daffodil
      -310 hours ago

      Kamala isn’t in the correct direction at all though. The democratic party serves to delay progress in favor of the Republican party. There’s a reason they lie so much and confuse and refuse to address issues progressive voters want to address. It’s not gonna get better unless people stop voting for the same “lesser evil” presented to them and pushed to them in the media.

      • @[email protected]
        8 hours ago

        It’s not going to get better under Trump either, and your ballot has more choices than President on it. I’m sure you volunteered for local progressive campaigns, right?

        In the American elections you can definitely vote in.

    • @captainlezbian
      721 hours ago

      Yeah I get it. I was young once and I’ve even had to have the bitter realization that even Revolution neither happens in a day nor resolves anything quickly. I ask for the passion of the young to hold hands with the wisdom of us older folks. It’s easy to demand sudden change, and important too, but building bases of power are important.

      Vote for Kamala then hold her feet to the fire. Vote in every primary. Discuss what you think with people around you when it comes up, I know I’m the annoying pro trains girl at work. Build the support and make those maga losers afraid to show their faces.

      And entertainers can do so much. Cobain got people who wouldn’t otherwise thinking of homophobia as uncool for example

      • @[email protected]
        10 hours ago

        I know I’m the annoying pro trains girl at work.

        Ugh, train people are the worst. WE GET IT, YOU LIKE TRAINS.

        Edit: I genuinely thought this was a typo and they meant “pro-trans.” But maybe they actually did mean “trains.”

        • @captainlezbian
          18 hours ago

          I’m not cis passing enough to be openly talking trans issues at work. Nah I talk public transit. Shit like replacing air travel with high speed rail.

        • @captainlezbian
          010 hours ago

          If it makes it better I’m also annoying about other infrastructure. Dams are excellent

  • @return2ozmaOP
    581 day ago

    “I just woke up to, like, people just skewing it even more,” Roan said of the reaction to her no endorsement post of Tuesday. “Endorsing and voting are completely different. I don’t agree with a lot of what is going on with, like, policies. Like, obviously, fuck the policies on the right, but also fuck some of the policies on the left. That’s why I can’t endorse.”

    “I’m not gonna settle for what the options are that are in front of me, and you are not gonna make me feel bad for that,” Roan added today with a critique of both candidates and their positions, “So yeah, I’m voting for fucking Kamala, but I’m not settling for what has been offered, because that’s questionable.”

    • @AbidanYre
      1 day ago

      fuck the policies on the right, but also fuck some of the policies on the left. That’s why I can’t endorse.

      That’s a lame take. Unless you personally are running, you’re not going to agree with everything a candidate says. Hell, even if you do run you’ll probably end up making decisions you’re not happy with. Nothing is going to be perfect, that’s not the world we live in.

      • @[email protected]
        28 hours ago

        Also what policies? Like what’s the point of feigning a moral stand if you don’t define it? If she has legitimate grievances with the Democrats or leftist politics (yes pedants, I know they’re different and I’m saying “or” to include both, not to conflate them), then she should voice them. Otherwise she’s saying nothing but playing into the bs “both sides” false narrative that enormously benefits the right.

        I think she is absolute right and within her rights to be critical and unenthusiastic about the Democratic options, but without actually offering critique then what is her weak centrist take accomplishing?

      • @[email protected]
        111 day ago

        fuck the policies on the right, but also fuck some of the policies on the left. That’s why I can’t endorse.

        That’s a lame take. Unless you personally are running, you’re not going to agree with everything a candidate says.

        So people should just vote and stfu about any nuance within a party they disagree with?

        Maybe I’m just not picking up what you’re putting down, but that’s how your comment scans to me.

        • @Cryophilia
          37 hours ago

          So people should just vote and stfu about any nuance within a party they disagree with?

          Know your audience.

          I live in San Francisco. We’re not voting for Trump. I feel perfectly fine discussing the merits and drawbacks of different Dem candidates with people around me.

          When you’re up against a legitimate fascist threat? Close. Fucking. Ranks. There’s no place for infighting when the margins are this close.

        • @[email protected]
          611 hours ago

          Genocide to the left of me, genocide to the right…… here I am stuck in the middle with you….

        • @Ensign_Crab
          219 hours ago

          So people should just vote and stfu about any nuance within a party they disagree with?

