• @frunch
    1311 hours ago

    If he’s anything like his new king, he won’t pay a cent to any of the chuds that take him up on this offer

  • @[email protected]
    911 hours ago

    sooo, if i send spam E-Mails to a bunch of american peoples, i get tons of money? i dont even need to be in the state? Ez

  • Lord Wiggle
    2616 hours ago

    I don’t understand why Elon is fighting for free speech while at the same time banning people on his platform for saying certain words like cis, anything leftist and anyone saying anything bad about him. When Elon is so pro free speech, why not stop the censorship on his own platform?

    • @[email protected]
      158 hours ago

      Conservatives are passionate about “free speech” because “free speech” is much more politically viable than “calling people slurs”.

    • @[email protected]
      910 hours ago

      My friend, Elon is not fighting for free speech. It’s not just him, but because he owns that company, it looks extra bad when he shows his own hypocrisy. Many Washington Democrats and Republicans wish they could censor anyone they disagree with. They only pretend to support the First Amendment when it’s something that backs their agenda.

      Also, for someone like him, being hypocritical is a virtue. He’s signaling to potential allies that he’s willing to ignore the rules if they would inconvenience him and his friends.

  • @Maggoty
    2016 hours ago

    Yes but also, some people in swing states are going to make a lot of money signing up registered never trumpers. If I’m any kind of large social group we’re all signing it. Yeah we each only get 47 dollars but together we can make Elon hurt right in the wallet.

    • @Geldaran
      68 hours ago

      You actually believe he has any intention of paying anyone?

      • @Maggoty
        14 hours ago

        No, but then the resulting class action lawsuit will also be hilarious.

    • @[email protected]
      813 hours ago

      Every eligible voter in those states signing would be ~2 billion from some rough estimates.

      Would be funny, but I won’t get my hopes up on him paying out anything on that.

    • @[email protected]
      1013 hours ago

      Not sure it breaks any laws, but I love how they show how slow the process would be. The election would be over before any of it mattered, and if Trump won, it’s federal so he could pardon any of it.

      See below. It would take minimum 50 days just to start the process… Which isn’t even anything but letters at that point.

      “Notice to respondents Within five days after receiving a proper complaint, OGC sends each respondent a copy of the complaint and a description of the Commission’s compliance procedures. The respondent has 15 days from the date of receipt to respond in writing, explaining why no action should be taken. In the case of a complaint that does not satisfy the requirements, the respondent nevertheless receives a copy of the complaint and an explanation that the complainant has 15 days to correct the complaint. If the complainant corrects and refiles the complaint, the respondent is sent a copy of the corrected complaint and is given 15 days to submit a response to the Commission.”

      • @Ultraviolet
        37 hours ago

        They really didn’t think this pardon thing through, did they?

  • @ZILtoid1991
    1818 hours ago

    I bet my home on that “free speech” means “people cannot call us racist for calling black people the N-word” in this case…

    • @halcyoncmdr
      701 day ago

      They’re paying people to collect signatures… not for the signatures themselves. This is specifically allowed in most (all?) states for organizations to be able to pay people a wage to spend the time collecting signatures for ballot initiatives. Most states require the person collecting signatures to be registered with the state if they are being paid however. So unless they’re doing that and sponsoring and registering every person collecting these signatures with the State, they are likely still violating the law there. Volunteer unpaid circulators don’t have to be registered, but if you’re getting paid for it, you’re probably required to be registered to an organization that’s responsible for what you do.

      Note: This is usually done via a standard hourly wage, or a price per sheet of good signatures. Many sigs (I’ve seen 1/3 to 1/2) are thrown out because the requirements are extremely strict for processing. A good signature or sheet of signatures can be completely invalidated by an error made by the person collecting it, or because it’s on a page with the wrong county listed (even though every signature line also requires an address to verify). Simple errors unrelated to signatures get entire pages thrown out.

      Source: Was trained and registered as a paid petition circulator with the State of Arizona earlier this year.

      • @[email protected]
        1823 hours ago

        Wow , really appreciate this answer.

        The whole thing to me is unsettling because of how gamified and crowd sourced it is. As if it’s some sort of gofundme page

        • @halcyoncmdr
          1523 hours ago

          Oh it definitely skirts the line.


          Pursuant to Arizona Law (A.R.S. § 19-118; A.R.S. § 16-321; A.R.S. § 19-205.01), a circulator must register with the Secretary of State’s Office if the circulator:

          1. is not a resident of this state and will circulate candidate petitions, recall petitions, or statewide initiative or referendum petitions,
          2. is paid to circulate recall petitions, statewide initiative or referendum petitions (whether or not the circulator is a resident of this state).

          Thinking about it more, and looking more into what’s actually being done however… this doesn’t appear to an official petition of any kind as far as I can see. It’s basically a petition.org page, and just as useless. And they’re paying people for it. Free money to sign people up for unlimited bullshit emails and junk mail from the MAGA team forever.

          Also, it seems this tweet was deleted? I can’t find it on Elon’s page anymore, unless it’s just their bullshit algorithm putting other shit on top now instead of being obviously chronological.

    • @[email protected]
      3022 hours ago

      Oh it is. It’s just that Trump is doing SO much illegal shit, he’s overloading our system of law to the point where it can’t keep up anymore.

      He won’t live long enough for our system to prosecute him for everything- so he’s going for broke.

      • @ZILtoid1991
        418 hours ago

        Same in Hungary, where anti-hate speech laws are only being enforced seldom, and the last such incident was due to an opposition politician saying “heterosexual white christian man” on TV, while the now doxxed editors of kuruc info can still deny the holocaust on their foreign hosted webshite, that is also being partly funded by a Florida Republican (of course).

        • @[email protected]
          416 hours ago

          I heard a really depressing podcast the other day about all the cooperation between Republicans and Orban. They’re well on their way to destroying democracy here as well.

    • @andros_rex
      919 hours ago

      Southern states have had their judiciary replaced with incompetents and yes-men. Regulatory agencies in many states are entirely broken.

    • @Xeroxchasechase
      181 day ago

      They’ll fix it retroactively once they get to power

    • @NatakuNox
      422 hours ago

      Weeeeellllllllll does your bank account have seemingly 10000 lifetimes worth of money? That’ll tell you if it’s legal or not for you to do it.

  • @Feathercrown
    1819 hours ago

    All I see is a big sign that says “Free $47, paid for by your sucker in chief”

    • @HootinNHollerin
      1118 hours ago

      His record of not paying bills makes that unlikely

  • @Nastybutler
    2221 hours ago

    I can’t believe he’s not offering $69 because he’s a chud

  • themeatbridge
    491 day ago

    I live in a swing state. Are we saying I could offer registered voters $20 for their signatures and turn a profit?

    • @Ledivin
      1 day ago

      Assuming Elon actually pays, sure.

      Totally unrelated fun fact: Twitter HQ moved because Elon refused to pay rent and got evicted.

    • Kairos
      91 day ago

      I think it’s drawn at porn/prostitution lines. You cant pay for a signature but you can pay someone to get signatures.

    • @Maggoty
      116 hours ago

      Not really. He’s not paying for votes. He’s paying for people to sign a pledge and give them their email and/or phone number so he can advertise to them.

      It’s pretty much the dumbest way to go about this.

  • @Trashcan
    112 hours ago

    The new banana republic: the Divided States of Banana - buy your votes here!