Simple for me
Wow, just how often do you use 2fa?
As much as possible :) It’s also the only app I really need direct access to when I unlock my phone.
Starting with mine
I use tasker to pull the astronomy picture of the day.
I forgot I had a similar setup for a while, thanks for reminding me!
Flat black.
My lock screen is a minimalist representation of symbols and colors relating to my fraternity.
Main phone:
I finally found the source file for that. I posted a screenshot of my phone months ago and people were asking for it, but I had no idea where it was. A little late, but I guess I finally delivered lol.
Backup phone:
I like minimalism.
So someone can identify me in the wild? No thank you.
adjusts tinfoil hat
Its not exactly this one, but its the same image.
Look great for an aod wallpaper too
completely black
What can I say? Mizuki fits with my theme :P
“The Valley” from the Retro Mode App by @moertel
My turntable