          Of course not. That’s helping Trump win. You have to overwhelmingly support everything the party does at all times, especially the stuff you disagree with.

          • @[email protected]
            111 hours ago

            I’ve literally never heard anything even remotely close to this. Can you point me to someone who has said something that would make this an even remotely fair assessment?

            • @[email protected]
              110 hours ago

              Two comments up I quote a comment that is, and not just remotely, calling out criticism of policy of the US left.

              PS It has just occurred to me that you’re being sarcastic. Please disregard lol

        • @AbidanYre
          61 day ago

          She’s not really pointing out any nuance though, she’s just vaguely saying “both sides suck, but this one sucks slightly less”. At that point, why even bother with a public announcement at all? Plenty of celebrities don’t endorse anyone and no one care because they’re not out making press releases about it.

          • @[email protected]
            1017 hours ago

            Did you not watch the video? She explicitly mentions transphobia and genocide. And she made that video because a quote of hers was taken out of context (much like you’re doing) and people were saying her not endorsing Kamala meant she supports Trump.

          • @BassTurd
            1323 hours ago

            I can say that there are views that Harris has that I think suck, and at the same time say that I think Trump’s views suck, but Harris is better. It’s okay to be critical and still live in the reality of living in a FPtP system. Why make a public opinion? Just look at what her comments have brought. People are talking about her criticism of Harris, while also seeing that even though Harris doesn’t exactly align with her views, she’s still a clear better choice than that shit bag Trump. Intentional or not, her comments have gone viral and spread her views which will undoubtedly have an effect on some of her fans.

              • @BassTurd
                39 hours ago

                I think I can confidently say that Harris will be less bad for Palestine than Trump. So while it’s not her genocide, your statement is fairly accurate in that Harris is way better than Trump.

                • @[email protected]
                  8 hours ago

                  Yea I guess she just keeps arguing for unconditional support and unlimited funding for the genocide even though Netanyahu has spit in Biden’s face every time he opens his mouth.

                  I’m not voting for president this year unless there is a permanent cease fire and the genocide has stopped.

                  I refuse to vote for the lesser of two genocides.

                  Just admit to yourself (it’s already obvious to everyone else) that you don’t give a fuck about the Palestinians and move along.

      • @[email protected]
        619 hours ago

        Shit, its like Bad Bunny all over again. Had no idea who he was, just to find out he is/was the biggest artist in the world. I fear I may be out of touch.

    • @[email protected]
      161 day ago

      starting to get big. you’ve probably heard her music on the radio recently if you tune into a pop station. she’s got some good stuff!

      • EleventhHour
        201 day ago


        I’m 45, and even I haven’t listened to radio and at least a decade

          • @[email protected]
            519 hours ago

            Its all fuckin dorks doing talk radio until 10am, then its same 10 songs on repeat for the rest of the day. At least in my area.

            • @[email protected]
              10 hours ago

              Well I’m sorry, because there’s some good radio in my area. I guess you could stream good radio from other regions online rofl

              Also you don’t have to listen to it all day. I just check in mornings, evenings, and some weekends (really good classical programming)

          • @BassTurd
            723 hours ago

            If I don’t have the ability to listen to adless streaming from my phone, I’d sooner rather listen to road noise than the trash on the radio or sit in silence if not driving. A couple of songs and then 10 minutes of the same ads is more than enough reason to never turn that shit on.

              • @BassTurd
                19 hours ago

                Yea, ads, like commercials. There are more of them and shitty radio DJs talking than actual music being played. If someone were to listen to an AM talk radio station, then there’s generally less commercials in my experience, but it’s low quality, and just a talk radio show.

            • Vanon
              421 hours ago

              Agreed, the relentless ads are intolerable (probably due to fewer listeners, which leads to a death spiral, much like antenna TV). I haven’t heard anyone recommend radio since before the iPod. I’d prefer nature/noise as well.

  • @[email protected]
    151 day ago

    I guess I’m officially old because I don’t know who tf this person is or why I should care about her opinion but I keep seeing her name everywhere🤣

  • @Broken_Monitor
    121 day ago

    Like, she sounds like, so eloquently spoken and with like, well fucking thought out opinions, like fuuuuck! Im totally picking who she is sort of picking but not picking like wow. For real for real.

    • @[email protected]
      122 hours ago

      How old are you to still be criticizing accents that are older than the vast majority of countries?

