• Jagothaciv
    127 hours ago

    It definitely is. Or something weird is going on anyway. The Trump loving retards in my family, they’re white trash btw, geared up, moved themselves to missouri into a white racist rural area that they bought off of a Trump land scam, are arming up and plan to do whatever is told of them. They spent almost all of their savings to do this btw. They’re full on retard for Trump and think that life is like “Battlefield Galactica”.

    Yea not the country’s best.

    The funny thing is that their kids don’t help and will have to probably take them in when they run out of money.

    Fucking losers lol.

    • @glitch1985
      27 hours ago

      they’re white trash btw

      I think this part is implied.

  • Kalkaline
    8018 hours ago

    2 failed assassination attempts tell me that the 2nd amendment protecting us against fascists is being proven to be bullshit. We need a hell of a lot more than that to protect our country. A working DOJ would be a good start.

    • @[email protected]
      57 hours ago

      This is kinda like saying an immune system is bullshit because even though antibodies attacked the virus, a patient still got sick. I mean yeah it’s not perfect, but I’m not about to give it away because I still need to go to the doctor for stronger medicine sometimes.

    • @paddirn
      17 hours ago

      That’s what 2A supporters will tell you it’s there for, but I don’t believe that was ever the original intent of it. Imagine the government slipping in an amendment that could potentially lead to their own overthrow, that just sounds suicidal, especially since that could be abused by people who don’t even have legitimate grievances and just want to overthrow the government to take power for themselves.

      Rather, the Second Amendment has its roots in a series of popular uprisings, the Regulator movement (1766–1771), which was opposed to corruption in government. When the government went to put down these uprisings however, they had trouble raising the necessary forces for their militias, militias which were intended to put down popular uprisings. So the Founding Fathers were very conscious of this at the time the Constitution was written, it was expected citizens would have their own weapons so that they could be called upon for these state militias.

      Tl;dr the purpose of the “well-regulated militia” in the 2nd Amendment was to put down rebellions, not enable them.

    • @fluxion
      4518 hours ago

      2A will be more likely be used to destroy democracy than save it

    • chingadera
      814 hours ago

      DOJ is under executive authority, unfortunately.

      • FenrirIII
        28 hours ago

        DOJ is headed by Garland, a Republican stooge

  • @Bonesince1997
    4118 hours ago

    Hayes’ guest, University of Southern California professor Franita Tolson, told the host that the idea of fraud in the U.S. election system has “been building before Trump and will exist after Trump” even if Vice President Kamala Harris wins the presidency, she added.

    “And it will be used to further more voting restrictions even if we get past this election cycle,” she said. Tolson later noted that “the guardrails of our democracy barely held in 2020.”

    • @linearchaos
      4418 hours ago

      “the guardrails of our democracy barely held in 2020

      The guardrails only held because of the gross mismanagement of the insurgency. If we don’t clear house on the SCOTUS and put strong voting protections in place in every state, it’s a matter of when, not if they take it over by force.