• @NABDad
    194 hours ago

    My wife and I visited my parents yesterday, and got in an argument with them. They were spewing out all of Trump’s lies, and we had enough.

    Of course, we didn’t start the conversation. My dad did. He does this because he wants the fight.

    My mom doesn’t want the confrontation, although she thinks we’re being deluded by the satanic communist Kamala conspiracy. She makes snide comments to her friends about us, which we know because she’s not competent with texting, so she accidentally sent it to my wife once.

    I’m not like all the people who think Trump corrupted their parents. It’s just not the case with my parents. Trump is the candidate they waited their whole lives for, and it’s very clear the only things they will believe are the things Trump says.

    There is definitely something wrong with me. I cannot bring myself to cut them off.

    • @Soup
      52 hours ago

      There’s nothing wrong with you, it can be a hard thing to do when you know the person/people so intimately.

      I remember when I left a thanksgiving dinner because some people were being shitty. I got chinese food, talked to an old guy about motorcycles, and went out with some friends. Like, if you don’t need to go to your parents’ for Christmas it makes planning that holiday easier with your wife’s family, for example. You don’t need to spend time with rotten people and you don’t always realize you’re allowed to leave until you do.

  • @[email protected]
    366 hours ago

    It’s absolutely sad that what he says is so easily disproven but his cult just accepts it as truth. I’ve tried to just think of these people as having a different opinion, but if you think everyone is lying to you and Donald Trump is the only one telling you the truth, you’re mentally deficient. Flat-out.

    • EleventhHour
      5 hours ago

      Expect a retraction to be forthcoming

  • Admiral Patrick
    5 hours ago

    In a social media post on Monday, Trump said of North Carolina: “I’ll be there shortly, but don’t like the reports that I’m getting about the Federal Government, and the Democrat Governor of the State, going out of their way to not help people in Republican areas.”

    He added in an election-related conspiracy theory, saying, “They stole the FEMA money,

    Translated from projection-ese: He would withhold disaster aid from areas that don’t support him and would steal FEMA money. Edit: again.

    • @[email protected]
      155 hours ago

      I’m pretty sure he actually did all those things as President. I definitely remember him trying to withold respirators from Democrat ran states, and I remember there being some very suspicious companies that received FEMA funds when Puerto Rico suffered from the hurricane that hit during his presidency.

  • Curious Canid
    75 hours ago

    It amazes me that lying seems to be the only thing Trump has left. He has no policies to promote. He doesn’t really even have any positions left. Lies are all he has left to offer his followers.

      • Curious Canid
        225 minutes ago

        That’s fair. I guess I question how vague an objective can be and still count as policy. He has no real idea about who it should apply to. We all know that what he really means is “anyone with non-caucasion facial features or skinner darker than his”, but he would need something a little less subjective if he were to implement it.

    • @[email protected]
      43 hours ago

      Lying was always the only thing Trump has ever had. The only consistent thing about him is every word out of his mouth is a lie.

    • @edgemaster72
      21 hour ago

      Five golden toilets

      Four perfect calls

      Three hench men

      Two impeachments

      And a falsehood in every sentence

  • @RapidcreekOP
    166 hours ago

    I guess my power will be out next week. One thing I won’t miss is Trump

      • @RapidcreekOP
        85 hours ago

        Spent one hurricane with a cocktail waitress under a craps table in a San Juan casino. Don’t think I’ll ever top that safety wise.