      • @Broken_Monitor
        422 hours ago

        Thats not an accent dude that’s just someone who cant string a sentence together without making meaningless interjections every several words. It’s the equivalent of saying uhhhh every uhhhh time you need to uhhhhh think because you uhhhhh didn’t figure out your uhhhhh thoughts before uhhhh spitting them out.

        • @[email protected]
          -422 hours ago

          That’s an accent. I’m sorry you hate a modified/updated valley girl accent but it’s been around a lot longer than you, and will be around long after your bloodline ends.

          • Ace T'Ken
            1218 hours ago

            I don’t think that’s called an accent, that’s an affectation.

  • @[email protected]
    71 day ago

    Uh, it’s a ticket. You can’t vote for one and not the other. Walz is implicitly endorsed. I don’t understand what the point of the headline’s distinction is.

    • @[email protected]
      610 hours ago

      Yeah, dumb title confused me too. I didn’t care enough to read the article but comments helped me realize “no VP endorsement” means she’s not endorsing Harris, who is the current VP.

      • @[email protected]
        28 hours ago

        Ah. Yeah, I suppose that makes more sense. But also, I feel like the distinction is somewhat pedantic. You’re openly saying you’re voting for them, which is essentially an implied endorsement. That’s not a tortured chain of logic. That’s a pretty direct inference.

        • @[email protected]
          138 minutes ago

          Yeah, it’s pedantic but I can respect the nuance. Endorsement may feel like condoning things you don’t approve of, while saying you’re voting for them acknowledges it’s the best of bad options. It’ll most likely have the same effect, but it makes sense to me why someone wouldn’t want to put their name behind someone they don’t feel totally aligned with.

          Silly comparison that comes to mind, but in my family we have the concept of a “tout” vs a “recommendation.” If I recommend something, it’s because I like it and you might too. A tout is a serious thing though; that is putting our reputation on the line to say, “I believe you will love this thing,” and if someone touts something, you’re pretty much obligated to check it out. If a tout was wrong, you don’t have to take their word for things again. We recommend plenty, but the use of a tout comes with weight.

          So in this case, this person recommends Harris, but doesn’t tout her. Harris is good enough to deserve her vote, but she doesn’t want her reputation aligned with anything Harris may eventually do.

  • halyk.the.red
    -1623 hours ago

    I fail to see a reason why I should give a single fuck about what this person thinks about any subject, including music. Get back in the recording booth, and make your little songs. Your opinions are irrelevant.

    • @[email protected]
      1823 hours ago

      I don’t care about what she says, but effectively telling her to “shut up and dribble” is an incredibly dumb take.

      • halyk.the.red
        -1122 hours ago

        I disagree, “person tells singer they should stick to singing” seems pretty middle of the road as far as takes go.

    • @Dearth
      1123 hours ago

      You might not care, but enough of her fans cared enough and were confused by her previous statements that she felt the need to post.

      She’s famous enough that her approach to politics is news worthy. Whether you feel that’s true or not is immaterial because your just an anonymous rando who isn’t capable of influencing the zeitgeist at the scale of a platinum selling recording artist is

      • halyk.the.red
        -823 hours ago

        You missed the point, no one should care. Celebrity worship is rampant and goes too far. Her being famous enough that her approach to politics being newsworthy is a problem. The relationship between entertainer and entertainee should cease when the last track on the album ends. Her being popular doesn’t qualify her to speak on these subjects. It’s the same hole that Trump crawled out of.

        • @[email protected]
          417 hours ago

          I think that’s part of what she’s saying. She’s been very very open about not wanting to be worshipped. This all started with her saying she didn’t endorse either candidate when asked in an interview and she’s (rightfully) mad that people have blown that way out of proportions

        • @[email protected]
          322 hours ago

          That’s nice, but you’re addressing a fundamental flaw of humanity that hasn’t been solved in a couple million years and won’t be solved by just advocating for a solution. Celebrity worship/innate trust of those popular is quite literally the basis of all complex group human interaction. To solve it would require elimination of all non first-person methods of trust and understanding.

          • halyk.the.red
            022 hours ago

            I’m not saying we don’t listen to people, or upend all social contracts. I merely suggest we gravitate to the learned and educated for their informed opinions, not whoever this pop sensation is.

