I’m going to move away from lastpass because the user experience is pretty fucking shit. I was going to look at 1pass as I use it a lot at work and so know it. However I have heard a lot of praise for BitWarden and VaultWarden on here and so probably going to try them out first.

My questions are to those of you who self-host, firstly: why?

And how do you mitigate the risk of your internet going down at home and blocking your access while away?

BitWarden’s paid tier is only $10 a year which I’m happy to pay to support a decent service, but im curious about the benefits of the above. I already run syncthing on a pi so adding a password manager wouldn’t need any additional hardware.

  • @[email protected]
    62 hours ago

    My approach to this is as follows:

    • the password manager is probably the most important and often used piece of software I own. We (wife and I share the vault) store everything important/private in there - bank details, hundreds of passwords, passport details, drivers licence etc. It is used many times a day by us both.
    • Loss of control of this data would be catastrophic, so I took its security very seriously.
    • No one company can be trusted with our data, because they all get hacked or make mistakes at some point.

    I’m the security dude for a cloud service provider in my day job, so my goal was to use Separation of Concerns to manage my passwords. I therefore split the software from the storage, choosing software from one company, and storage from a second company. That way, it requires a failure on both parties at the same time for me to lose control of all the data.

    I used to use OnePass for the software, storing the data in Dropbox. But then they removed that option, so I switched to Enpass. Data is stored in a vault on the local device and synced to a folder on Dropbox, which we both have access to from all our devices (Mac’s, iPads, iPhones). The vault is encrypted using our master password and Dropbox only sees an encrypted file. Enpass provides software that runs locally and doesn’t get a copy of my vault file.

    If Dropbox has another failure and the vault gets out, then that is not a problem as long as Enpass have properly encrypted it. If Enpass has a bug making the vaults crackable - again it’s not a problem as long as Dropbox doesn’t lose control of my vault file. I update Enpass, the vault gets fixed and life goes on.

    Enpass is very usable, but buggy. It crashes every night (requiring me to start it again and log in), and often loses connection to Safari and wont re-establish it. It got better with a previous update, but has got unreliable again. I’m about to look for another.


    • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
      42 minutes ago

      Loss of control of this data would be catastrophic, so I took its security very seriously.

      Ask yourself: “If my current system is unavailable: How screwed am I?”

      If the answer is anything less than “Not screwed at all!”, then it is time for a backup - regardless of what system you’re using or plan to use.

    • qaz
      22 hours ago

      A couple of questions

      1. How do you store a driver’s license in Bitwarden? Last time I checked they didn’t support file storage. Do you just put it in the cloud storage?

      2. Considering Bitwarden is E2EE, what would be the benefit of storing it at another company in case they are hacked?

      • @486
        310 minutes ago

        How do you store a driver’s license in Bitwarden? Last time I checked they didn’t support file storage. Do you just put it in the cloud storage?

        They do support file storage. I’ve been using that for years for storing small files related to certain accounts an such.

        • qaz
          17 minutes ago

          I’ve apparently been missing this button for several years. Thanks!

  • @[email protected]
    114 hours ago

    Password management is the one thing i don’t plan to self-host, on the grounds of not putting all my eggs in one basket. If something goes wrong and all my shit is fried or destroyed, I don’t want to also fuck around with account recovery for my entire digital existence.

    Plus, if something is breached, im more likely to hear news about Bitwarden than I am about compromised server and/or client versions in a timeframe to actually be able to react to it.

    • @[email protected]
      53 hours ago

      That’s largely why I haven’t self hosted either. But problems can be mitigated:

      • regular, automated backups to something else (say, KeePass), encrypted with your master pass and backed up off-site
      • host your PW manager on a VPS, or have the VPS ready to deploy a snapshot from offsite backup
      • change your master pass regularly - limits the kinds of breaches that can impact you
      • randomize usernames - makes it easier to detect a breach, because you can see if any of those were exposed without the org being breached

      But honestly, my main reason is that I don’t trust my server to stay up 100%, but I do expect Bitwarden to. I also trust their security audits.

      • @[email protected]
        52 hours ago

        I’m self hosting Vaultwarden and my home server got killed by the hurricane, yet I can still access my passwords just fine on the app because it stores them locally encrypted on my phone from the last time it synced. I just can’t update or change anything until I can bring everything back on.

