Wow. That’s fast. Yesterday, they were talking about cat 3, ten or twelve hours ago the prediction was cat 4, and now we are at cat 5. And it still has to gobble up loads of energy from the Yakuzzi of Mexico, formerly knows as Golf of Mexico.
Is there actually a definition for cat 6?
No official definition for cat 6. They stopped at cat 5 because its definition is basically complete devastation, as in all infrastructure broken and no normal building left standing. Cat 6 after that is the land torn away until bedrock remains, I guess.
Since that scale was created, we’ve greatly improved building codes, so it might actually make sense.
Back to Square one
As below there isn’t a Cat 6. However they have talked about adding it.
Given the temperature in the gulf, and future years with even more global warming, this might be a good idea.
Last report I heard says it’s probably going to weaken a bit before landfall though due to wind shear. Though still potentially a cat 4.
Milton Friedman is back and picking up where he left off.
“The responsibility of low pressure systems is to generate profit for shareholders, duh.”