            • @[email protected]
              222 hours ago

              We will always disagree with who is educated and learned, especially given everyone we think ha s those qualities today will be the dumbest people tomorrow.

                • @[email protected]
                  29 hours ago

                  Not really, we should come to our own conclusion regardless of what others say, especially in fields that cannot be solved or even partially explained by science, like politics.

        • @[email protected]
          223 hours ago

          And you being a nobody on the internet means your opinion is at least as meaningless as hers…yet here you are trying to convince everyone that your opinion is correct.

            • @[email protected]
              016 hours ago

              That’s your take away from what I said? It’s like you’re trying to prove that your opinion should carry even less weight.

                • @[email protected]
                  113 hours ago

                  Well then, there is no combination of “our” in this case where I wouldn’t bet on the other person’s opinion carrying more weight.

  • @Suavevillain
    -151 day ago

    Liberals: “There is no such thing as Blue MAGA.”

    Also Liberals: “Why aren’t you pledging your undying loyalty to Harris without question just like me?” 😡

    She had a very fair and reasonable take. Anyone should be skeptical and voting for Harris to Deny Trump is fine but that doesn’t mean there aren’t issues. People know the playbook by now material conditions and systematic issues won’t get addressed post election.

    • Omega
      151 day ago

      Endorsing is not the same as undying loyalty. Seems obvious. But I guess it has to be stated clearly.

      I think it’s perfectly fine to criticize anybody who says they’ll do everything in their power to support LGBTQ+, and then refuse to endorse Harris (even though she basically has).

      • archomrade [he/him]
        320 hours ago

        No, endorsing isn’t the same as voting. Being forced to choose between two shit things is different than being made to reccomend it to someone else

        • Omega
          311 hours ago

          You’re just up and down this thread attacking things nobody said. I can’t tell if it’s intentional or not.

          • archomrade [he/him]
            010 hours ago

            You’re complaining about her saying she doesn’t want to endorse Harris by accusing her of insufficient queer advocacy

            it’s perfectly fine to criticize anybody who says they’ll do everything in their power to support LGBTQ+, and then refuse to endorse Harris

            I’m angry with those who choose to spend their time casting accusations against LTBTQ allies simply because they refuse to endorse their political candidate.

            • Omega
              08 hours ago

              I live in a red state. Federal protections are the single most effective way way to support LGBTQ+. So yeah, don’t say you’re doing “everything” if you won’t even endorse.

              Love what she does, I love the activism. She has no obligation to endorse. I totally get Gaza if that’s the holdup. But saying you’ll do “everything” in the same breath as saying you won’t endorse Harris is a lie and is offensive to me as someone who lives in an impacted state who desperately does not want another Trump presidency.

              • archomrade [he/him]
                8 hours ago

                Democrats haven’t done anything on the federal level to protect LGBTQ rights in red states, nor is Harris running on any LGBTQ protections. Go ahead and look through her campaign website. There’s not a single mention of LGBTQ or gender. There are only 2 mentions of ‘minority’, and only one of black americans, and only in the context of business ownership.

                Don’t tell me Harris is going to protect minorities in red states when she’s not given a ounce of time or effort doing anything to defend them.

                edit: on her website she doesn’t even discuss queer, gender, or immigrant issues when discussing project 2025. It looks as if she is going out of her way to avoid the topic altogether.

                • Omega
                  07 hours ago

                  I don’t give a fuck what she has to say to voters to get her elected. If you don’t think liberal judges over the next four years are a net positive over conservative judges, you need to pay more attention to politics more holistically.

                  For the record, this is also why I’m forever grateful to Joe Manchin for giving Dems a majority despite him not agreeing with Dems on many subjects. The alternative was far, far worse.

      • @Suavevillain
        -11 day ago

        She said she is still voting for her. I wouldn’t endorse someone active in genocide and who doesn’t match my values as well. I think she was fair and told people to think for themselves. It is good to see a celeb that isn’t a yes man for once.

        • Omega
          61 day ago

          I completely respect Gaza making people reluctant voters. But don’t tell me you’re doing everything in your power for LGBTQ+ if you’re not going to support the only candidate who supports those rights. Just don’t even mention it if you’re going to contradict it.

          Now, I only discovered who this person is this week (I heard one of her songs before all this stuff blew up). I don’t hate this person. My issues with her stance is about as minor as it can possibly be.