        So, host your own shit you cowards, it’ll be fine.

        • @[email protected]
          150 minutes ago

          I just… don’t see the benefit. I host videos so I can access video content even if my internet goes out, and it’s a lot cheaper than paying for streaming. I host my own documents because I don’t want big tech scraping all my data. I host my own budgeting software, again, because of privacy.

          I could host Vaultwarden. I just don’t really see the point, especially when my SO and I have a shared collection, and if that broke, my SO would totally blame me, and I don’t think that’s worth whatever marginal benefits there are to self-hosting.

          Maybe I’ll eat my words and Bitwarden will get hacked. But until then, stories like yours further confirm to me that not hosting it is better.

        • @aksdb
          16 minutes ago

          Bitwardens local cache does not include attachments, though. If you rely on them, you have to rely on the server being available.

  • @[email protected]
    13 hours ago

    I self-host Vaultwarden but I use a VPS where I keep things stable. My VPSes run Debian Stable and have unattended-upgrades installed and configured to automatically install security updates. My home server runs Unraid and is more experimental - I’m not running anything of critical importance on it.

  • Dark Arc
    34 hours ago

    I recommend against hosting a password manager yourself.

    The main reason is self hosted systems require maintenance to patch vulnerabilities. While it’s true that you won’t be on the main list if e.g. bitwarden gets hacked, your data could still be obtained or ransomed by a scripted attack looking for e.g. vulnerable VaultWarden servers (or even just vulnerable servers in general).

    Using professional hosting means just that, professional hosting with people who’s full time job is running those systems and keeping people that aren’t supposed to be there out.

    Plus, you always have the encryption of the binary blob itself to fall back on (which if you’ve got a good password is a serious barrier to entry that buys you a lot of time). Additionally vaults are encrypted with symmetric crypto which is not vulnerable to quantum computing, so even in that case your data is reasonably safe… And mixed in with a lot of other data that’s likely higher priority to target.

  • @[email protected]
    85 hours ago
    1. Because I don’t trust companies to hold onto passwords.
    2. It syncs. I don’t need live access to my home.
  • @[email protected]
    96 hours ago

    I’m on the bandwagon of not hosting it myself. It really breaks down to a level of commitment & surface area issue for me.

    Commitment: I know my server OS isn’t setup as well as it could be for mission critical software/uptime. I’m a hobbiest with limited time to spend on this hobby and I can’t spend 100hrs getting it all right.

    Surface Area: I host a bunch of non mission critical services on one server and if I was hosting a password manager it would also be on that server. So I have a very large attack surface area and a weakness in one of those could result in all my passwords & more stored in the manager being exposed.

    So I don’t trust my own OS to be fully secure and I don’t trust the other services and my configurations of them to be secure either. Given that any compromise of my password manager would be devastating. I let someone else host it.

    I’ve seen that in the occassional cases when password managers have been compromised, the attacker only ends up with non encrypted user data & encrypted passwords. The encrypted passwords are practically unbreakable. The services also hire professionals who host and work in hosting for a living. And usually have better data siloing than I can afford.

    All that to say I use bitwarden. It is an open source system which has plenty of security built into the model so even if compromised I don’t think my passwords are at risk. And I believe they are more well equipped to ensure that data is being managed well.

  • april
    709 hours ago

    Because when whatever company gets a data breach I don’t want my data in the list.

    With bitwarden If your server goes down then all your devices still have a local copy of your database you just can’t add new passwords until the server is back up.

    • @slackj_87
      8 hours ago

      Pretty much this. Combined with how easy it is to install VaultWarden (docker ftw), it was a no brainer for me.

      Also, my little home server is a WAY less juicy target for someone looking to steal and sell a bunch of passwords.

      Been running it for probably about 2 years now. No ISP outages but a couple self-inflicted ones. Didn’t even notice the outages in the BitWarden app/extension.

    • @markstos
      36 hours ago

      1Password’s security model guards against this. Even if they are breached, your passwords cannot be decrypted.

      You are more likely to screw up your own backups and hosting security than they are.

