Donald Trump is already claiming the vice presidential debate between J.D. Vance and Tim Walz is “rigged.”

Donald Trump is already explaining away J.D. Vance’s performance during the vice presidential debate, and it hasn’t even happened yet.

During an interview on Fox Business Monday, Kellyanne Conway asked Trump whether he would consider doing another debate.

The former president tried to downplay his outright refusal to go head-to-head with Kamala Harris again, and implied that Vance would face the same treatment Tuesday night.

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    • The Pantser
      175 months ago

      Same attitude too. Old Walter Trump

      • @Valmond
        155 months ago

        I hate trump as much as anyone but objectively doesn’t he look like he aged like 10 years the last month or so?

    • @[email protected]
      35 months ago

      And whoever is way up his ass, is also a racist climate change denier. (Or has that changed in the last decade or so that I wouldn’t watch these shows?)

  • @Myxomatosis
    565 months ago

    Concepts of a plan for preparation.

  • @ATDA
    445 months ago

    Tests are indeed rigged in favor of those that study.

    Studying is when you read, analyze, and memorize information not when you sharpie a map to prove you’re a big smart science man.

  • @[email protected]
    265 months ago

    The funny thing is there was an episode of The West Wing on this subject.

    iirc Leo was running for Veep and had his buddies in the press put out a ton of stories about how bad he was at debates. When Leo proved to be adept he got a much bigger boost because he was perceived as the underdog.

    But I don’t think that’s the case here. Vance isn’t ready to go toe to toe with a career politician who is getting help from people who worked with experts like Obama

    • @[email protected]
      195 months ago

      Walz could just do a 90 min debate where he just explains how to do general car maintenance or lawn care and he would destroy this lying anal fissure.

      • @[email protected]
        235 months ago

        “CBS has asked each candidate to fact check the other. In interest of saving time, I’ll just repeat all the times Mr. Vance and Mr. Trump have been caught lying. Let’s start with the Haitian dog BBQ’s and move backwards. Or would you prefer starting with Mr. Trump’s promise to have Mexico pay for the Wall and move forward?”

    • @[email protected]
      35 months ago

      West Wing has done irreparable brain damage to libs across the country. It’s why Obama’s advisors told him to give republicans half the discretionary budget when they had a supermajority and didn’t need a single republican vote, compromised/means tested every bill he promoted, and went with the bloodiest possible option in every foreign policy decision. In an episode of West Wing, all that compromise and appealing the the better nature of the opposition would reward you. In reality, it just demotivates your base and lets the opposition demand even more.

  • @CaptainKickass
    245 months ago

    Drumpf knows a thing or two about losing debates

  • @troglodytis
    235 months ago

    When you’re MAGA, reality is rigged

  • @Veedem
    225 months ago

    Vance is a soulless douche nozzle, but he’s a trained lawyer. I think he’ll hold his own just fine. I don’t think he’ll “beat” Waltz, but he’s probably not going to foam at the mouth over crowd sizes and pets being eaten.

    In the end, does a VP debate matter?

    • @Gradually_Adjusting
      155 months ago

      It will if Vance shows up with an entire new personality and Walz shows up with filed teeth and a severed baby arm.

  • @xc2215x
    85 months ago

    I could see Walz winning.

  • @shalafi
    25 months ago

    If I didn’t know any of the facts involved and was only going by emotion, Vance is ahead. Not stomping ass, but well enough to side me with Trump if I was already inclined so.

    And this is exactly where liberals fail, over and over and over. We think our facts are somehow going to overrule emotions. Idiots and failures.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    Trump was worrying as he knows how to read a room and had some good lines in previous debates (who built the cages). Zero chance JD Vance manages to be normal for an entire hour. He’s probably got Laura Loomer prepping him.

  • @Etterra
    -15 months ago

    Well even a stopped clock is right twice a day.