When Sarah Harris went in for surgery to remove her wisdom teeth in the summer of 2020, she must have thought she was in good hands. The oral surgeon she chose, Dr. James Ryan, had years of training, a good reputation and a thriving practice near her Washington, D.C.-area home. As a new patient at 23, she may never have dreamed he’d allegedly watched her when she was just 14. And Ryan would do more than take out Sarah’s teeth. Her family says he would take her self-control and eventually take her life.

  • @[email protected]
    4 hours ago

    This is why I thought Blink Twice was the most realistic horror movie I’ve ever seen. I new that kind of thing was happening some place.

  • @Crackhappy
    276 hours ago

    Holy FUCK. Don’t read the article if you’re easily affected by true stories of evil like I am.

  • @xc2215x
    15 hours ago

    Quite messed up of James.

  • @[email protected]
    -476 hours ago

    This article is suuuuper heavy handed.

    Over the coming months, he wore Sarah down, says Tina Harris, by showering her with attention, gifts and travel — even paying travel expenses for the other Harrises too.

    Wore her down? Fuck, wear me down daddy.

    And, how many times are they going to bring up that 14 thing? She was 23! Just because the dude said (paraphrased) “hey I remember seeing you before” doesn’t mean he was beating off to her.

    Other than the drugs part, he just sound like a horny dude, and she was into it.

    He went to her restaurant and got her as a server… yeah no shit. If I know someone at a restaurant, I get them as a server.

    Now about those drugs… dude is super irresponsible. Dude is probably an addict. However, she probably had her fair share of drugs. Ketamine can be a fun time, but it’s dangerous. And he should not have given someone an injectable drug, and allowed them to inject themselves. He’s a doctor ffs. He not the dude on the block who can get you high.

    Drugs can kill. Don’t inject them. 😩

    • @TrickDacy
      102 hours ago

      One fact is that you’re defending a convicted killer, so the jury disagrees with you. The other thing is that you’re willing to err on the side of being horrible. Not a good look at all.

    • @[email protected]
      1 hour ago

      Dude is a manipulative creep. He spent years stalking her, love-and-money-bombed her and her family to get her affection, then used drugs to control her until they killed her.

      If you think anything he did is remotely normal, I feel sorry for the women in your life.

      • @[email protected]
        01 hour ago

        No… he didn’t. He met her at 23. The mother claimed he had seen her before. But there is no timeline of events. She wasn’t 14 working at a restaurant. Also, the mother was totally cool with them dating…. Which is why she went with them as a group on vacation and was having drinks on his dime.

        You need to take a breath and read that article again with the understanding that most of it is hearsay, and the writer is purposefully trying to cast him as a child molester when nothing actually points to that besides the vague comments from the mother.

        But yes, he did provide the drugs that killed her, and was most likely present when they were administered, and he should be punished for manslaughter.

    • borari
      376 hours ago

      Bro that’s not even an accurate summary of the article. Do you have zero reading comprehension or do you just enjoy defending at best borderline pedos?

      • iltoroargento
        196 hours ago

        Yeah, that is an awful take.

        I think it’s more trying to be edgy than reading comprehension. Although, going into an article with that mindset affecting your whole life definitely does shade your comprehension.

      • @[email protected]
        -256 hours ago

        Explain to me your understanding of the article. I don’t know how he’s a pedo because she was 23, and the only reference to her being 14 was the mother who said that he said She was pretty. My point is that this article is very heavy-handed, and was carefully written to sound like she was 14 when any of them started. She was 23

        • borari
          196 hours ago

          Other people have explained it to you, and the article is right fucking there for you to click on and read, which you’ve ostensibly already done. I’m not going to waste my time further with a person like you.

          • @[email protected]
            -156 hours ago

            No one has explained anything. Someone said he raped her but nowhere in the Article does it say that. It’s just a lot of quotes from the mother, who understandably is pissed off. But even the article said that none of her statements could be corroborated.

            Believe me, I’m not defending him For giving her drugs, I’m just criticizing the writing.

            • @[email protected]
              145 hours ago

              Here, I’ll take this up. The article also quotes text messages between them wherein he admits he injected her with ketamine himself while she was asleep.

              You are monstrous for defending this monster.

              • @[email protected]
                -115 hours ago

                I’m not defending HIM, I’m criticizing the article for trying to paint a different picture. He’s definitely abusing drugs, and helping her abuse drugs. He’s definitely guilty of supplying, and probably assisted with the dose that killed her.

                But, he’s not a child molester, as the article suggests. And, he’s not “grooming” her. The mother sure didn’t complain when he took both of them on vacations.

                He’s just a really irresponsible person who knows better.

                • @TrickDacy
                  146 minutes ago

                  You’re claiming the article is saying something by quoting her relatives. Weird.

                • @[email protected]
                  135 hours ago

                  You downplayed his actions with the drugs as “irresponsible” (earlier and again now) and only talked about him making drugs available to her rather than forcefully injecting them when she couldn’t consent.

                  He predated on a very young patient. Whether or not the mother’s claims about his comments are true, he is clearly a manipulative monster.

                  The article talks both about the evidence and the mother’s statements. You look really bad here.

            • borari
              146 hours ago

              Just gotta get the last word in huh? You fucking blocked bro.

    • wildncrazyguy138
      236 hours ago

      I wanted to agree with you at some point here, but I just can’t bring myself to it.

      He didn’t just notice her at 14, he kept on pursuing her. He frequented the toy store she worked at with his family. He then frequented the restaurant when she was a server (doesn’t say what age). It paints a pretty clear picture of obsession.

      He also had already knocked up one of his office staff outside of his marriage. It doesn’t seem that this person has much regard for women.

      Sure gifts, dinners and travel are part of courtship, but the line gets damn hazy when you start introducing drugs (particularly ones you prescribe) into the mix. I think as a society we certainly should frown upon that.

      • @[email protected]
        -226 hours ago

        There’s a lot of questions about what age things happened at. The article is very vague on purpose. Now, I’m not trying to say that anything he did was right, just that this article is very carefully written to make you think he’s some kind of child molester. These are also quotes from the mother, and may or may not be true at all.

    • @[email protected]
      196 hours ago

      Imagine taking the time to write a wall of text in defence of a rapist.

      You’re telling on yourself.

    • @[email protected]
      -44 hours ago

      Not sure why everyone is disagreeing with you. But you’re right. If they read it normally without getting emotional. It’s pretty obvious. There is no mention of him raping or him doing anything to her when she was underage. It was all after she was 18. I think the article was being vague on purpose to rile people up. Otherwise the article would have listed the age of the girl when she was working at the store and restaurant or listed what he did to her while she was underage. But in regards to the drug and her dying. Hell yeah he’s at fault for that and I’m glad the jury convicted him of it.