      • april
        5 hours ago

        LastPass said the exact same thing. I won’t be a big target like they will though.

    • @[email protected]OP
      48 hours ago

      This was also the most compelling reason for me to consider it.

      I do think that balanced against the time and effort and risk of me fucking up outweighs this benefit. But I can totally see why for some that balance goes the other way.

      • april
        48 hours ago

        I think the main thing for not messing it up is just make sure you keep it updated. Probably set up auto updates and auto backups.

      • @[email protected]
        7 hours ago

        More than any other piece of self-hosted software: backups are important if you’re going to host a password manager.

        I have Borg automatically backing up most of the data on my server, but around once every 3 months or so, I take a backup of Vaultwardens data and put it on an external drive.

        As long as you can keep up with that, or a similar process; there’s little concern to me about screwing things up. I’m constantly making tweaks and changes to my server setup, but, should I royally fuck up and say, corrupt all my data somehow: I’ve got a separate backup of the absolutely critical stuff and can easily rebuild.

        But, even with the server destroyed and all backups lost, as long as you still have a device that’s previously logged into your password manager; you can unlock it and export the passwords to manually recover.

  • @markstos
    66 hours ago

    I evaluated both BitWarden and 1Password for work and 1Password generally won across the board.

    If you host yourself make sure backups are rock solid and regularly monitored and tested. Have a plan for your infrastructure being down or compromised.

  • Jeena
    369 hours ago

    I use KeePassXC and use syncthing to sync the database to each devise I own. This way I always have the newest version if the database everywhere and don’t need to worry about Internet access at all.

    • Pika
      1 hour ago

      this is what I do as well, along with file staging so if I corrupt it by accident I don’t lose the entire DB

      Currently I have it on my server as grab only, and then normal access on my clients with staging

    • @[email protected]
      3 hours ago

      don’t need to worry about Internet access at all.

      For what it’s worth, Bitwarden caches the database for offline use, so it works fine without internet access too. When you get internet access again, it’ll sync with the server.

  • Saiwal
    269 hours ago

    vaultwarden syncs your passwords locally so even if your server is down the passwords remain available on your device. And it is a wonderful password manager, you can share passwords with your family, have TOTPs, passkeys.

    • Chewy
      78 hours ago

      Fully agreed.

      Accessing Vaultwarden through a VPN gives me peace of mind that it can’t be attacked.

      Another great thing about Bitwarden is that it’s possible to export locally cached passwords to (encrypted) json/csv. This makes recovery possible even if all backups were gone.

      • kratoz29
        13 hours ago

        A VPN? you still need a reverse proxy/domain to use it don’t you?

        • qaz
          11 hour ago

          You can forward a Wireguard port, exposing it to the internet.

      • @[email protected]
        3 hours ago

        Accessing Vaultwarden through a VPN

        Hmm maybe I should move mine to my VPN. Currently I have it publicly accessible so I can access it from systems where I can’t run other VPNs for security reasons (work systems). I use a physical token with FIDO2 (Yubikey) for two factor authentication though, so I’m not too worried about unauthorized access.

  • @[email protected]
    198 hours ago

    I’m self-hosting a VaultWarden install, and I’m doing it because uh, well, at this point I’ve basically ended up hosting every service I use online at this point.

    Though, for most people, there’s probably no real reason to self-host their own password manager, though please stop using Lastpass because they’ve shown that they’re utterly incompetent repeatedly at this point.

    • @ObsidianZed
      16 hours ago

      Just curious, how do you host it? Do you have it containerized or no?

      • @[email protected]
        15 hours ago

        Yeah, I run everything in containers, minus a couple of things like the nginx install that’s doing reverse proxy work.

    • @[email protected]OP
      38 hours ago

      Yeah I will likely move away.

      My understanding with lastpass was that they had a breach but only encrypted data was stolen? What did I miss?

      • @[email protected]
        47 hours ago

        It was, IIRC, 3 separate breaches, plus a situation where the default KDF iterations on the vault was set to low as to actually make said encrypted data crackable.

        The last I don’t really blame them for necessarily, but rather shows that they weren’t paying any attention to what their platform would actually protect against and what the threat landscape was and thus they never increased it and worse, when they did, they didn’t force older vaults to increase it because it would be mildly inconvenient to users.