          I’m just a passive observer who is watching half the country vote for a megalomaniac, a sliver of ill informed cynics vote for a Russian stooge, and a bunch of otherwise rational Americans pretend they don’t STRONGLY side with one party of another on 95% of issues.

            • Omega
              19 hours ago

              I watch enough cable news to know that they don’t take the extremism on the right seriously enough. And they’re too chicken shit to call it out 90% of the time because then they’ll look biased. They try to attack the left over literally anything to appear impartial.

              I pay attention to politics. And I notice the shit that happens that gets ignored.

              • @[email protected]
                38 hours ago

                I think it’s because the corporate media supports corporate status quo of corporate politicians on both sides.

                They manufacture culture wars when a real leftist starts to get their message out, for example the millionaire cable news hosts called out Bernie for having a million dollars after he wrote a New York Times best seller. lol, wtaf.

                That’s one small example, but the corporate cable news doesn’t want us to see past R good D bad, or vice versa.

                We actually have a lot more in common than we realize. Every body is pissed pff about money in politics, for example.

              • @[email protected]
                16 hours ago

                I think it’s because the corporate media supports corporate status quo of corporate politicians on both sides.

                They manufacture culture wars when a real leftist starts to get their message out, for example the millionaire cable news hosts called out Bernie for having a million dollars after he wrote a New York Times best seller. lol, wtaf.

                That’s one small example, but the corporate cable news doesn’t want us to see past R good D bad, or vice versa.

                We actually have a lot more in common than we realize. Every body is pissed pff about money in politics, for example.

          • @Suavevillain
            01 day ago

            I don’t think Trump should win. I also don’t think the status quo works for all Americans, and I would be skeptical of someone who recently bragged about Dick Cheney endorsements and seems to be shifting right on policy. Chappell wants voters to come to their own decision, and I think that best. Even Bernie said something similar of just don’t blindly listen to me if you think I’m wrong. It is healthy for democracy.

            • Em Adespoton
              524 hours ago

              Perfectly fine. But in the upcoming election, because of FPTP voting and the electoral college, you have one choice: vote Harris or be OK with Trump getting elected.

              Doesn’t mean you have to agree with Harris or support her policies. Just means that not voting for her means Trump is just that much more likely to be elected, at which time it doesn’t matter who you voted for, who you endorse, or what personal values you hold.

              But those aren’t the only names on the ticket.

              My general rule is to vote for individuals at the municipal level, vote first causes at the state level, and vote strategically at the federal level, to get the representatives who will steer policy closest to the direction I want into office. Then comes the letter writing to remind them that I helped elect them, and they still need to win my support by acting in accordance with my values in key areas.

              • archomrade [he/him]
                419 hours ago

                They aren’t talking about their decision at the booth, they are talking about not being forced to endorse someone.

                People really need to stop cornering other people over who they’re voting for, and especially public figures. They’re not obligated to campaign for your choice of politician.

            • Omega
              024 hours ago

              I fully support questioning both sides. I support making up your own mind. Although I think the news goes out of its way to sanitize the dangers of right’s extremism, which makes it harder for low-information voters to make informed opinions. But that’s a separate conversation.

              None of that changes the fact that she has a platform and she isn’t using it for her cause as she claims she does. But I’m glad that she’s definitively voting for her causes along with tens of millions of other people.

              • archomrade [he/him]
                319 hours ago

                She isn’t using it for your cause.

                She is certainly using her platform for the issues she cares about.

                • Omega
                  214 hours ago

                  It’s literally THE cause that SHE mentioned. That’s the entire point of my comments.

    • Rhaedas
      31 day ago

      Issues don’t get fixed after election because voters go in thinking it’s a four year duty, not a continuous one. The uninformed voter name applies both during election time and between. Vote for the one that has the most potential to change (which means getting more progressive reps in Congress too) and then ride their ass their whole term if they aren’t making a difference you like, or if they do what you expect from them let them know they’re doing well. They are representatives by title, but they can’t represent who they don’t hear from.

      So by many factors the above eliminates voting for Trump. This is a no-brainer vote, but the public has to put in some effort after they get people in office too. A big part of this problem is representation number in Congress, we ought to have a smaller rep/population ration than we do. But the other is a public that forgets to pay attention until it becomes a media headline.