        Basically, just a poor showing of data stewardship and if there’s ONE thing you want your password manager to be good at, it’s that.

  • Scrubbles
    159 hours ago

    I don’t, specifically because I don’t trust myself to host that. I know what people will say here, but I trust 1pass way more than I could do it myself.

    1pass uses your password plus a secret key to generate your full “password”, meaning you need both to access your vault. The password you memorize, the key you keep safe somewhere (inside the vault is even good, since you probably have it open on another device should you need it). They publish their docs, and show how they encrypt your vaults. To them, your vaults are truly just random bytes they store in blob storage. They don’t store your key, they don’t store your password, they will not help you out if you lock yourself out. That’s the level of security I want for a password vault. If they ever get breached, which hey, it can happen, the most someone will get is a random blob of data, which then I’d go and probably generate a new password and reencrypt everything again anyway.

    Vs me hosting myself, I’m sure the code is good - but I don’t trust myself to host that data. There’s too many points of failure. I could set up encryption wrong, I could expose a bad port, if someone gained access to my network I don’t trust that they wouldn’t find some way to access my vaults. It’s just too likely I have a bad config somewhere that would open everything up. Plus then it’s on me to upgrade immediately if there’s a zero day, something I’m more likely to miss.

    I know, on the selfhosted community this is heresy, but this is the one thing I don’t self host, I leave it to true security researchers.

    • circuscritic
      89 hours ago

      Nah, I’m with you, except I use BitWarden.

      There are somethings either worth paying someone else to host, or where you trust a 3rd party more than you’re own setup. I realize other users may feel different, but ultimately it’s a judgement call

      BW has been a pretty great opensource company, and it’s worth my $10/yr for premium.

      • @[email protected]
        28 hours ago

        Wow, Bitwarden has made leaps and bounds on catching up to 1password on dev tools and enterprise features the last few years. I’m going to need to re-evaluate/consider moving over.

    • @[email protected]
      39 hours ago

      Yeah exactly. Passwords and OTPs are NOT the kind of thing you want to lose…

      And while you obviously never want your data stolen, even LastPass they didn’t get any actual passwords. Much like 1Pass, Bitwarden or Proton Pass, none of which have had any breaches of any kind that I am aware of. Too many low-hanging fruit.

      • Scrubbles
        08 hours ago

        Another great point, if I lose my Linux isos, sucks but I’ll redownload. If I lose my family videos, sucks but I’ll log into my backups and resync. If I lose my credentials I’m fucked. Plain fucked. I can’t decrypt my backups, can’t log into services, it’s done.

        • BlueKey
          17 hours ago

          Thats why ones password DB should also be saved encrypted one one or two external drives.

    • @[email protected]
      8 hours ago

      As a side note, if you work somewhere that uses 1password, you can usually get your personal subscription comped as an individual. Only need to pay for it if you leave your company or they drop 1password.

      I dont know that I’ll stay on 1password forever, but on the scale of things I’m most concerned about self-hosting vs using a reasonably private SaaS, 1password is nowhere near the top of my list to ditch. Otherwise, its a solid recommendation for non-self hosters who want to make some progress.

      • @[email protected]
        13 hours ago

        if you work somewhere that uses 1password, you can usually get your personal subscription comped as an individual

        Same with Keeper as far as I know (which is what we use at work).

        I prefer security software to be open-source though, which is why I love Bitwarden. Even if you don’t self-host it, there’s still value in it being open-source.

  • @[email protected]
    47 hours ago

    Bitwarden’s free version is enough for my purposes, but I didn’t realize they had a $10/yr plan. That seems worth paying for, I’ll have to look into it.

  • recursive_recursion they/them
    15 hours ago

    you become fully in charge of your passwords instead of relying on someone else


    • you do it to gain more independence and self-reliance
    27 hours ago

    Is there an easy way to export passwords from LastPass to another service, self-hosted or otherwise? I’ve been wanting to move away from my current manager but have been reluctant due to this.

    • nocturne
      5 hours ago

      Yes. It has been a while since I moved (whenever the first breach was), but I exported from lastpass and imported to Bitwarden with minimal issue, I think I had to add a column.